Family leaves US over religious concerns to start new life, becomes lost at sea

Nah, appropriate, these libpaedos need to be stood up to.
It's to protect my kids, the women are the worst for forcing the rape of conservative kids.
The fat ones threaten the guys to make them do it.
The others perform weird sex acts to encourage it.
All liberal women are in fuckably ugly.
Note their husbands are all drunken philanderers!!

And with one lunatic rant you prove my original point.

Women force the rape of conservative kids? WTF? You have lost your mind. I dare you to provide one iota of evidence to back that statement up.
Hilary Clinton sent a child rapist to harass and terrorize sarah palins young daughters.
Forced the palins to tear down fences to enable him to view the children from the next door residence.
Well documented case.
But it goes further.
Ariel Castro.
Liberal employed paedophile.
Nambla, an organization celebrated by liberals.
Lets be clear, paedophillia is a liberal trait!!

First off, you trying to equate a few isolated cases with all liberal women is laughable.

Second of all, you will have to provide me with some links to show Hillary send a child rapist to harrass Palin's daughter. That sounds like some lunatic's conspiracy theory to me.

Ariel Castro is a liberal? He is an insane criminal. And despite what you may read on message boards, that is not the same thing as a liberal.

You might want to do a little research into your claim about pedophilia. It is not a trait that follows political lines. Think about all those catholic priests who molested young boys. They are hardly liberals.
We are going to drop the pedophile/child raping talk right now, because some posters (007) cannot handle a mature discussion on either.
First off, you trying to equate a few isolated cases with all liberal women is laughable.

Second of all, you will have to provide me with some links to show Hillary send a child rapist to harrass Palin's daughter. That sounds like some lunatic's conspiracy theory to me.

Ariel Castro is a liberal? He is an insane criminal. And despite what you may read on message boards, that is not the same thing as a liberal.

You might want to do a little research into your claim about pedophilia. It is not a trait that follows political lines. Think about all those catholic priests who molested young boys. They are hardly liberals.
Ted Kennedy was not a liberal?
The Catholic Church never threw its immense weight behing liberal candidates?
The catholic liberal link was famed worldwide until Obama turned on liberal isms biggest funder in 2007.
Then all of a sudden, the liberals declared the church republican.
Yet no republican candidate received the billions of papist cash that liberals have squandered.
It's just liberal lies.
Unless The drunken murderer TK was a republican..............
Does howie have to stop calling me a paedophile and accusing me of taping my two youngest sons?
Or does he get a pass on that too, along with MM and Zappa who have been making that allegation for months now.
everything I have said is true.
Google it.

Even if it was true (I have not found it to be so), your claims about liberal women are nonsense. That you think the actions of one high ranking liberal means that the posters on here are guilty is the height of insanity.
Even if it was true (I have not found it to be so), your claims about liberal women are nonsense. That you think the actions of one high ranking liberal means that the posters on here are guilty is the height of insanity.
You were told to drop the subject fuckwit.
Don't tell me.....
Mary Jo Kopecne.
You blame Bush!!!!
So were you, and yet here you are. Winterborn is a member in long good standing here, you are not.
the subject you asked me to drop has been dropped.
Or are you asking me to agree with every far left liberal lie hurled without question?
You asked me to drop one element, just me, you encouraged others to use that allegation against me.
So I dropped it.
Why are you going on the attack now, after it was dropped?
Are you losing the plot?
Yes they did.

They wanted to oppress those who believe differently and the Government wouldn't let them, so they "took their ball and went home" so to speak.

Wow. This is rather ignorant. They left oppression, it is the reason we have the 1st Amendment. The government doesn't get to pick your religion like they did in merry old Britlandia.
Wow. This is rather ignorant. They left oppression, it is the reason we have the 1st Amendment. The government doesn't get to pick your religion like they did in merry old Britlandia.

The govt wasn't picking their religion, in spite of the couple's delusions.
The govt wasn't picking their religion, in spite of the couple's delusions.

Ah... From the post he quoted to the post I quoted I figured he was speaking of the first pilgrims. I was probably wrong though, because I didn't read the thread. Nor will I, it is a silly thread.
Look like the libs want to libs claim this family tried to impose their religious beliefs on all Americans as an excuse for their gloating over the rescue.
So because their constitutionally-protected religious beliefs differ from yours, you feel justified in mocking them?

Isn't it the gay population's constitutional right to seek equality? You do realize that the FOUNDING FATHERS declared that all men were created equal....that designation came.later to women too...and minorities.

Believing a sin is a sin is one thing. Imposing discrimination.based upon that believe is quite another. Same with abortion. I despise abortion....much like suicide, I think it's a coward's way out. But I also believe that it's God's role to judge the hearts, minds and souls of the sinner. We as simple human beings aren't capable of of that responsibility.

The religious zealots? Yes...they are constitutionally protected. But they don't get to set policy for everyone else...who are also the same Constitution.
Look like the libs want to libs claim this family tried to impose their religious beliefs on all Americans as an excuse for their gloating over the rescue.

Looks like this "lib" wants to talk about reality. Hey, I get it...if you don't like abortion or gays....set sail. But it's not going to change things here where we are.all considered equal.