They have been had, Poli. And have no idea of how to get out of it without losing face.

So they are sticking with him.

They are a sad bunch.

They've got a life ahead of them to realize and regret just how short-sighted and unpatriotic they are being right now.

His support is growing numb nutts.
I know I'm not.

I'm a human.

Here's a pin up for you. Unfortunately, it is a ewe. Probably not your type either.


You insult the human race by calling yourself human.
True. They assumed Congress would determine the president because they did not think any candidates would win a majority of electoral votes. They thought the first choice of electors would be somebody from their own state thus splitting the vote among many people.

I shouldn't have used "candidates" because they did not believe people would actually run for office. The electors would vote for the best person for the job and not choose among different candidates.

That was part of the plan. To be more specific, they thought the House would pick the winner from among the top electoral vote recipients. That was about as close as they wanted the people, since they did directly elect their House members, to get to picking the President. They didn't trust the general population to know enough to be able to make a wise decision.

The founders also didn't foresee the coming of political parties and their impact.
The fat, senile murderer Trump is a War criminal. Anyone who now supports him supports murder. NRA members, I suppose, lynchers and other racists. Difficult, though, to imagine a country full of enough malevolent inadequates to get this unutterable shit elected to power!

Here is what you better keep in mind...

....If you are voting for Donald Trump, you are an Asshole Mother-Fucking Redneck Son-Of-A-Bitch!

gosh, I remember the good old days when we were merely deplorable.......
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BOTTOM LINE: The states with the most educated population are blue states...and the states with the most under-educated population are red states...WHICH IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG.

And on that, I most definitely am NOT wrong.

do you ever stop and think about the fact that your voter base in every blue state lives primarily in an urban ghetto with public schools producing illiterate citizens?....Michigan is one of your better educated blue states, yet more than half of our Demmycrats live in Wayne County where over half cannot read the instructions on a bottle of aspirin.........don't pretend to me that you fools are smarter than anyone else......
Hey baby killer look in the mirror. Trump killed a terrorist general who maimed and killed thousands of our troops. Anyone who supports one of your demonrats is guilty of killing innocent children. Many of those minorities making you a racist baby killer.

Btw the NRA was founded to arm blacks back in the day.

He killed, as you know, a national hero. Certainly Trumpf knows all about terrorism, having learned it from his chum netenyahu. They're not my democrats, matey: I live in relative civilisation even after brexit.. The function of the NRA, as you know, is to make possible perpetual murder. They should concentrate on your Fuhrer, now there's money in it! :)
Seems the immorality is far more rampant among the lefts constituents than the right. From the outside looking in it's the left that include the most immoral groups alive. The places in this country with the worst living conditions and the most immorality almost all (I cant find a republican run shit hole) are run by your guys. Areas like San Fran, Chicago, Detroit, Miami. They are but a test area of what liberal policies will do nationally. So when you say trump has caused immoral conditions in america I laugh. You are a joke. A sad ignorant biased joke.

Trump has been perfect as a spokesman for this country. His past immorality as a private citizen is irrelevant as long as he doesn't continue that behavior while in office. Which he has not.

You are the perfect Trump apologist...someone totally without regard for truth or common sense.

As for your, " Trump has been perfect as a spokesman for this country"...

...here is Trump being a spokesman for this country...and he doesn't even say a word:

You guys love making yourselves out to be so smart and trump so dumb lol. Make you feel better to hear it? Need to hear it because you have questions perhaps? Trump is smarter than the smartest one of you. By far.

Ahhh...you think Trump is smart.

Okay. Now I understand why you "love" him.

(Psssst...he is ignorant as a sack of rocks.)
Again all bullshit with no answers. Just you flapping your ball washers. I didnt expect answers lol.

Okay, okay.

Some answers:

Paris, yes, Antarctica, the valley of the Kings, Ernest Hemingway...

...and last but not least, "the dumbest fucking president ever."

Jeez...if I had known you wanted answers, I'da given 'em to ya earlier.
A piece of paper called a degree obviously doesn't make them smart! Just look at their choice. It just says that they completed college. Something I didnt want to do but would have been easy enough. So because I chose to enter the work force, learn a business, and ultimately open my own successful business, doesn't mean a dummy voted for trump.

College does not a genius make. It simply tells employers that you are capable of completing a task. My wife outperformed college grads making more than her because of their degree. All of them, dozens, and by far. She got tired of seeing them making more for the piece of paper and got her bachelors then masters. It was hard ONLY because she did it while working full time and raising 2 kids. It doesn't make you smarter than someone without a degree or a better worker.

I am not talking about smart in the comment: "...the fact remains that the people who are most highly educated tend to oppose Trump...and those who are least educated tend to support him."

If you want to think uneducated people are mostly smarter than educated ones...fine with me. These guys probably agree with you on that:
