Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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See how fucking full of shit your fox addled brain is

This is why the world hates you racist lying republicans

You have made your selves worthless

I don't watch or listen to Fox News. You don't get to speak for the world. Omniscience fallacy.

As far as being worthless, people spend good money for the instruments I build for them, for the aircraft I fix for them, for any electronics design or software I do for them, or everything I do for them with my tractor.

All you can do is whine. THAT is worthless.
Get the quote damo

Here it is...

Your are feeling the error of your ways huh dutch


This nation needs to get these useless to society guns out of the mix


Right here, you are either talking about getting rid of the 2nd Amendment, or ignoring the constitutional limits placed on us by the agreement of this Democratic Republic. Since you want me to get it for you... Here it is.
Case by case

I don’t pretend to know guns well

I want the rapid fires ones gone

We have a small military

If the people EVER have to protect themselves from the government we won’t need rapid fire

We vastly out number any military that would betray us

I want a fighting chance to protect myself from a gun nutter

I want a chance to beat the shit out of someone before I’m killed by them

I want to be able to sacrifice my life to save others

There is a years old case where a guy with a gun comes into a restaurant and is about to start killing people when an old man calmly walks up to him and is killed

That guy was trying to give people a chance to get away or attack the guy while the shooter dealt with him

I love that guy

I bet he saved someone’s life that day

I remember thinking in that sandyhook case that as a teacher I would have grabbed a desk and beat the guy to death with it

Some righty pointed out that I wouldn’t have that chance with the weapon he had

I want that chance

No weapons that wouldn’t give me some kind of chance to do that and save a child’s life

No more lying about me and others like me Dutch

We don’t want the things fox lied to you about

They are whores to evil and the destruction of our union

I want sanity

I want a fighting fucking chance

We don’t need to be floating in a sea of weapons of war

Post 412
I have honor

And I would sacrifice myself wether you believe it or not

I would take bullets if I had to to protect children

I would be that wonderful old man if it came down to it

You can try and make an insult out of that to soothe your feelings about your Stance

I bet if you were in a room with children and faced with certain death you would go first if you might save just one kid

I think that’s a compliment to you

I bet both of us would have rolled when LETS ROLL was said on that plane

We don’t have to just accept this level of death

In fact it’s evil and stupid to do so

So go ahead and insult me again because I’m a decent human being

You have been manipulated

You bought a turd

I can’t understand why that turd is so precious to you

Post 417
You literally just said you need to get rid of that "piece of metal"... and "...This nation needs to get these useless to society guns out of the mix" So, yeah. You are talking about getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. If you aren't talking about getting rid of the 2nd then you are simply talking about violating the constitution and there are many who will not stand idly by when that happens.

Rapid fire weapons are made of metal


THE REAL Damo knew my stance

We discussed it over DECADES

He would never have lied about my stance

So now you claim that it's legal to have any kind of gun, any kind of accessory to a gun, including machine guns, sawed off shotguns, rifles with 100 round magazines, etc., right? You also claim it's legal to own hand grenades, tanks, missiles, explosives, and even nuclear weapons, right?
So now you claim that it's legal to have any kind of gun, any kind of accessory to a gun, including machine guns, sawed off shotguns, rifles with 100 round magazines, etc., right? You also claim it's legal to own hand grenades, tanks, missiles, explosives, and even nuclear weapons, right?

Never said what is legal isn’t now legal

More lies

That’s all you have

And the American people will end this stupid situation

And you WILL Capitulate
Thankfully we are a constitutional republic with a constitutionally limited government. Once you convince the rest of the nation to get rid of the 2nd Amendment then we will have to accept it, but until then it is one of our enumerated rights included in the Bill of Rights with as much strength as the 1st Amendment right you have to talk about it.

Agreed. The current problem is both parties want to erode those rights, one way or another.

What is America to do?
Thankfully we are a constitutional republic with a constitutionally limited government. Once you convince the rest of the nation to get rid of the 2nd Amendment then we will have to accept it, but until then it is one of our enumerated rights included in the Bill of Rights with as much strength as the 1st Amendment right you have to talk about it.

You are a fucking liar

I have stated repeatedly this am against nullifying the 2nd

You seek enemies where there are allies

Very stupid and dishonst