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When Trumpf faces his war-crimes trial I do hope they drag in this Ralph character to help make a crowd.
Reality: Your proxy for terrorism was taken out, SOLEIMANI. You idiots are so stupid that you do not even realize you are being played like a cheap fiddle. Our president was, as always 4 steps ahead of you idiots that support left wing fascism and the world elite globalists. The proof is in your response to the CHECK MATE of this latest shadow government planned event. Your guild was planning an event to drag the US into yet another endless petrol dollar war.
Trump knew what you were planning in the middle east.....USING YOUR PUPPETS in IRAN. He simply took out your bought and paid for Chess board player (Soleimani)…...1.7 Trillion dollars of US TAXPAYER money sent in the dead of the Manchurian Black Marxist PUPPET (BHO...aka.....Barry Soetoro) before he could carry out his plans.....and it has pissed you corrupt leftist off.....knowing you no longer have any power as your players are being taken out 1 by 1.
Are the walls closing in? Is the pain that great?Welcome to the Q. Where we go 1 we go all. Guess who was just voted the most respected man in America for 2019? Suck it up....your days are numbered. Its a priceless sight indeed.....watching fancy Nancy and shitforbrains….bitching and complaining because Mr. Trump used your own weapon against you.....the 1973 War Powers take out of the leaders of your proxy terror network. The grinding and gnashing of teeth by the left is indeed a priceless sight......The world is watching as you openly support this confirmed Murderer of US citizens. After 2020.....your evil will network will be history.
I'd suggest Valium.
Every day for a while...but you may be able to cut down after a few months.
While on NOT drive, sign contracts, or operate heavy machinery. Oh, and don't decide to change your hair-style.
One of the reasons i hate debating you is you have no knowledge base. You suddenly appeared when Trump ran. Right now 15 states have agreed to eliminate it. You only want it because it seems to favor rightys. I am sure you paid zero attention to it before.
You have not presented one "fact" that shows that not to be so.
I simply suggest....watching the Media for a dose of reality. The proof is becoming transparently clear......look who is now in support world terrorists.Or can't we believe our own eyes?
I always luv it when the ad hominem attack begins. It means you can't refute a damn thing.....just like your left wing have an empty chamber, nothing to fire. Click, Click...…….game over.
Fascism is fascism. Welcome to the Q. We know who you are...……..
Chill, Ralph.
You are on over-load.
And if you get a chance...think about the facts I asked people to consider. Perhaps you think they are important...perhaps you deem them unimportant.
Let us know.
Trump is a terrorist in a suit. He thinks like them and acts like them. Trump is the LCD of politics in a party that likes that.
I saw a Repub say "now Trump should talk to Iran'.Really, how? When Trump ended the Iran nuke deal he erased the diplomatic alleys. Now we talk with threats and bombs. That suits the blusterer in office.
Yeah....that'll get'r done......double down on the personal ad hominem attack. (circular logic) The FACTS are all over the fake media puppet reports …… The Shadow government agents around the world (controlled by the elite banking faminlies and their pseudo petro dollar CREDIT ECONOMY) are pissed. Trump is taking down their terrorist networks that have assured a continued cycle of war to enrich the elite. They have bought and paid for hundreds of deep state agents in the CIA and CONGRESS. They are losing their control and power. The Patriots are now in control....its just a matter of time as the PEOPLE of this nation are now being exposed on a daily basis to their evil tactics...…
Its like exposing a vampire to the sun light (turn on the news of the puppet networks.....the hissing and grinding of teeth, ORANGE MAN BAD, terrorists good)......The deep state's sunlight is the TRUTH as the truth can be documented. All propaganda is good for is fake news. Trump is exposing their tactics......NOW THEY ARE OPENLY SUPPORTING their network of terror. Just turn on the tube and watch the self professions. ITS TIME TO PULL THE PLUG on the swamp. The chess pieces are now in place.....just a few more moves...…….CHECK MATE.BARR/DURAHM/HUBER will be the stake to the heart (10s of thousands of sealed indictments will be opened)...….after Declassification and a Senate
exoneration of the POTUS.
