Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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Thankfully we are a constitutional republic with a constitutionally limited government. Once you convince the rest of the nation to get rid of the 2nd Amendment then we will have to accept it, but until then it is one of our enumerated rights included in the Bill of Rights with as much strength as the 1st Amendment right you have to talk about it.

Indeed. The 2nd amendment does not grant any right. The right of self defense is inherent. The Constitution simply specifically directs the federal government to not mess with this inherent right.
A single trauma?

The weak?

You padding?

Dead kids is not sustainable for a society

It’s not a single trauma

And we are not weak for refusing to accept more
Trump tried to make it happen last January.

IMO, human beings have always thrown off oppression, even if it took a few hundred years to do so.

In the end, freedom wins and oppressive assholes lose. So what's the point? Short term profit.

Most people, like you, don't give a fuck about the future. You're concerned about YOUR life, YOUR safety, YOUR values. That's the common extremist view, isn't it? You scream it, they scream it. Back and forth. I favor a smarter move.

Trump tried to make what happen concerning guns?
Void argument fallacy.
Thankfully we are a constitutional republic with a constitutionally limited government. Once you convince the rest of the nation to get rid of the 2nd Amendment then we will have to accept it, but until then it is one of our enumerated rights included in the Bill of Rights with as much strength as the 1st Amendment right you have to talk about it.

Shove that lie up your ass Damo

No one is talking about nullifying the 2nd

Unfox your brain and stop fucking lying
Indeed. The 2nd amendment does not grant any right. The right of self defense is inherent. The Constitution simply specifically directs the federal government to not mess with this inherent right.

And who is talking getting rid of the 2nd you fucking lying traitor
Oh and we are also a democracy

And you will honor that

Nope. The United States never was a democracy. No State is a democracy. They all have constitutions.

Democracies have no constitution and no representatives. It is also an unstable form of government.
I honor the Constitution of the United States, which you deny. I honor the constitution of each State, which you deny.
Nope. The United States never was a democracy. No State is a democracy. They all have constitutions.

Democracies have no constitution and no representatives. It is also an unstable form of government.
I honor the Constitution of the United States, which you deny. I honor the constitution of each State, which you deny.

Every dictionary and encyclopedia says your an idiot
Shove that lie up your ass Damo

No one is talking about nullifying the 2nd

Unfox your brain and stop fucking lying

You literally just said you need to get rid of that "piece of metal"... and "...This nation needs to get these useless to society guns out of the mix" So, yeah. You are talking about getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. If you aren't talking about getting rid of the 2nd then you are simply talking about violating the constitution and there are many who will not stand idly by when that happens.
You literally just said you need to get rid of that "piece of metal"... and "...This nation needs to get these useless to society guns out of the mix" So, yeah. You are talking about getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. If you aren't talking about getting rid of the 2nd then you are simply talking about violating the constitution and there are many who will not stand idly by when that happens.

Get the quote damo
The NRA was turned into a corrupt sack of shit under Republican influence

75% of Americans don’t want all guns banned

You are the liar

Fox doesn’t get to decide what the majority of Americans believe to further their biased trash heap of a station

I don’t want all guns banned

I never will want all guns banned

You assholes are fighting an enemy you made up in your own broken head

Fucking idiot

Post 396
The republicans don’t support states rights

That a crap meme

Just like the liberals will ban all guns

It’s crap dutch

I would never vote to ban all guns

Yet you call 75% of Americans liars because fox told you a fucking lie

Post 402

You listened to a totally corrupt NRA and Fox News

75% of Americans dont want all guns banned including me

I can just say you are lying about anything you claim to believe

It doesn’t make it truth

Its a crap tactic designed by assholes who want this nation to fail and be ungovernable

Please stop repeating that fucking lie

Post 405