Faith is not "without evidence" argument

Leftists love abortion. They can't get enough of it. The leftist lust for abortion belies your comment.

If we exclude the less than one percent of abortions that are needed to save the life of the mother, all that remain are the 99%+ of abortion that are sought for convenience. So, do you oppose the more than 99% of abortions that are performed for convenience? Yes or no?

It would appear that you are a totally dishonest intellectual coward. You had only one job, i.e. answer the easy, straightforward questions that were posed to you in response to your comment.

Let's try this a second time:

How many fetuses agree on the necessity?
How many fetuses are given legal representation to request a reprieve?

... and the big question ...

How much convenience must an abortion bring to someone's life to allow it to qualify as a "necessity"?

How to trigger a Trumper:

1. Pick one of the numerous bumper stickers they have all over their vehicles and/or their internet profiles.

2. Present a contrarian viewpoint to that bumper sticker.

3. Giggle.

Thanks for the giggle.
How to trigger a Trumper:

1. Pick one of the numerous bumper stickers they have all over their vehicles and/or their internet profiles.

2. Present a contrarian viewpoint to that bumper sticker.

3. Giggle.

Thanks for the giggle.
You haven't answered any of the questions. All you've done this far is pivot and EVADE. So it would appear that we should just presume that you are a leftist troll who doesn't know how to respond if her slave-masters aren't telling her what to believe and what to regurgitate. I get it.
You haven't answered any of the questions. All you've done this far is pivot and EVADE. So it would appear that we should just presume that you are a leftist troll who doesn't know how to respond if her slave-masters aren't telling her what to believe and what to regurgitate. I get it.

Nice story, boomer.
Low-intellect posts like yours don't demand much response.
Cowards like you and Cypress broadcast your cowardice by pretending to declare what others don't know, as if you have that magical superpower to transform reality into the protective refuge of your safe space. Just remember that you were the one who was scared shitless by my straightforward questions pertaining to your comment and you have done nothing but EVADE. I, on the other hand, have thoroughly answered each and every question posed to me.

I'm not the one who flees. You don't respond because you can't. Your low-intellect posts contain nothing of any cognitive value. Here we are in a forum of ideas and you can only sit on the sidelines.
Cowards like you and Cypress broadcast your cowardice by pretending to declare what others don't know, as if you have that magical superpower to transform reality into the protective refuge of your safe space. Just remember that you were the one who was scared shitless by my straightforward questions pertaining to your comment and you have done nothing but EVADE. I, on the other hand, have thoroughly answered each and every question posed to me.

I'm not the one who flees. You don't respond because you can't. Your low-intellect posts contain nothing of any cognitive value. Here we are in a forum of ideas and you can only sit on the sidelines.
Mantra 5 bulverism

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
Cowards like you and Cypress broadcast your cowardice by pretending to declare what others don't know, as if you have that magical superpower to transform reality into the protective refuge of your safe space. Just remember that you were the one who was scared shitless by my straightforward questions pertaining to your comment and you have done nothing but EVADE. I, on the other hand, have thoroughly answered each and every question posed to me.

I'm not the one who flees. You don't respond because you can't. Your low-intellect posts contain nothing of any cognitive value. Here we are in a forum of ideas and you can only sit on the sidelines.

What was your question? I get lots of retarded responders here and nothing about you sticks out.
What was your question?

Certainly ...

Abortion is a terrible, but sometimes necessary, reality.
How many fetuses agree on the necessity?
How many fetuses are given legal representation to request a reprieve?

... and the big question ...

How much convenience must an abortion bring to someone's life to allow it to qualify as a "necessity"?

I get lots of retarded responders here and nothing about you sticks out.
... yet you were compelled to hurl ad hominem, EVADE and then flee. You behaved, and continue to behave exactly as a typical leftist troll.
Certainly ...

... yet you were compelled to hurl ad hominem, EVADE and then flee. You behaved, and continue to behave exactly as a typical leftist troll.

Oh. You have strawman questions. That's why ignored them.

You asked:

How many fetuses agree on the necessity?
How many fetuses are given legal representation to request a reprieve?

... and the big question ...

How much convenience must an abortion bring to someone's life to allow it to qualify as a "necessity"?

All strawmen. First, I don't support abortion if the baby is developed enough to survive on its own. Second, a microscopic fetus doesn't think.

Third, I don't support abortion for "convenience." I would only advocate for abortion in certain dire situations, like if it becomes evident that the baby will be born with a terrible condition resulting in a poor quality of life, or if carrying the baby to term would likely kill the mother.

You leaped to a false conclusion, son. This is why I think you have more in common with Perry PhD and Sybil than sane, more logical people.

Afraid America is correct. It is a good application of Occam's razor.

Do you feel you've "seen" God? Has he answered your prayers? Given your "NDE" I can see how you might believe you have had some touch of the divine. So it's understandable if you feel there is something beyond death.

It is, of course, possible that God doesn't answer prayers because he wants to hide from people but that doesn't fit with the Bible. Where it clearly states that prayers will be answer.

Besides, if God wishes to "hide" himself from people how is that a benevolent thing for an all-loving God to do?
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Cowards like you and Cypress broadcast your cowardice by pretending to declare what others don't know, as if you have that magical superpower to transform reality into the protective refuge of your safe space. Just remember that you were the one who was scared shitless by my straightforward questions pertaining to your comment and you have done nothing but EVADE. I, on the other hand, have thoroughly answered each and every question posed to me.

