Right. What happened to the republicans being for the rich and demonrats for the poor?

Well, the OP said the higher income areas voted against Trump and the lower income areas voted for him; so, I just assumed those groups voted for the party that would benefit them or the country or whose values they shared.
Warren is intelligent and works for the people, Trump is stupid, corrupt and only cares about himself. If I found out that she had used charity funds for her own use, I would abandon her. If she paid 25 million to pay for her eponymous school that was a fake, I would abandon her. If she lied like Trump I would shut the door on her.
We can talk about Trump's sexual abuse of women on an industrial scale, but you don't care.
Warren said she had a trace of Indian blood and DNA proved it.





Yeah, right....
I watched for years the demonrat party accuse my party and myself of being racists. It was nauseating. Racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, blah blah blah.

Yet its Biden who randomly says he knows all about roaches while speaking to black voters.

It was biden who said obama was articulate and CLEAN. Why clean if not that he sees blacks as dirty.

It was Biden who said you can't go to a convenient store without a slight indian accent.

It was DNC emails leaked calling blacks and latinos stupid.

It was dems beloved planned parenthoods founder who used abortion to control black and brown populations in this country.

Its was the demonrats who made the qualification for welfare dependent on the father NOT being in the home KNOWING that it would lead to broken families AND keep black folks from moving up, out, and into white democrat neighborhoods.

The demonrat is the racist party.

Take it up with those who share your weird notions, matey. Nothing to do with me. Obviously the trumpers include everyone of every sort of nasty, and reading their laborious attempts to smear others with their own faults is tedious.
I pointed out several facts -- all of which went against the conclusion you made.


The thrust of my comments are...

...the 12 states with the most educated people are almost all Blue States...and the 12 states with the least educated people are almost all Red States.

And...the 12 states with people who have the highest incomes are almost all Blue States...and the 12 with the lowest incomes are almost all Red States.

You have not presented one "fact" that shows that not to be so.

As for my "conclusions"...well, mostly my "conclusions" are that those facts either ought to be important to considerations assessing Trump...or ought not to be important to considerations assessing Trump...the abomination elected in the last election.

You have not presented one "fact" that shows anything about those "conclusions."
You hypocrite piece of shit your party kills babies, saves condemned killers, and wants socialism which has led to the death of millions.

Our forefathers predicted you and your kind. The kind that thinks your way is right and all others is evil. The kind that can kill the unborn while calling your political opposite morally bankrupt. The kind to stupid to learn from the past and pushes socialism. They added the second amendment because of folks who think like you.

Sad that because of folks who think like me you get to talk all that shit. Shit that would get you jailed. I'm still wondering if the me not dying peacefully is a threat you hate filled sack of shit.

Kind and charitable lol libtards are among the stingiest with their own money. They help the least amount of those lesser among us. They/ you are selfish garbage. You are the architect of "if it feels good do it" the liberal hippy mindset that killed families across this country. A mindset that is to this day one of the worst evils I have seen.

What balls to live in such a glass house and toss so many stones. Simply amazing post scariest I have seen. Let me scare you now. I CANT WAIT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP IN NOVEMBER. I WILL DONATE MORE MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE TO ANY POLITICAL CANDIDATE. I WILL ACTIVELY VOLUNTEER IN HIS CAMPAIGN. I WILL LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT.

You aren't smart you are hate filled and evil. You sound like a nazi talking about jews.

Oh, the irony!
My guy with all his dumb low class trash is going to crush your guy or gal despite all those awesome, highly educated, high class, well to do supporters from rich educated states.

I can't wait and I'm happier than a pig in shit just to go along with your hypothesis.

You may be a pig in shit...but you don't sound happy to me.

You sound flustered and angry and out of control.

Try to calm down. Enjoy the trip. This is not a dress-rehearsal.
I watched for years the demonrat party accuse my party and myself of being racists. It was nauseating. Racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, blah blah blah.

Yet its Biden who randomly says he knows all about roaches while speaking to black voters.

It was biden who said obama was articulate and CLEAN. Why clean if not that he sees blacks as dirty.

It was Biden who said you can't go to a convenient store without a slight indian accent.

It was DNC emails leaked calling blacks and latinos stupid.

It was dems beloved planned parenthoods founder who used abortion to control black and brown populations in this country.

Its was the demonrats who made the qualification for welfare dependent on the father NOT being in the home KNOWING that it would lead to broken families AND keep black folks from moving up, out, and into white democrat neighborhoods.

The demonrat is the racist party.

