Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

Definitely an asshole... that said, if MSNBC didn't play you directly, it did drive a lot of the faux outrage articles from the left. They, like their NBC parent, decided to edit the tape to make it appear to be something it was not. Then articles started popping up all over the place. Then someone actually watched the entire proceeding and called bullshit on MSNBC. I am simply stating where the lie began... others (foolishly) took MSNBC for an honest news source.

The news source I used is a local paper with a reporter who actually attended the hearing. The tone and tenor from the gun nuts was one of confrontation and intimidation, wearing camos and issuing warnings.
The news source I used is a local paper with a reporter who actually attended the hearing. The tone and tenor from the gun nuts was one of confrontation and intimidation, wearing camos and issuing warnings.

i call bullshit. especially since you're still claiming this was heckling.
how in the world is answering, second amendment, non responsive? the entire issue is about the second amendment.

you're moronic.

what non-responsive answer?
The question posed, was what need there was for people to own assault weapons.

To say "the second amendment shall no be infringed", is moronic, and non responsive.

Nobody is taking away second amendment rights. There are already restrictions on the type of weapons that you may 'keep and bear'.

These mindless morons simply recite non responsive drivel.

But, they didn't interrupt the father, and they didn't speak over him. They didn't heckle.
The question posed, was what need there was for people to own assault weapons.

To say "the second amendment shall no be infringed", is moronic, and non responsive.

Nobody is taking away second amendment rights. There are already restrictions on the type of weapons that you may 'keep and bear'.

These mindless morons simply recite non responsive drivel.

But, they didn't interrupt the father, and they didn't speak over him. They didn't heckle.

you have a point there. however, if you watch the exchange again, he is challenging people as to why they "need" such a weapon. his phrasing of the question as "need" misses the point, because the ultimate point is, why and that answer is the second amendment according to those who replied to him.

do you "need" free speech althea? i guarantee you cannot answer that question without telling me why.
The question posed, was what need there was for people to own assault weapons.

To say "the second amendment shall no be infringed", is moronic, and non responsive.

Nobody is taking away second amendment rights. There are already restrictions on the type of weapons that you may 'keep and bear'.

These mindless morons simply recite non responsive drivel.

But, they didn't interrupt the father, and they didn't speak over him. They didn't heckle.

Great post.

They recite Fox News. It's what they are taught to do. Then thay call everyone else sheeple. Because MOST of America is brainwashed an not just a select few.

Gun owners are only worked up because of #1 on the "Fox News Brainwash" list........PANIC MONGERING. Watch or listen to Fox News EVERYONE. I guarantee you will get emotionally worked up no matter what you stand for because they are the drama queens of news. I identify with so many points in a row then they say something completely idiotic. I did not fit in their herd.
you have a point there. however, if you watch the exchange again, he is challenging people as to why they "need" such a weapon. his phrasing of the question as "need" misses the point, because the ultimate point is, why and that answer is the second amendment according to those who replied to him.

do you "need" free speech althea? i guarantee you cannot answer that question without telling me why.
I'm not anti gun. I asked a good friend why he needs assault type weapons. He said "Cuz they're fun!"

I'm open to allowing people to get their jollies by keeping these guns in a locker at a gun club, or if they own enough land, allowing them to shoot them at home. The problem is that having these weapons circulating, makes them available to the murderers.

Likewise, having them available at every Gander Mt. or Cabelas makes it too easy for murderers to get them. If we have a mandatory 10 year prison sentence...with no ifs/ands/buts...if you get caught with one in public, then perhaps I'll see the other side of the coin.

The question was valid....what do people 'need' these guns for?
Great post.

They recite Fox News. It's what they are taught to do. Then thay call everyone else sheeple. Because MOST of America is brainwashed an not just a select few.

Gun owners are only worked up because of #1 on the "Fox News Brainwash" list........PANIC MONGERING. Watch or listen to Fox News EVERYONE. I guarantee you will get emotionally worked up no matter what you stand for because they are the drama queens of news. I identify with so many points in a row then they say something completely idiotic. I did not fit in their herd.
I watch Fox for comedic value. There is a grain of validity to some points made there, combined with a truckload of bullshit.

But when the median IQ of your listeners is somewhere around 90, bullshit pays dividends.