Family leaves US over religious concerns to start new life, becomes lost at sea

Patriot again tries to change the topic from the idiocy of the people in the initial article to anything he can think of to change the topic.

thanks for acknowledging that Baxter's topic of choice is that Christians are idiots.....he had trouble admitting that himself on the last thread......
thanks for acknowledging that Baxter's topic of choice is that Christians are idiots.....he had trouble admitting that himself on the last thread......

I have not used that word one time. I said they were crazies based on their strange notions about state controlled churches and other ideas.

I don't hear you crying that Tom (aoxomoxoa) used the word for those accepting the idea that rising sea levels are threatening Kiribati. If I chose to engage him on that subject, I would not do so by whining about his use of the word. But I am not a mealy mouthed punk, like you.
They left not because they wished to force others to their will.
They left because they were being forced to the will of others.

For example;-
I am pro choice.
But you can fuck off if you think I should pay for your abortion.
I didn't cause the pregnancy, it's not my responsibility.
You want an abortion, get one, fucking pay for it yourself.
If you want an ICECREAM, same applies!!

You see.
Pro choice.
Pro personal responsibility.
What's your problem with that?
I have not used that word one time. I said they were crazies based on their strange notions about state controlled churches and other ideas.

I don't hear you crying that Tom (aoxomoxoa) used the word for those accepting the idea that rising sea levels are threatening Kiribati. If I chose to engage him on that subject, I would not do so by whining about his use of the word. But I am not a mealy mouthed punk, like you.
It wasn't about state controlled churches, idiot.
It was about punitive measures against people who do the right thing.
if he caused the pregnancy, he is responsible.
No one else.
The pregnant woman and the impregnator are responsible.
No one else.

Really? Because HE don't much part in the process. All he has to do is either:

A. Talk her into an abortion

Or B. Pay some.child support.

The woman has to deal with everything else....from gestation to delivery to taking care of the child till it's an adult.

Let's make the EQUALLY responsible....and.maybe we can talk.
How does blaming others help make both parties equally responsible?

I never caused an unwanted pregnancy.
I have 4 kids and have done the right thing by them.

If some dumbass ghetto rat or redneck knocks up their skank or Ho, why should I pay for the Abortion or the expense of raising their little bastards?

Funny....I don't hear you calling the man an "irresponsible slut"...only the woman.
So, I called him a ghetto rat or a redneck.
Avoid the topic much?

Why should I pay for their abortion or to raise their bastard?
Or will you sidestep that one Yet again!!!???

Do you not care about the child? Tell me.....why SHOULDN'T you, or I for that matter.... have to pay? They are our countrymen....fellow citizens.
What I thought was great about this story is that those tax dollars they were so upset about paying... are being used to help them to get home.