Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

Something you implied this father was doing at the beginning of this thread.

I can guarantee you the last place Mr. Heslin would chose to be is talking about his 6 year old son's violent murder at a hearing on gun violence. I am sure he believes by speaking out against assault type weapons he is honoring his beloved son. An effort to make his son Jesse's life and death meaningful. And to stop other parents from having to face his deep pain.

I have a niece that's five and twin niece/nephew that are two. I remember it felt like I got punched right in the gut when I heard about the shooting thinking how it could have been my five year old niece. So I can't begin to understand how bad the pain this father is going through and I feel for him.

The point of this thread seems pretty clearly to attempt to show how gun right supporters are heartless and rude by heckling this man who has gone through this horrible tradegy. This father deserves all of our support and compassion for his loss but as it is now being shown it's pretty clear this man was not being heckled and was not being interrupted while he spoke.
We have a cancer in this country, and they are armed.


Neil Heslin, father of 6-year-old Newtown shooting victim Jesse Lewis, was heckled at the Connecticut State Legislature as he testified Tuesday in hearings on the aftermath of the Newtown massacre. Gun enthusiasts shouted “the Second Amendment!” several times while Heslin, holding a picture of his son, wondered why Bushmaster assault-style weapons such as the one shooter Adam Lanza used should be sold in the state. “There are a lot of things that should be changed to prevent what happened,” Heslin said. Around 1,500 people—both pro-gun and anti, who all had to pass through metal detectors—attended the hearings at the Connecticut capitol under heightened security. Hundreds testified, with one lawyer insisting “the local and national debate has been co-opted by the anti-gun agenda.”

Read it at Connecticut Post

January 29, 2013 7:05 AM

At what point will the Right Wing wake up and realize they are acting like immature idiots unable to have a mature political talk? Sean Hannity attacked this father hard. He twisted the fathers words to make his debate work in his favor. At one point I just got depressed for America when the father held up a picture of his son and started talking about him and Hannity said, "Here he is applying to emotions"

Pathetic mf'er.
Something you implied this father was doing at the beginning of this thread.

and upon seeing the whole video and not the sound byte, I corrected my error.

I can guarantee you the last place Mr. Heslin would chose to be is talking about his 6 year old son's violent murder at a hearing on gun violence. I am sure he believes by speaking out against assault type weapons he is honoring his beloved son. An effort to make his son Jesse's life and death meaningful. And to stop other parents from having to face his deep pain.

and yet you continue to use him to further your own agenda rather than admit MSNBC played you.
At what point will the Right Wing wake up and realize they are acting like immature idiots unable to have a mature political talk? Sean Hannity attacked this father hard. He twisted the fathers words to make his debate work in his favor. At one point I just got depressed for America when the father held up a picture of his son and started talking about him and Hannity said, "Here he is applying to emotions"

Pathetic mf'er.

Odd, because it was MSNBC that actually edited the tape to further their propaganda. Propaganda that was quickly picked up by other left wing journalists looking to further their cause of 'da NRA be da evilz'...
At what point will the Right Wing wake up and realize they are acting like immature idiots unable to have a mature political talk? Sean Hannity attacked this father hard. He twisted the fathers words to make his debate work in his favor. At one point I just got depressed for America when the father held up a picture of his son and started talking about him and Hannity said, "Here he is applying to emotions"

Pathetic mf'er.

answering him after he asked the question twice...is acting like immature idiots?

wow...just wow
Well, the money is at the bank and stays at the bank. Unless you plan to have armed guards following kids everywhere they go (like we do with large sums of money and yet armored cars get jacked every once in a while) akin to the security and Secret Service details assigned to the children of prominent public officials, you can't do that with kids in general.

And I don't want my kids growing up in an environment where its necessary to have armed guards around them 24/7. That's just fucked up. Kids shouldn't be "hardened targets."
you prefer them to just be "targets" then, right?
and upon seeing the whole video and not the sound byte, I corrected my error.

and yet you continue to use him to further your own agenda rather than admit MSNBC played you.

Seriously, are you incorrigible or just an asshole? I didn't see the MSNBC video unless the MLB Network showed it.
Thought I'd save this for my next sig update.

Yeah...cuz if anyone knows how to respond like an immature idiot, Yurtroll's the guy!

yeah...you had to dishonestly edit my post just like MSNBC did howey

all you are is a troll and liar...i don't like ignore, but you're about 3 posts from it fag

what is truly ironic, your entire post is immature and trollery
yeah...you had to dishonestly edit my post just like MSNBC did howey

all you are is a troll and liar...i don't like ignore, but you're about 3 posts from it fag

what is truly ironic, your entire post is immature and trollery

I double dog dare you.
yes, MSNBC posted the entire unedited video AFTER they were criticized for editing the version that led to all the 'the evilz NRA heckled a grieving father'... it was the edited version that led to this very thread.

Posting the entire unedited version after the fact doesn't change the fact that he deliberately edited a version to paint the picture he wanted.
In the very next time slot? MSNBC changed the programming in less than 1/2 hour?
Seriously, are you incorrigible or just an asshole? I didn't see the MSNBC video unless the MLB Network showed it.

Definitely an asshole... that said, if MSNBC didn't play you directly, it did drive a lot of the faux outrage articles from the left. They, like their NBC parent, decided to edit the tape to make it appear to be something it was not. Then articles started popping up all over the place. Then someone actually watched the entire proceeding and called bullshit on MSNBC. I am simply stating where the lie began... others (foolishly) took MSNBC for an honest news source.
In the very next time slot? MSNBC changed the programming in less than 1/2 hour?

Bashir's is the one that led to the faux outrage. I don't watch shitty networks... so if they ran the entire 17 minutes right after his piece, I am unaware of it. I do know they pulled down the link from Bashirs piece and replaced it with the full video so that 'people could make up their own minds' (which would indicate MSNBC was trying to make it up for them with their edited version)