Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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Agreed. The current problem is both parties want to erode those rights, one way or another.

What is America to do?

People in America are already doing it. They are buying guns and ammunition so fast we can't make 'em fast enough.

Gun control twits had better take some serious navel gazing before they try to take guns away.
So the plan is to keep repeating the economic ideas of trickle down that has never even come close to working as advertised

Produce as many high powered weaponry as is possible

And the results will be what?
Support folks that do not want to erode your rights, even the rights you may disagree with.

Agreed. Like Pastor Niemöller's poem.

Maybe those who want to erode our Constitution would benefit from Aesop's story about the Four Oxen and the Lion.** A story giving rise to "United we stand, divided we fall." Another variation is Matthew 12:22-28.

The bottom line is that we can't have more freedom if We, the People keep trying to limit freedom. I don't see many politicians standing for traditional American virtues. I see a lot of self-serving assholes pushing the party line. A stand out is Liz Cheney. Joe Manchin is another.

**A Lion used to prowl about a field in which Four Oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near they turned their tails to one another, so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarrelling among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four.
If I had a dollar for every time some moron said that we're watching the death of (insert either political party here), I wouldn't have to work anymore.
People in America are already doing it. They are buying guns and ammunition so fast we can't make 'em fast enough.

Gun control twits had better take some serious navel gazing before they try to take guns away.

I'm all stocked up. In fact, because the Liberals have made it so difficult to sell firearms, I have too many and have just given them away to relatives. Mostly Millennial women.

Yes, they have training.
Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras aren't run by socialists, they're run by religious Conservatives.

In fact, the President of El Salvador, a devout religious Conservative, called himself a dictator on Twitter!

They have been for most of their history. Hell, even Mexico was Socialist. What do you think the Institutionalized Revolutionary Party (PRI) was all about? Brazil is often run by Communists. Peru and Bolivia are equally Leftist. Many of those countries are now run by more conservative governments because the people got fed up with the fucked up, terrible running of their nation by Leftists for decades. Warning for the Left: It's coming to California just like it did to the Rust Belt.
If I had a dollar for every time some moron said that we're watching the death of (insert either political party here), I wouldn't have to work anymore.

A fair point. OTOH, anyone who says today's Republican Party is the same as the Party of Lincoln is a fucking moron.

God Bless America! Hang all traitors!

None of those bills give undocumented people the ability or right to vote.

Try again.

HR 1 definitely did. The way it worked in that bill was anyone who got a driver's license (or state ID equivalent) automatically would be registered to vote, no proof of citizenship required. You had to tell the DMV people you were illegally here and opt out. If you got caught voting as an illegal there was no penalty other than you'd get your registration revoked.
Hell, it let 16 and 17 year-olds register to vote even if they supposedly couldn't. But if they did "accidently" there was no penalty other than their vote being discounted.

HR 4 does the same shit only more sneakily. It gives Congress the right to make any rules on voting they want through a commission and bureaucracy outside of the legislative process at the national level. Talk about "The Deep State." This was done because too many people--like me--read HR 1 and realized what a POS cluster fuck of a ass raping of the American public HR 1 was.
El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras aren't run by the left...they haven't been run by the left in 40 years.

The President of El Salvador is a right-winger who literally called himself a dictator on Twitter.

At the turn of the twenty-first century, the Latin American Left experienced an extraordinary revival, especially in South America. By 2009, eight South American countries and two Central American nations had elected left-wing governments.
Exactly. The Republicans have fucked themselves since this cases will be playing out all the way through 2024.

Nobody but the Left gives a shit about Jan 6. Just like nobody but retards on the extreme far Right and the Left in general give a shit about the 2020 election and things like the AZ audit. Today in the Arizona Republic, they devoted nearly a full page to ranting about the audit here and it was all the Leftist columnists weighing in, like Ed Montini. I didn't even bother to read his column because it and he are irrelevant so long as that's what he thinks is important.
that very same thing can be applied to the Democrat party being the same as the party of Kennedy

Exactly. The trend is toward more authoritarianism with their best proponents being extremists. Extremists hate anyone who doesn't toe the line which only serves to make their part more extreme.

IMO, it's not in our nation's interests to give into authoritarian assholes, regardless of party.

Any party which makes other Americans the enemy is not a good American party IMO. Lincoln himself alluded to it in his "House Divided" speech.
Nobody but the Left gives a shit about Jan 6. Just like nobody but retards on the extreme far Right and the Left in general give a shit about the 2020 election and things like the AZ audit. Today in the Arizona Republic, they devoted nearly a full page to ranting about the audit here and it was all the Leftist columnists weighing in, like Ed Montini. I didn't even bother to read his column because it and he are irrelevant so long as that's what he thinks is important.

You didn't find an assault on the Capitol and threats to "Hang Pence" disturbing?

Do you still abide by your oath, Chief, or is that all past tense?
Exactly. The trend is toward more authoritarianism with their best proponents being extremists. Extremists hate anyone who doesn't toe the line which only serves to make their part more extreme.

IMO, it's not in our nation's interests to give into authoritarian assholes, regardless of party.

Any party which makes other Americans the enemy is not a good American party IMO. Lincoln himself alluded to it in his "House Divided" speech.

but with any position like this, there comes a line in the sand where there just isn't any going back.........at some point those americans do become the enemy