Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

That was heckling you idiot.

they had been told NOT to do this before the meeting.

they screamed at a man who had a dead child that the second amendment (as they interprit it) was worth the deaht of his child and the others.

Westboro level crazy reached

He did NOT take the silence as an indication of anything.

The idiots didnt stay silient,

They told a man who was grieveing a bullet ridden child that his childs death was just calteral damage for THEIR gun snuggling

If that was screaming, then you should go get your fucking ears checked; you dumbass.
I guess I'm going to have to post some more definitions.

It was a FUCKING HEARING, not a q&a.

Here's another example, not of a hearing..

Obama asked a lot of rhetorical questions and made a lot of rhetorical statements three years ago. And Joe Wilson, a gun nut, heckled him.

Then he shouldn't have asked the second time, you idiot.
Asking once can be seen as "rhetorical"; but when you challange for an answer, it's no longer rhetorical.
Y'all need to find a Roberts Rules Of Order and read up on it.

I understand inbred teabaggers and gun nuts lack manners, but one does not interrupt during a hearing. They should have been locked up.


You'll feel better, after you have your lunch packed for tomorrow.
Though it was clearly not taken shortly before the shooting, it serves as a good before and after photo. This shooting has been the catalyst for a major policy debate regarding firearms, but I hope you don't forget what actually happened.


M. Peter Kuck, a member of the State Firearms Review Board who has clashed with State Police over gun-permit issues, asked legislators if they were willing to risk a police conflict with gun owners by legislating the seizure of banned magazines or firearms. His question provoked applause from gun owners.

"They don't trust us. We don't trust them," said Kuck, who is suing the State Police over a demand he prove citizenship when he renewed his pistol permit in 2007, a demand he suggested was harassment.

William Kuhns of Prospect, who says he has carried a gun for self-defense since being shot during a gas-station robbery about a decade ago, said legislators could expect to see acts of civil disobedience if the state sought to seize weapons.

His Facebook page promotes OathKeepers.org, whose motto is, "We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people."

The hearing ran past midnight.

CT Mirror

that article does not say he was heckled, it also dramatically misrepresents what actually occurred. He did not 'wonder aloud'... he turned around and faced the crowd and asked a question of them. When they remained silent, he said 'no one can answer' (paraphrasing)... THEN they answered him.

It was not heckling no matter how much you wish to pretend it was. That has been thoroughly debunked.

I can't help but notice that you didn't even quote the portion of the article that addressed Heslin. Instead you posted something completely irrelevant to this thread.
Y'all need to find a Roberts Rules Of Order and read up on it.

I understand inbred teabaggers and gun nuts lack manners, but one does not interrupt during a hearing. They should have been locked up.

LOL. Yeah, because the "rules of order" are the same thing as a law... I never read anything in the rules of order that people get sent to the Order Jail for answering a question. Anyway, the rules of order also say he is supposed to direct all communication to the "President" of the meeting, turning around and facing the crowd to ask a non-rhetorical question, as he did, is also against the rules. I guess he should be in prison too.

They didn't heckle him, but you wish they had so badly that you can't keep from pretending that somebody using a brain rather than feelings still believes you. Even the edited tape didn't show them heckling, but if you watch the unedited it makes it very clear.
that article does not say he was heckled, it also dramatically misrepresents what actually occurred. He did not 'wonder aloud'... he turned around and faced the crowd and asked a question of them. When they remained silent, he said 'no one can answer' (paraphrasing)... THEN they answered him.

It was not heckling no matter how much you wish to pretend it was. That has been thoroughly debunked.

I can't help but notice that you didn't even quote the portion of the article that addressed Heslin. Instead you posted something completely irrelevant to this thread.

I quoted the part of the article that gave insight into the atmosphere of the hearing. The veiled threats of violence and intimidation the gun nuts brought to the hearing. The NRA 'tree watering' crowd. The ignorant fucks like you and your ilk.

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that article does not say he was heckled, it also dramatically misrepresents what actually occurred.

Really? That article appears to be a valid and fair portrayal of the hearing.

Were you there? How do you know what went on at the hearing? Here's more comments from people at the meeting:

Citizens who demand better gun safety have a lot of work to do. This hearing was overrun by rude bullies, mostly men, who showed up to oppose any tightening of gun legislation. As one attendee described them, "men loving their weapons."

America's gun fetish is disgusting, but make no mistake, it's real. Logic doesn't enter into it. If we were discussing the issue logically, we would ask: If guns make us safer, why did the hearing's attendees have to pass through a metal detector to enter the building?