Its all just an illusion. We can't believe our own eyes. BHO never supported IRAN and never gave them almost 2 billion dollars of tax payer cash dropped off in the middle of the night on pallets on a tacmac….BHO never removed the rightful governments of other middle eastern nations and placed pro ISLAMIC BROTHERHOOD players in their was all just an illusion. BHO never protected IRAN from UN inspections for a period of 10 years with a "unilateral" (non congressional supported) supposed TREATY....that allowed IRAN to continue to spread TERRORISM around the area with US TAXPAYER funds now making their terror network was just an illusion.
THE PEOPLE were asleep.....playing their games, watching movies, taking advantage of all the FREE SHIT...…..NOW...…..the PEOPLE are AWAKE and seeing clearly, and it scares the shit out of the DEEP STATE it off to prison they go...….or worse.
The thrust of my comments are...
...the 12 states with the most educated people are almost all Blue States...and the 12 states with the least educated people are almost all Red States.
And...the 12 states with people who have the highest incomes are almost all Blue States...and the 12 with the lowest incomes are almost all Red States.
You have not presented one "fact" that shows that not to be so.
As for my "conclusions"...well, mostly my "conclusions" are that those facts either ought to be important to considerations assessing Trump...or ought not to be important to considerations assessing Trump...the abomination elected in the last election.
You have not presented one "fact" that shows anything about those "conclusions."
Do you know, looking through, I for a moment read the title of this thread as 'Facts to consider when Assassinating Trump', and I thought things were looking up. I suppose the cost of good bullets as opposed to the value of the target are bound to come up amongst those in the gun culture!
So those wealthy people don't know what they are doing by voting for Democrats?
Yeah, right....
the lib'ruls who post on this board are the fact that shows it not to be cannot find another collection of people with so little intelligence, knowledge and learning.......
And I pointed out that income is less important than income vs. taxes and cost of living. I also pointed out that education has no bearing on intelligence. You could argue that it has a bearing on political knowledge, but someone with a lot of knowledge can still be rigid in their thinking. Oftentimes, highly educated people are dogmatic and not dynamic thinkers. That being said, some poorly educated people are the same.
Overall, whether or not someone votes for Trump can be dependent on a lot of things -- not the least of which can be an assessment that he's the lesser of 2 evils.
And I pointed out that income is less important than income vs. taxes and cost of living. I also pointed out that education has no bearing on intelligence. You could argue that it has a bearing on political knowledge, but someone with a lot of knowledge can still be rigid in their thinking. Oftentimes, highly educated people are dogmatic and not dynamic thinkers. That being said, some poorly educated people are the same.
Overall, whether or not someone votes for Trump can be dependent on a lot of things -- not the least of which can be an assessment that he's the lesser of 2 evils.
Indeed.....Trump is living the THUGlife...…..this is what he was born to do. Expose the terrorists and their puppet masters. BHO is the one that gave IRAN billions of tax payer dollars....gave them a 10 year UN inspection free window to develop nuclear weapons. Nation building in the middle east in a unilateral fashion with WE THE PEOPLES blood and treasure.....placing terrorist puppet governments into place controlled through proxy of IRANIAN terrorism.
And the fact that you are grinding and gnashing your teeth about this world terrorist network being brought to its knees through STRENGTH instead of cowardly left wing appeasement......reveals much. LIBERALS ARE PUSSIES.![]()
Obama gave them back the money the US confiscated. Can you not understand that? it was their money that they gave us for military equipment we did not deliver. Rightys are such stubborn idiots who cannot learn.
Iran submitted to inspection. The other pact signers say Iran continued to honor the agreement long after dummy Trump withdrew. They were likely hoping he would come to his senses.
Trump gave Iran a green light to go back to nuke bomb development and his pugnacious nature made them hurry. If Trump is droning your leaders and threatening to bomb 52 sites in your country, what would you do? You would get ready for the war that Trump is planning.
This entire episode is a disaster.
Indeed.....Trump is living the THUGlife...…..this is what he was born to do. Expose the terrorists and their puppet masters. BHO is the one that gave IRAN billions of tax payer dollars....gave them a 10 year UN inspection free window to develop nuclear weapons. Nation building in the middle east in a unilateral fashion with WE THE PEOPLES blood and treasure.....placing terrorist puppet governments into place controlled through proxy of IRANIAN terrorism.
And the fact that you are grinding and gnashing your teeth about this world terrorist network being brought to its knees through STRENGTH instead of cowardly left wing appeasement......reveals much. LIBERALS ARE PUSSIES.![]()