Family leaves US over religious concerns to start new life, becomes lost at sea

Looks like this "lib" wants to talk about reality. Hey, I get it...if you don't like abortion or gays....set sail. But it's not going to change things here where we are.all considered equal.

Love it or leave it?

Is it OK to mock the religious beliefs of others?

Is it OK to gloat over the misfortunes of those you disagree with?

What about tolerance, diversity, and compassion?
Love it or leave it?

Is it OK to mock the religious beliefs of others?

Is it OK to gloat over the misfortunes of those you disagree with?

What about tolerance, diversity, and compassion?

Am I mocking the religious beliefs of others? Please point that out to me. Am I gloating over the misfortunes of others? Please.point that out

As far as tolerance, diversity and compassion? I have that in spades.over most of you righties.
Am I mocking the religious beliefs of others? Please point that out to me. Am I gloating over the misfortunes of others? Please.point that out

This thread was started with that intent, wasn't it? Everything since has been a discussion of the lefts intolerance.

As far as tolerance, diversity and compassion? I have that in spades.over most of you righties.

All that and modesty too?
This thread was started with that intent, wasn't it? Everything since has been a discussion of the lefts intolerance.

All that and modesty too?

The left's intolerence? To what? I have ZERO issue with your beliefs. What I do have an issue.with is trying to make your beliefs LAW. no.better than the Taliban.

No...just fact. I am a Christian....but I don't feel the impose my beliefs upon others and make them bow down and obey.
The left's intolerence? To what? I have ZERO issue with your beliefs. What I do have an issue.with is trying to make your beliefs LAW. no.better than the Taliban.

You have no idea what my beliefs are, so spare me your bigoted ranting, will you?

This thread has been largely an attempt to justify the intolerance of the left by pretending that a family that attempted to flee America was somehow trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us, hasn't it?

No...just fact. I am a Christian....but I don't feel the impose my beliefs upon others and make them bow down and obey.

Yet you don't see that a family leaving a country whose policies they disagree with isn't trying to impose their beliefs on anyone?
You have no idea what my beliefs are, so spare me your bigoted ranting, will you?

This thread has been largely an attempt to justify the intolerance of the left by pretending that a family that attempted to flee America was somehow trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us, hasn't it?

Yet you don't see that a family leaving a country whose policies they disagree with isn't trying to impose their beliefs on anyone?

No...I see it as a thread where a family who doesn't have the ability to impose their beliefs on the rest of society decided to leave....and if they are going to be that intolerant to differing views....more power to them.

Don't you see that the family is leaving simply because they CAN'T impose their beliefs on the rest of society? If they could....they'd stay.

No...I.have no idea.what your beliefs are....but to call it bigoted ranting is bullshit.

So, in closing....who is more intolerant.....the left? For not allowing these people's intolerance to be the law of the land? Or the people themselves who decided that if they can't get their way, they'll leave?
No...I see it as a thread where a family who doesn't have the ability to impose their beliefs on the rest of society decided to leave....and if they are going to be that intolerant to differing views....more power to them. Don't you see that the family is leaving simply because they CAN'T impose their beliefs on the rest of society? If they could....they'd stay.
No...I.have no idea.what your beliefs are....but to call it bigoted ranting is bullshit. So, in closing....who is more intolerant.....the left? For not allowing these people's intolerance to be the law of the land? Or the people themselves who decided that if they can't get their way, they'll leave?

LOL, cite the source of your contention that these people wanted to impose their religion on you. Link up.

Do it now, or I'll know you cannot.
LOL, cite the source of your contention that these people wanted to impose their religion on you. Link up.

Do it now, or I'll know you cannot.

Don't pull that middle school bullshit on me..."do it now or I'll know you cannot"....

What was their reason for leaving? Was it published? I'd only have to assume it was because of Gubmint giving gays the right to be legally bonded together, or abortion.
Love it or leave it?

Is it OK to mock the religious beliefs of others?

Is it OK to gloat over the misfortunes of those you disagree with?

What about tolerance, diversity, and compassion?

Are you still whining? You are just repeating questions that have already been answered.

Yes, it is okay to mock the religious beliefs of others especially when they are being suggested as the proper basis of laws.
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You have no idea what my beliefs are, so spare me your bigoted ranting, will you?

This thread has been largely an attempt to justify the intolerance of the left by pretending that a family that attempted to flee America was somehow trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us, hasn't it?

What intolerant act was I trying justify? No crybaby, I was criticizing the intolerant basis for their actions.
No...I see it as a thread where a family who doesn't have the ability to impose their beliefs on the rest of society decided to leave....

And I see this as a thread about a very very stupid family.... their reasons for leaving, at least as stated in the article had no basis in fact; they headed toward an island that will be flooded by global climate change; and apparently they didn't know how to sail a boat.

And then they were rescued by the govt they didn't like, which is just ironic.

Yes, we can mock people who do such stupid things, regardless of why they did it.
And I see this as a thread about a very very stupid family.... their reasons for leaving, at least as stated in the article had no basis in fact; they headed toward an island that will be flooded by global climate change; and apparently they didn't know how to sail a boat.

And then they were rescued by the govt they didn't like, which is just ironic.

Yes, we can mock people who do such stupid things, regardless of why they did it.

odd....when I do that I'm told its being un-Christian......
odd....when I do that I'm told its being un-Christian......

Maybe because it is.

Giving oneself license to mock, belittle and denigrate the unfortunate because they are different is the essence of hypocritical bigotry.

You can do it, but you cannot pretend your hands are clean afterward.
No...I see it as a thread where a family who doesn't have the ability to impose their beliefs on the rest of society decided to leave....and if they are going to be that intolerant to differing views....more power to them. Don't you see that the family is leaving simply because they CAN'T impose their beliefs on the rest of society? If they could....they'd stay. No...I.have no idea.what your beliefs are....but to call it bigoted ranting is bullshit. So, in closing....who is more intolerant.....the left? For not allowing these people's intolerance to be the law of the land? Or the people themselves who decided that if they can't get their way, they'll leave?

Is that how you'd describe the Jews like Albert Einstein who left Nazi Germany?

They couldn't get their way, so they left?
Maybe because it is.

Giving oneself license to mock, belittle and denigrate the unfortunate because they are different is the essence of hypocritical bigotry.

You can do it, but you cannot pretend your hands are clean afterward.

well, I admit liberals are unfortunate, but for most of them, it IS a choice...
Is that how you'd describe the Jews like Albert Einstein who left Nazi Germany?

They couldn't get their way, so they left?

Yeah, because leaving a country that begins widespread persecution of homosexuals and your ethnic group is just like leaving a country that embraces more tolerance of homosexuals.
Yeah, because leaving a country that begins widespread persecution of homosexuals and your ethnic group is just like leaving a country that embraces more tolerance of homosexuals.

LOL, nice try.

Are you claiming Einstein left Germany because the Nazis began "widespread persecution of homosexuals"?