APP - Fail

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The Outstanding Public Debt as of 05 Feb 2010 at 01:12:10 AM GMT is:

George W Bush increased the national debt by about $5 Trillion in his eight years in office to $10,626,877,048,913.08 - a rate of about $52 Billion a month. If Obama continues to increase the national debt, he will surpass Bush by a wide margin. Moody's is threatening to pull our AAA rating.
In fairness to both Presidents, why not refine he comparison to deficits caused by Republican and Democrat controlled Congresses. I'm not certain of the exact numbers, but I think the Republicans did a little over a hundred billion a year and the Democrats are doing around 90 billion a MONTH!
In fairness to both Presidents, why not refine he comparison to deficits caused by Republican and Democrat controlled Congresses. I'm not certain of the exact numbers, but I think the Republicans did a little over a hundred billion a year and the Democrats are doing around 90 billion a MONTH!

I think that you ought to retake maths 101.