Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

so you are saying your own misrepresentation was intentional then.....

I told you to pay attention, it could have saved you from this embarrassment...too late.

The 'misrepresentation' is that this thread was spawned by an MSNBC video. It was not. I didn't see the MSNBC video or watch MSNBC.

The OP is a local reporter who actually attended the hearing, AND came to the conclusion "Neil Heslin, father of 6-year-old Newtown shooting victim Jesse Lewis, was heckled at the Connecticut State Legislature as he testified Tuesday in hearings on the aftermath of the Newtown massacre."

AND, the Chairmen of the hearing chastised the hecklers and warned them he would clear the room if it persisted.

Sorry, I tried to warn you...
they have lost their minds and souls.

they are westboro level crazy

Answering a man's question now equates with one having lost their mind and soul along with being westboro level crazy. I think Desh takes the early lead for most hyperbolic statement of the day.
Ok...I finally listened to the entire video. I've got a couple of questions..

1. Does anyone know who set off the fire alarm? Seems awful convenient...

2. This was a hearing. Think of the most recent hearing we listened to. John Kerry's. When that woman started yelling, was that condidered heckling?

You don't need to answer. The answer is yes. Just like this interruption was.

3. How was the father's use of his son's picture a misrepresentation when he explained it was an old pic?
dude, the misrepresentation was that he was heckled......

You have the right to your opinion. That is not how the reporter who was there in person saw it, or the Chairman of the hearing. A Chairman does not issue a warning he will clear the room over legitimate or proper actions...

Sorry again...maybe this will be a lesson to pay attention.
The news source I used is a local paper with a reporter who actually attended the hearing. The tone and tenor from the gun nuts was one of confrontation and intimidation, wearing camos and issuing warnings.

so, in other words, you are just going to continue making up bullshit now that the original bullshit has been thoroughly debunked?
They screamed at a man whos baby died right before christmas that his sons death was needed to protect gun rights.

No one screamed at him. Apparently you are yet another left wing nut who is going to lie, despite the fact that we can all listen to the 17 minute speech by Heslin.

Quit walking on the grave of his son by lying about what occurred just to further your political agenda.
The news source I used is a local paper with a reporter who actually attended the hearing. The tone and tenor from the gun nuts was one of confrontation and intimidation, wearing camos and issuing warnings.

Also... which local paper are you referring to?
tell me why the guy running the show said he would stop the thing if people didnt calm down?

Because they were not supposed to speak at all, which is likely why they remained silent the first time Heslin asked the question. It wasn't until Heslin said 'no one can answer this' did they speak up. Immediately they were warned not to speak. It is about decorum.
he was screamed at by gun nutters while holding up a picture of his dead child your fucking "needed" guns turned into swiss cheese just a few weeks ago.

That is what the article says.

That is heckling at its worst you fucking ghoul

He was NOT holding the photo of his son when HE asked the crowd a question. Obviously you did not watch the video, but rather are relying on the original lies by MSNBC and other left wing media nuts.
He was NOT holding the photo of his son when HE asked the crowd a question. Obviously you did not watch the video, but rather are relying on the original lies by MSNBC and other left wing media nuts.

Are you shocked that lefties are oblivious to the fact that they are being manipulated by propaganda?
That was heckling you idiot.

No it wasn't you liar.

they had been told NOT to do this before the meeting.

Yes, which is why they remained silent the entire first 15 minutes and only responded when Heslin said 'no one in this room can answer'... it is on the video Desh... quit lying.

they screamed at a man who had a dead child that the second amendment (as they interprit it) was worth the deaht of his child and the others.

They did not scream at him. Quit lying. The video is there for everyone to see AND hear.

Westboro level crazy reached

You passed that long ago Desh with your lies and hate.

He did NOT take the silence as an indication of anything.

YES he did you liar. Try watching the actual video. The truth shall set you free.

The idiots didnt stay silient,

For over 15 minutes they did, only when Heslin stated that they 'couldn't' answer his direct question to them did a few respond.

They told a man who was grieveing a bullet ridden child that his childs death was just calteral damage for THEIR gun snuggling

More emo bullshit from Desh. How many lies did you tell on one post Desh?
there are 21 pages of this thread folks cant someone get me the link?

I always find it funny when people refuse to repost evidence they say proves something.

The vidoe dosent show what you claim huh?
Whereas the vid has already been reposted for you...to no avail...is it your position that coming late to a discussion gives you the right to demand that others repeat a post just to save you time?

The salient points have been made. The audience was warned because any talking is prohibited. The grieving father challenged the audience to answer his question. They did.

Are they morons? Yes.

Did they heckle him? No
No one screamed at him. Apparently you are yet another left wing nut who is going to lie, despite the fact that we can all listen to the 17 minute speech by Heslin.

Quit walking on the grave of his son by lying about what occurred just to further your political agenda.

Your a sociopath