Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

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You didn't find an assault on the Capitol and threats to "Hang Pence" disturbing?

Do you still abide by your oath, Chief, or is that all past tense?

No, I found it hyperbole and bullshit. It was a three hour riot. Maybe we could call it Gilligan's riot.


Remember the "shaman" with the horns hat? He did the same fucking thing in Arizona less than 90 days earlier at the state capitol. Only difference was the state legislators, well some of them, met with him. He didn't attack them or try to kill them. The state police ticketed him for trespass...
No, I found it hyperbole and bullshit. It was a three hour riot. Maybe we could call it Gilligan's riot.


Remember the "shaman" with the horns hat? He did the same fucking thing in Arizona less than 90 days earlier at the state capitol. Only difference was the state legislators, well some of them, met with him. He didn't attack them or try to kill them. The state police ticketed him for trespass...

Started by who and for what reason? Was it purely spontaneous in your opinion or did elements have a plan?
but with any position like this, there comes a line in the sand where there just isn't any going back.........at some point those americans do become the enemy

Yes, the point where they kill other Americans, seek to overthrow the government by violence and shred our Constitution.
Yes, the point where they kill other Americans, seek to overthrow the government by violence and shred our Constitution.

when the government ignores the constitution, and the limits it is supposed to enforce on them, that government becomes illegitimate........or didn't they teach you that in OCS?
when the government ignores the constitution, and the limits it is supposed to enforce on them, that government becomes illegitimate........or didn't they teach you that in OCS?

Is that why Trump had his fans attack the Capitol? Odd, but as President, wasn't Trump "the government"???
A small point of disagreement: It is taking responsibility to have an abortion....or not. Own it.

Anyone who is too fucking stupid to admit to a mistake, correct it and move on is an idiot and/or a coward. The important part is that they have a choice. A path to redemption, so to speak. A choice.

Fucking oppressive assholes seeking to strip Americans of their free will, of their rights, are unAmerican assholes. Traitors to American ideals.

The good news is that as my poll proves, all the JPP RWNJs are chickenshits. LOL



Fair enough; that is a good point.
still sticking to that stupid shit? this has been going on longer than trump......if you can't see that, then YOU are part of the problem, not the solution

Your choice to think it was all a fairy tale and none of those idiots are ever going to jail.
in other words, you can't find a post where I ever said nobody would go to jail............we knew you were full of gas and hot air
Good. My mistake. I favor all criminals facing justice including that the thousand or so assholes who attacked the Capitol. Do you feel likewise?
Good. My mistake. I favor all criminals facing justice including that the thousand or so assholes who attacked the Capitol. Do you feel likewise?

I favor all criminals feeling justice, whether they attacked the capitol or they violated their constitutional oaths to the people.............do YOU feel likewise?