Family leaves US over religious concerns to start new life, becomes lost at sea

But not wanting to create state controlled churches, right?
Why should she suffer because some irresponsible slut got pregnant?

I did not say she wanted to create state controlled churches. I criticized her comments about state controlled churches and so it was about state controlled churches as you previously denied, idiot!

The Hyde amendments limit public funding of abortion.
Yeah, people who pay taxes shouldn't benefit from the taxes they pay!!
Perfect logic.

Nobody said they should not benefit from the taxes, its just funny that they were complaining about the very thing that helped them get home.
do be quiet cheesy ass, your camel toe looks like a queen size mattress folded in half and stuffed down your yoga pants!!

quit with your fantasys of being swallowed by a giant twat.

dude just look in the mirror you already are inside a giant twat
I saw that.

First, nowhere does the person quoted (Hannah Gastonguay) say her ideas should be used to guide our nation.

Second, "suggesting" is third-person. That means the writer infers that government regulation interfered with religious independence, not that anyone's ideas should be used to guide our nation, as you claimed.

Not that I can see. You're reading something into this, aren't you? Prejudiced, maybe?

Oh yeah...and now comes the inevitable word-parsing, verbal gymnastics employed by Righties who've argued themselves into a corner and can't get out without resorting to such tactics.
I still think "Patriot/Patrician" should buy a boat and use it to take himself and this family far far away from the USA that they find so godless.

Put your money behind your mouth, P/P
And you should fuck off. Fat ass whore!

I must admit...the blistering fury coming off of 007's posts is just a joy to once again behold.

He proves beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly how small-minded the average Rightie is and how he is incapable of posting anything other than vicious seething rage.
Responding to vile venom in kind.
You dish it!
You eat it!!!


Responding in kind?

You've accused Liberals of raping children if their parents are Conservative.

Kindly show everyone the exact post where someone first accused Conservatives of raping children.
They did not leave because they wanted to oppress.
They left to escape tyrannical leftist ideation.
That's all.
You would be joyously masturbating your elation had the kid died though. Wouldn't you?
Dead babies, brings you joy!!

Yes they did.

They wanted to oppress those who believe differently and the Government wouldn't let them, so they "took their ball and went home" so to speak.
If anyone has read Neal Stephenson's book "Interface" - there is a character in there - he's kind of a pollster but also arranges "accidents" to cause political mayhem - he's batshit crazy; likes to chew pieces off women's bodies - and other people's bodies, he's not too picky.

I'm pretty sure he was modeled after 007.

Just looked it up - character's name is Jeremiah Freel

here is a sample scene:

"Oh, this is a good one," said the chairman of the Republican National Committee, inspecting a sheet of paper he had just pulled from a file folder marked FREEL. "During a campaign visit to Minot, North Dakota, you ran a school bus off a road, causing thirty-six injuries, ten of them serious. The parents sued you for a hundred million dollars and won."

"Fuck you," Jeremiah Freel said. "Fuck your mother too."

"When we add that to the libel and slander judgements from the last three presidential campaigns -- let me see, those alone add up to almost another hundred million dollars, which you owe to a dozen and a half different people, including, by the way, myself. You owe me four million."

"Eat my shit," Jeremiah Freel said.

Several other distinguished-looking and well-dressed men were sitting around the conference table. They were in a suite in a very private hotel a few blocks north of the White House. Jeremiah Freel was sitting in a luxurious padded leather chair in the middle of a table. Standing behind him were two men with a combined weight of six hundred pounds, wearing latex gloves and clear plastic face shields.

The other men sitting around the table were all glaring coldly at Freel. One by one, they began to raise their hands and speak up.

"You owe me three million plus legal fees," said the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

"One point five," said another man, holding up his hand.

"Eight hundred thousand," barked another man.

"Half a mil and a printed apology in the Miami Herald."

"What the hell is this, a fucking star chamber?" Jeremiah Freel said. "Why don't you just tell me what the hell you're after?"

"We're after Cozzano," the GOP chairman said.

"Fine. You got him. He's a dead man," Freel said. "By the time I'm finished with that wop son of a bitch, he'll curse his mother for ever having given birth to him. He won't be able to cash a check north of the Equator. Children will spit on his knees. His dog will climb onto his bed in the middle of the night and try to tear his face off and he'll beg for it to happen."

There was an awed silence in the room.

"Don't you want to hear what we are prepared to offer you in exchange for your services?" the Democratic chairman said uncertainly.

"Fuck that," Freel said. "You guys have no imagination. You think I do this shit to make money. But that's not true. I been sitting down there in Rio waiting for something like this. I do it for the pure joy of a job well done. Now, did you assemble my A-Team, or not?"

"We got'em."

"All of'em?"

"All the ones who aren't dead, in prison, or running other campaigns," said the Republican chairman.
You seriously need professional help. At first I thought you were just a troll. But you are genuinely disturbed.[/QUOTE
Yet the abuse I'm responding to is all good?
She is an evil twat, a miserable fat assed cheese fry scoffing shit eating slut.
The best part of her was showered off her mothers thunder thighs after one of the many guys that night threw his muck into the cum dumpster!!

No, I did not say any of the abuse is "all good". But your responses are over the top considering what is said to you.