Fairness Doctrine

Good one.

My sister-in-law is an evangelical in the making. A while back, when my brother was real sick, she brought some evangelical preacher that she knew, in to pray for him.

During the prayer for my brother, he started blabbing about the war on iraq, and the war on the evil-doers, and to pray for president bush. Man, I wanted to punch that preacher in the mouth. WTF does that have to do with my brother?


anyone with that much hatred is no Christian, let alone a leader of Christians.
Hatred is totally unchristlike.
Mary Mapes said this? I'll have to check into that.

Damo, the facts of the story were correct, and that story should have been given play in our "liberal" media, but it wasn't, and the fact remains, that a guy who came from a rich family and pulled strings to avoid Vietnam was turned into some kind of war hero, while the actual war hero, was turned into a cowardly traitor.

He didn't even show up for service in the guard. The whole thing is disgusting.
It wasn't given play because the evidence was in question. It was only given play in one place where lean overcame the urge to report actual facts.
It wasn't given play because the evidence was in question. It was only given play in one place where lean overcame the urge to report actual facts.

Damo, let me refresh my memory of the exact details of this story, and I'll get back to you on it. I don't like to talk on the rare occasion that my memory is foggy. (No offense Bottleborne)
"Is SF worrying that he looks fat? lol"

nope.. us is just an old perv...

I already know I am fat. 5'1" and 315 pounds.... pretty obvious.
"Are you messing with me?"

Nope just stating that someone 5'1" and 315 pounds was pretty obvious.

I didn't say that "I" was 5'1" 315. :)
"Are you messing with me?"

Nope just stating that someone 5'1" and 315 pounds was pretty obvious.

I didn't say that "I" was 5'1" 315. :)

Oh, you jerk. I was thinking, uh oh, I better not make any more short jokes about BB, I might hit someone else. Though, that's probably good advice anyway.
"Man, I wanted to punch that preacher in the mouth. WTF does that have to do with my brother? "

I commend you for your restraint. I fear I simply would have knocked his ass out in that situation. THEN I would have asked what it had to do with my brother.


Out of respect for my sister-in-law, and her folks who were there, I stopped myself from punching him. But, man it would have felt good!

No. I emailed my pic to a few people a long time ago, and a couple of nuts got hold of it and posted it. It was kind of funny, because it backfired on them, all the guys were saying wow, she's so hot. But I was like, get out. I'm not that hot. In fact, the whole thing made me think, that must have been a really good pic of me, (and it's now 6 years old I guess, or about that) and I gave cypress some current pics of me, he is the sole person who has any current pics. Because I figured the first pic must have been one of those really good shots. It makes me feel weird, because what if I ever wanted to meet people, like even what if I wanted to meet Tiana one day if she was in the city, for a drink? And people will be expecting some elle macpherson or something. It's weird.
LOL. I met with Beefy once at a bar in town here. He's good people. I'm sure everybody has a "picture" of everybody else in their minds that would be shattered by reality.