Family leaves US over religious concerns to start new life, becomes lost at sea

And his ethnic group. Your comparison is absurd and you would probably have said that critics of the Nazi's were mean.

No, you would have mocked the Jews who fled Nazism and made light of their misfortunes if you thought they found the new German regime intolerant of their religion.

Because that's what you did in this thread to the Gastonguay family, whose only crime was leaving America for religious reasons, isn't it?
No, you would have mocked the Jews who fled Nazism and made light of their misfortunes if you thought they found the new German regime intolerant of their religion.

Because that's what you did in this thread to the Gastonguay family, whose only crime was leaving America for religious reasons, isn't it?

The Gastonguays left because they cant tolerate tolerance.

They just have stupid ideas. That's not a crime or you would have to be executed.
The Gastonguays left because they cant tolerate tolerance. They just have stupid ideas. That's not a crime or you would have to be executed.

They left because of their sincerely-held religious beliefs, which they don't seem to have attempted to force on anyone.

You mocked them for it, bigot.

They're "different", so you gave yourself permission to demean them.
They left because of their sincerely-held religious beliefs, which they don't seem to have attempted to force on anyone.

You mocked them for it, bigot.

They're "different", so you gave yourself permission to demean them.

I criticized their intolerant and crazy ideas, bigot.
You gloated over their misfortune because they're different.

That's the moral equivalent of mocking the disabled.

How can you pretend you occupy the ethical high ground after this ugly incident?

If Christians want to remove their idiotic ideas and beliefs from the public sphere then I will stop criticizing them. Otherwise they are open for discussion, crybaby.
If Christians want to remove their idiotic ideas and beliefs from the public sphere then I will stop criticizing them. Otherwise they are open for discussion, crybaby.

How did the Gastonguay's "ideas and beliefs" hurt anyone?

Yet you gloated over their misfortune and continue to denigrate them because they are different.

Not much difference between your seething hate and the bigoted Klansman, a Nazi, or Inquisitioner, is there?
How did the Gastonguay's "ideas and beliefs" hurt anyone?

Yet you gloated over their misfortune and continue to denigrate them because they are different.

Not much difference between your seething hate and the bigoted Klansman, a Nazi, or Inquisitioner, is there?

Did I say they hurt anyone? However, they seriously jeopardized the safety of their kids. They also used up some tax money. But I was not making a point of either of those facts. I was criticizing their ideas and relating them to right wing poltics. That is an appropriate topic for a political board. Your whining is not. Maybe you should find one for dealing with your hypersensitivity to debate.

I have not attacked them for simply being different, troll.
Did I say they hurt anyone? However, they seriously jeopardized the safety of their kids. They also used up some tax money. But I was not making a point of either of those facts. I was criticizing their ideas and relating them to right wing poltics. That is an appropriate topic for a political board. Your whining is not. Maybe you should find one for dealing with your hypersensitivity to debate. I have not attacked them for simply being different, troll.

Yes, you have. Just as the anti-Semite leading a pogrom, the hooded Klansman and his lynch mob or the Nazi seeking to justify his final solution, you ooze intolerance and simultaneously try to convince yourself you are innocent of bigotry by justifying your rancid hate.
Yes, you have. Just as the anti-Semite leading a pogrom, the hooded Klansman and his lynch mob or the Nazi seeking to justify his final solution, you ooze intolerance and simultaneously try to convince yourself you are innocent of bigotry by justifying your rancid hate.

So criticizing the ideas of another is the same as genocide? That seems to be the point you have repeated dozens of times.

You offer less of value than pmp and he is at the rock bottom. So I will be putting you on ignore.
So criticizing the ideas of another is the same as genocide? That seems to be the point you have repeated dozens of times. You offer less of value than pmp and he is at the rock bottom. So I will be putting you on ignore.

You didn't take issue with their ideas. You mocked their beliefs and gloated over the failure of the voyage.

The slippery slope to genocide begins with dehumanizing and objectifying those whose differences you fear.

You have taken the first step.
More crazies like Ted Cruz's father. They were headed for an island that is being abandoned due to rising sea levels. lol

Hannah Gastonguay said her family was fed up with government control in the U.S. As Christians they don't believe in "abortion, homosexuality, in the state-controlled church," she said.
U.S. "churches aren't their own," Gastonguay said, suggesting that government regulation interfered with religious independence.
Among other differences, she said they had a problem with being "forced to pay these taxes that pay for abortions we don't agree with."

it looks like they are seeking a theocracy...their own
it looks like they are seeking a theocracy...their own

Like the people who fled persecution in Europe and sailed to North America?

Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe.

The New England colonies, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were conceived and established "as plantations of religion."

Some settlers who arrived in these areas came for secular motives; "to catch fish" as one New Englander put it, but the great majority left Europe to worship God in the way they believed to be correct.

They enthusiastically supported the efforts of their leaders to create "a city on a hill" or a "holy experiment," whose success would prove that God's plan for his churches could be successfully realized in the American wilderness.

Even colonies like Virginia, which were planned as commercial ventures, were led by entrepreneurs who considered themselves "militant Protestants" and who worked diligently to promote the prosperity of the church.
Like the people who fled persecution in Europe and sailed to North America?

Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe.

The New England colonies, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were conceived and established "as plantations of religion."

Some settlers who arrived in these areas came for secular motives; "to catch fish" as one New Englander put it, but the great majority left Europe to worship God in the way they believed to be correct.

They enthusiastically supported the efforts of their leaders to create "a city on a hill" or a "holy experiment," whose success would prove that God's plan for his churches could be successfully realized in the American wilderness.

Even colonies like Virginia, which were planned as commercial ventures, were led by entrepreneurs who considered themselves "militant Protestants" and who worked diligently to promote the prosperity of the church.

i realize that, however, those same colonists approved the current constitution along with the bill of rights
i realize that, however, those same colonists approved the current constitution along with the bill of rights

They did?

Puritans were English Protestants who wished to reform and purify the Church of England of what they considered to be unacceptable residues of Roman Catholicism. In the 1620s leaders of the English state and church grew increasingly unsympathetic to Puritan demands. They insisted that the Puritans conform to religious practices that they abhorred, removing their ministers from office and threatening them with "extirpation from the earth" if they did not fall in line. Zealous Puritan laymen received savage punishments. For example, in 1630 a man was sentenced to life imprisonment, had his property confiscated, his nose slit, an ear cut off, and his forehead branded "S.S." (sower of sedition).

Beginning in 1630 as many as 20,000 Puritans emigrated to America from England to gain the liberty to worship God as they chose. Most settled in New England, but some went as far as the West Indies. Theologically, the Puritans were "non-separating Congregationalists." Unlike the Pilgrims, who came to Massachusetts in 1620, the Puritans believed that the Church of England was a true church, though in need of major reforms.

Reflecting on the seventeenth century's intolerance, Thomas Jefferson was unwilling to concede to Virginians any moral superiority to the Puritans. Beginning in 1659 Virginia enacted anti-Quaker laws, including the death penalty for refractory Quakers. Jefferson surmised that "if no capital execution took place here, as did in New England, it was not owing to the moderation of the church, or the spirit of the legislature."
They did?

Puritans were English Protestants who wished to reform and purify the Church of England of what they considered to be unacceptable residues of Roman Catholicism. In the 1620s leaders of the English state and church grew increasingly unsympathetic to Puritan demands. They insisted that the Puritans conform to religious practices that they abhorred, removing their ministers from office and threatening them with "extirpation from the earth" if they did not fall in line. Zealous Puritan laymen received savage punishments. For example, in 1630 a man was sentenced to life imprisonment, had his property confiscated, his nose slit, an ear cut off, and his forehead branded "S.S." (sower of sedition).

Beginning in 1630 as many as 20,000 Puritans emigrated to America from England to gain the liberty to worship God as they chose. Most settled in New England, but some went as far as the West Indies. Theologically, the Puritans were "non-separating Congregationalists." Unlike the Pilgrims, who came to Massachusetts in 1620, the Puritans believed that the Church of England was a true church, though in need of major reforms.

Reflecting on the seventeenth century's intolerance, Thomas Jefferson was unwilling to concede to Virginians any moral superiority to the Puritans. Beginning in 1659 Virginia enacted anti-Quaker laws, including the death penalty for refractory Quakers. Jefferson surmised that "if no capital execution took place here, as did in New England, it was not owing to the moderation of the church, or the spirit of the legislature."

are you saying that the new england states did not ratify the constitution?

or at least their descendants did