Faith is not "without evidence" argument

So you missed my point, which is that you shouldn't assume that your fairy tales are fact.
So you missed my point. All people are welcome to assume fairy tales are fact. Even undereducated leftists are free to believe that their "Climate" fantasies are totally true and that they are thienth geniutheth. The point that you can't seem to grasp is that one only needs to engage in purely rational discourse if one wishes to convince a rational adult. Otherwise, none of your pouting applies.

Let me know if you have any questions.
So you missed my point. All people are welcome to assume fairy tales are fact. Even undereducated leftists are free to believe that their "Climate" fantasies are totally true and that they are thienth geniutheth. The point that you can't seem to grasp is that one only needs to engage in purely rational discourse if one wishes to convince a rational adult. Otherwise, none of your pouting applies.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Define climate.
Define climate.

Climate is the Democratic People's goddess and one of the main deities of the Climate Change pantheon. Born out of the Scientific Consensus, She oversees the central planning and administration of all weather, ecosystems, and local climates across the globe, as well as all interactions thereof. Climate is believed to be responsible for the care and well-being of all life on earth. In other faiths She is called Gaia, Durga, Mother Nature, et. al.

Note: Climate, by her nature, never changes but she is believed to be constantly changing, thus forming the grand mystery of the Global Warming doctrine. This is a core tenet of Settled Science catechism.
If a person is building a rocket in your neighborhood, you'd wonder what's up. Who's to say if the rocket isn't intended to be aimed at D.C.?
If a person is walking down the street, you'd wonder what's up, and you'd probably want the police to monitor the situation. Who's to say he isn't planning on murdering someone?
So you missed my point. All people are welcome to assume fairy tales are fact. Even undereducated leftists are free to believe that their "Climate" fantasies are totally true and that they are thienth geniutheth. The point that you can't seem to grasp is that one only needs to engage in purely rational discourse if one wishes to convince a rational adult. Otherwise, none of your pouting applies.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Abortion is a terrible, but sometimes necessary, reality.
Abortion is a terrible, but sometimes necessary, reality.
How many fetuses agree on the necessity?
How many fetuses are given legal representation to request a reprieve?

... and the big question ...

How much convenience must an abortion bring to someone's life to allow it to qualify as a "necessity"?
How many fetuses agree on the necessity?
How many fetuses are given legal representation to request a reprieve?

... and the big question ...

How much convenience must an abortion bring to someone's life to allow it to qualify as a "necessity"?

I don't like abortion. Nobody likes it. But there are medically necessary reasons. Use Google for something other than porn and you might learn something.
I don't like abortion. Nobody likes it.
Leftists love abortion. They can't get enough of it. The leftist lust for abortion belies your comment.

If we exclude the less than one percent of abortions that are needed to save the life of the mother, all that remain are the 99%+ of abortion that are sought for convenience. So, do you oppose the more than 99% of abortions that are performed for convenience? Yes or no?

But there are medically necessary reasons.
It would appear that you are a totally dishonest intellectual coward. You had only one job, i.e. answer the easy, straightforward questions that were posed to you in response to your comment.

Let's try this a second time:

How many fetuses agree on the necessity?
How many fetuses are given legal representation to request a reprieve?

... and the big question ...

How much convenience must an abortion bring to someone's life to allow it to qualify as a "necessity"?
For the conspiracy theorist nutjobs. More reasonable answers appear at the end:
People in disbelief at 1940s wartime photo that proves time travel is 'real'
In the picture, a man is seen to be holding a mobile phone up to his ear - something that hadn't been invented until many years later.


...Wearing a light trench coat and appearing to be staring directly at the camera, the man takes up the same stance as someone talking into a mobile phone.

And some eagle-eyed history lovers have claimed that he's in fact a time-traveller who was making use of his futuristic bit of technology....

...But not everyone was convinced on the time-traveller theory, with some taking a more logical stance on what the man was doing.

"He's checking if the watch works," wrote one Facebook group member. This could be possible as it looks as though the man is standing next to a shop that sells or fixes watches.

Another suggestion offered was that he was using his tobacco pipe to scratch the back of his ear.