Gosh, if that is so, I wonder why all the acknowledged racists flock to the Republican Party????
Do you know, looking through, I for a moment read the title of this thread as 'Facts to consider when Assassinating Trump', and I thought things were looking up. I suppose the cost of good bullets as opposed to the value of the target are bound to come up amongst those in the gun culture!
The man is doing a fantastic job. By all measurables he is likely the greatest president ever. So why do I have to defend him? From what? Bogus unproven charges that only his most ardent haters still believe? There is more evidence of the witch hunt. More evidence of a calculated effort to undermine his campaign and then presidency BY the FBI CIA and DOJ than there is of a quid pro quo or russian collusion. You hate filled demonrats will believe anything despite the evidence as long as it agrees with your own imagination of what trump is guilty of.

By all measures...he is the most disgusting and most ignorant man ever to hold the office...

...but don't let that stop you from grovelling.
Warren is intelligent and works for the people, Trump is stupid, corrupt and only cares about himself. If I found out that she had used charity funds for her own use, I would abandon her. If she paid 25 million to pay for her eponymous school that was a fake, I would abandon her. If she lied like Trump I would shut the door on her.
We can talk about Trump's sexual abuse of women on an industrial scale, but you don't care.
Warren said she had a trace of Indian blood and DNA proved it.

Abandon her lol yeah right. She lied about being an indian to get into college. Likely taking a spot from a real minority. She lied about getting let go from her teaching job for being pregnant because that's what evil white men did back then. To get sympathy from women. She is a socialist and will do or say whatever she needs to politically.
Here are some interesting facts that should be considered in any discussion of Trump:

America’s 12 Highest income states: Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, Alaska, Washington, Virginia, Colorado, Utah.

Trump won only 2 of those states.

America’s 12 Lowest income states: West Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri

Trump won 11 of those states.

America’s 12 most educated states: Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Utah, Washington, New Jersey, New York.

Trump won only 1 of those states.

America’s 12 least educated states: Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alaska, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas.

Trump won 10 of those states.

Some may not see any significance to the distribution. But they are worth considering. So...

...have a go at them.

We can discuss any significance or lack of significance.


Reality: Your proxy for terrorism was taken out, SOLEIMANI. You idiots are so stupid that you do not even realize you are being played like a cheap fiddle. Our president was, as always 4 steps ahead of you idiots that support left wing fascism and the world elite globalists. The proof is in your response to the CHECK MATE of this latest shadow government planned event. Your guild was planning an event to drag the US into yet another endless petrol dollar war. Now you are forced into supporting the terrorists because Mr. Trump is taking them out? Yeah...that looks so great on your 2020 election resume'.

Trump knew what you were planning in the middle east.....USING YOUR PUPPETS in IRAN. He simply took out your bought and paid for Chess board player (Soleimani)…...1.7 Trillion dollars of US TAXPAYER money sent in the dead of night....by the Manchurian Black Marxist PUPPET (BHO...aka.....Barry Soetoro) before he could carry out his plans.....and it has pissed you corrupt leftist off.....knowing you no longer have any power as your players are being taken out 1 by 1.

Are the walls closing in? Is the pain that great? :bigthink: Welcome to the Q. Where we go 1 we go all. Guess who was just voted the most respected man in America for 2019? Suck it up....your days are numbered. The great silent majority is AWAKE and they will not be put back to sleep through propaganda.

Its a priceless sight indeed.....watching fancy Nancy and shitforbrains….bitching and complaining because Mr. Trump used your own weapon against you.....the 1973 War Powers Act....to take out of the leaders of your proxy terror network. The grinding and gnashing of teeth by the left is indeed a priceless sight......The world is watching as you openly support this confirmed Murderer of US citizens. After 2020.....your evil network will be history. Did anyone really expect Mr. Trump to inform anyone in the left wing congress of the patriots plans.....when its proven that you leak like an asshole with explosive diarrhea? CHECK MATE. Perhaps you can go back to N. Korea and call for a New Years Surprise after the promised the Xmast gift was never delivered. How about Syria? Turkey? None of your plans have worked....not even a planned and staged fake terrorist attack on St. Petersburg in Russia. Trump dropped a dime to Vlad....exposing your chess board players.

With no money coming in from the oil fields in Syria and Iraq.....nor the poppy fields in the Afghanistan area......your terrorist bank accounts must be growing low. The BLACK OP players are no longer in Control. You can Threaten all you want with the media propaganda that IRAN will respond....when they are scared shitless. Iran will never respond....they fear Donald Trump.....he's crazy you know. :cool: He's a thug. Who's he going to take out next.....perhaps one of the Mullah's themselves? Iran must be having 2nd thoughts when the BLACK OP clowns in America promised them protection....and then they received a generals head under their pillow.
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