APP - Fail

Spend the country into oblivion? When the Conservatives took office there was a surplus. Even Cheney said one of the reasons they chose to invade Iraq was because they could afford it.

The Conservatives spent while cutting taxes. Why? They wanted to make sure there wasn't any money for social programs. It is the Conservatives who wanted the country bankrupt so they could then talk the people into private SS and no medical care. They wanted to implement a condition where people would say to themselves, "We can't count on the government." In other words less and less social programs.

Obama saw that and plowed ahead anyway, otherwise, there would never be money to cover social programs. The Conservatives didn't want there to be money for social programs but Obama saw their game.

The deficit will come down eventually. When it does social programs will be well rooted in. Rather than arbitrarily spending money on an unnecessary war and giving tax cuts while letting medical care for the citizens fall by the way the reverse will be the norm. Social programs will be the priority. They will be covered first and then discretionary spending will follow.

Your vote doesn't count.
" George W will eventually be treated more kindly by historians as one whose potential was squashed by his own compromise of conservative principles, in some ways repeating the mistakes of his father, while ignoring many lessons in executive leadership he should have learned at Harvard Business School."

What a telling line this is about the author. So...George Bush was squashed by himself, because he chose to compromise his principles and ignore his education? What a great argument in favor of his Presidency.

Anyhoo, onto Obama. Give it time, kids. Maybe he will turn out to be the disaster that you all say he is, but history will be the judge of that. Most of the verdict on Obama will be decided by the economy in the years to come...
After Reagan and the Bushes screwed up the economy and created a situation in which several terrorists attacked the nation here and overseas. Then nearly created the second great depression, that after wasting thousands of lives and billions on an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation, only a total buffoon could write this nonsense.

See. [ame=""] Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (9780393059304): Kim Phillips-Fein: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] "Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism."
" George W will eventually be treated more kindly by historians as one whose potential was squashed by his own compromise of conservative principles, in some ways repeating the mistakes of his father, while ignoring many lessons in executive leadership he should have learned at Harvard Business School."

What a telling line this is about the author. So...George Bush was squashed by himself, because he chose to compromise his principles and ignore his education? What a great argument in favor of his Presidency.

Anyhoo, onto Obama. Give it time, kids. Maybe he will turn out to be the disaster that you all say he is, but history will be the judge of that. Most of the verdict on Obama will be decided by the economy in the years to come...

Not to worry Onesie. We will let you hate Dubyah until your dying day, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

We're benevolent that way...

We promise we won't haterate on BHO long. Just long enough to say: "We told ya so", with a big ol shit eating grin on our face(s).

Not to worry Onesie. We will let you hate Dubyah until your dying day, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

We're benevolent that way...

We promise we won't haterate on BHO long. Just long enough to say: "We told ya so", with a big ol shit eating grin on our face(s).

:lol "Onesie"

I was quite certain Obama would be a bad president, I had no idea he could be as bad as he has been.

I believe that is why so many are being so harsh, so soon. Yes, one year, especially with the economy the way it's been is soon.

The complaints are more than justified. He's of the mindset that it's ok to spend the country into oblivion. Why? I'm not sure I want to go there yet. I have my theories, but time will tell if I'm on or off the mark.

It's because in true liberal politician manner his solution to the economy is: Spend more; tax more; borrow more.
Well; at the moment, their's the one you live in and then there's the one that the rest of us live in. :good4u:

Oh come on, you can't be serious? AHZ is bona fide fully paid member of the wacko's club. I used to think he was indulging in some kind of elaborate charade but I now see he is a genuine loony.
Oh come on, you can't be serious? AHZ is bona fide fully paid member of the wacko's club. I used to think he was indulging in some kind of elaborate charade but I now see he is a genuine loony.

The label and dismiss strategy no longer works for you illuminati shitfuckers.

The banker conspiracy is in the open now.

Nobody even slightly aware of current events can deny it rationally.

Now we begin eroding your internationalist fascist brainwash program with bolts of sobering truth.
The label and dismiss strategy no longer works for you illuminati shitfuckers.

The banker conspiracy is in the open now.

Nobody even slightly aware of current events can deny it rationally.

Now we begin eroding your internationalist fascist brainwash program with bolts of sobering truth.

And just think; with all of their power, the continue to let you stay around and risk you exposing them.

You're lucky that their not the Mafia; because otherwise you would be sleeping with the fishes.