I'm not the one who flees. You don't respond because you can't. Your low-intellect posts contain nothing of any cognitive value. Here we are in a forum of ideas and you can only sit on the sidelines.

Hey, IBDaMan....your posts are loaded up with GIANT GRAPHICS anymore....what gives????????? Is the end of the world????
Afraid America is correct. It is a good application of Occam's razor.

Do you feel you've "seen" God? Has he answered your prayers? Given your "NDE" I can see how you might believe you have had some touch of the divine. So it's understandable if you feel there is something beyond death.
Disagreed on his application since leaping to conclusions is an error.

No. No. Disagreed. The experience certainly made me wonder about it. A proper application of logic is to consider Pascal's Wager instead of just assuming you are correct without facts to back it up, Perry.
Disagreed on his application since leaping to conclusions is an error.

So why doesn't God answer prayers consistently? (YOur answer will be an added complexity and as such would fall afoul of Occam).

No. No. Disagreed. The experience certainly made me wonder about it. A proper application of logic is to consider Pascal's Wager instead of just assuming you are correct without facts to back it up, Perry.

I think Pascal's Wager is "bad theology" (ie God doesn't want you to believe in him just because the alternative is possibly worse. No, God wants actual belief, not some conditional attempt to "game the system". Pascal's Wager would be good theology if God were just toting up "who checks the belief box without actually believing or seeing the need for God's grace).

As for "It makes you think", so does a trip on shrooms. It's possible with little effort to see exactly how much you can chemically or physically induce a total belief change with the proper application of chemicals or stressors. The brain is an amazing thing and it is apparently quite easy to induce all sorts of beliefs or feelings in it.

When I hear about NDE's my assumption is "Yeah, this makes sense, when you start to shut down the neuron network it probably manifests in a wide variety of ways!" Just like a trip on shrooms fucks with the serotonergic systems and suddenly you are pretty sure no one around you is real.
So why doesn't God answer prayers consistently? (YOur answer will be an added complexity and as such would fall afoul of Occam).

I think Pascal's Wager is "bad theology" (ie God doesn't want you to believe in him just because the alternative is possibly worse. No, God wants actual belief, not some conditional attempt to "game the system". Pascal's Wager would be good theology if God were just toting up "who checks the belief box without actually believing or seeing the need for God's grace).

As for "It makes you think", so does a trip on shrooms. It's possible with little effort to see exactly how much you can chemically or physically induce a total belief change with the proper application of chemicals or stressors. The brain is an amazing thing and it is apparently quite easy to induce all sorts of beliefs or feelings in it.

When I hear about NDE's my assumption is "Yeah, this makes sense, when you start to shut down the neuron network it probably manifests in a wide variety of ways!" Just like a trip on shrooms fucks with the serotonergic systems and suddenly you are pretty sure no one around you is real.
This is why I think you and 'Murica are so much alike: You both leap to conclusions without evidence. By saying "consistently" you are inferring that God answers prayers. I've never seen evidence of any supernatural forces at work and, IMO, if there is a God, it would be cheating the rules of God's own creation to violate those rules. My best guess is that sheer luck and anthropomorphism are more in line with Occam's Razor.

Of course you do, Perry. You also claimed to have a PhD. Your understanding of Pascal's Wager is erroneous. Another trait you share with both 'Murica and 'Mode.

Mind expanding drugs can be a good thing. People who have beliefs or feelings induced are not thinking clearly. Is that what is going on with you, Perry? Your beliefs and feelings were induced?

There are many theories to NDE's and you are free to have your own theories.
I don't like abortion. Nobody likes it. But there are medically necessary reasons. Use Google for something other than porn and you might learn something.

Why not? It's logical. If a woman doesn't want to have a baby or it's defective, better to just neutralize it. That's logical. Why would an avowed atheist be against abortion? You ran from the mass extermination of worthless people, 'Murica. Why?
The evidence for any gods is all the same, basically. Some human or humans make a claim, write it down in some format and people believe it or don't.

Looking at Christianity, if there were a way to erase every memory of Christianity from peoples' minds, and remove every copy of the Bible that ever existed, Christianity would cease to exist because they were being no basis, or evidence, for its existence.

Conversely, if you were to erase all existence of scientific documentation, evidence of scientific advancement and memory from everyone's minds, in 2000 years or so we would be right back where we are now.
The evidence for any gods is all the same, basically. Some human or humans make a claim, write it down in some format and people believe it or don't.

Looking at Christianity, if there were a way to erase every memory of Christianity from peoples' minds, and remove every copy of the Bible that ever existed, Christianity would cease to exist because they were being no basis, or evidence, for its existence.

Conversely, if you were to erase all existence of scientific documentation, evidence of scientific advancement and memory from everyone's minds, in 2000 years or so we would be right back where we are now.
Another terriffic example of you leaping to conclusions without supporting facts.

Intelligent, educated and sane people understand that the path of human progress is measured in our written history. 2000 years ago, mankind had writing, irrigated crops and domesticated animals. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built about 4,500 years ago.

Modern anatomical man has been around for about 300,000 years. Modern thinking man is thought to have been around for about 30,000 years. Why didn't we leap to the Moon 28,000 years ago if your theory is correct?

Did you go to college, 'Mode? Do you have any professional skills?