Mr. Heslin is a model of compassion and restraint. We all have something to learn from him. It saddens me that some fools heckled him from the audience. But he rose above it. His main point was good regulation doesn't deprive gun owners of their weapons. There's a middle ground to owning firearms vs. firearms that belong in the field of battle. Also, to the commenter "citizens who demand better" spewing anti-male rhetoric, you're not helping and if I were in charge of this page, I'd demand better from you.

This was a hearing. Comments from the spectators are not allowed. Period.
I quoted the part of the article that gave insight into the atmosphere of the hearing. The veiled threats of violence and intimidation the gun nuts brought to the hearing. The NRA 'tree watering' crowd. The ignorant fucks like you and your ilk.


ROFLMAO... you state ridiculous assertions like the above and still wonder why you get mocked so much?
ROFLMAO... you state ridiculous assertions like the above and still wonder why you get mocked so much?

You spend more time on the floor than my dogs...'ridiculous assertions'? Really?? Are you aware NRA president Wayne LaPierre went before the Senate Judiciary hearing last week and spewed the black helicopter insurrectionist argument for why citizens need assault weapons? LaPierre's statements revealed that they are in fact weapons of choice for individuals ready to wage war on our government.

The black helicopter insurrectionist and preppers like Adam Lanza's mother are the folks who deserve to be mocked. Normal, moderate and responsible Americans need to mock pea brains like you every time you open your fear infested pea makes you open your pie hole.
You spend more time on the floor than my dogs...'ridiculous assertions'? Really?? Are you aware NRA president Wayne LaPierre went before the Senate Judiciary hearing last week and spewed the black helicopter insurrectionist argument for why citizens need assault weapons? LaPierre's statements revealed that they are in fact weapons of choice for individuals ready to wage war on our government.

The black helicopter insurrectionist and preppers like Adam Lanza's mother are the folks who deserve to be mocked. Normal, moderate and responsible Americans need to mock pea brains like you every time you open your fear infested pea makes you open your pie hole.

Seriously, you are quite the fool. You get schooled on the topic of whether or not Heslin was 'heckled' (he was not) and then you resort to diversion rather than admit you were wrong. LaPierre has nothing to do with whether or not Heslin was heckled (which is the topic we have been discussing). The other people who spoke during that hearing have nothing to do with whether or not Heslin was heckled (which is the topic we have been discussing).

Which is why you continually get mocked for running away from the discussion and trying to divert it to other people who did/said other things. Because you know that you are flat out wrong.
Seriously, you are quite the fool. You get schooled on the topic of whether or not Heslin was 'heckled' (he was not) and then you resort to diversion rather than admit you were wrong. LaPierre has nothing to do with whether or not Heslin was heckled (which is the topic we have been discussing). The other people who spoke during that hearing have nothing to do with whether or not Heslin was heckled (which is the topic we have been discussing).

Which is why you continually get mocked for running away from the discussion and trying to divert it to other people who did/said other things. Because you know that you are flat out wrong.

I have addressed this numerous times already, try to pay attention. My CT Mirror post was to back up the fact the gun nuts who showed up were black helicopter insurrectionist nuts and preppers like the woman who raised Adam Lanza. Reporters who were THERE, who witnessed the whole event, people who heard and saw the tone and tenor of the crowd came to the conclusion Mr. Heslin was heckled. The Chairman of the hearing threatened to clear the room if it continued. Those are the facts. You have the right to your opinion, but the fact you were not at the hearing discounts that opinion.
Really? That article appears to be a valid and fair portrayal of the hearing.

Were you there? How do you know what went on at the hearing? Here's more comments from people at the meeting:

This was a hearing. Comments from the spectators are not allowed. Period.

Again, nor is addressing the crowd and challenging them with non-rhetorical questions. Apply your same heavy standard to both or just admit your are emoting all over the board and give us some wet wipes to clean off.
I have addressed this numerous times already, try to pay attention. My CT Mirror post was to back up the fact the gun nuts who showed up were black helicopter insurrectionist nuts and preppers like the woman who raised Adam Lanza. Reporters who were THERE, who witnessed the whole event, people who heard and saw the tone and tenor of the crowd came to the conclusion Mr. Heslin was heckled. The Chairman of the hearing threatened to clear the room if it continued. Those are the facts. You have the right to your opinion, but the fact you were not at the hearing discounts that opinion.

This is literally, very literally, an appeal to emotion. It says, "It felt that way to some people interviewed, so that means it was!" It's nonsense in reality, and a logical fallacy. Nobody heckled him, he directly asked these people a question (against the Roberts Rules of Order that Howey desperately wants to apply with prison for the side who simply reacted to a person breaking those same Rules of order) and they simply answered him after he repeated it.
I have addressed this numerous times already, try to pay attention. My CT Mirror post was to back up the fact the gun nuts who showed up were black helicopter insurrectionist nuts and preppers like the woman who raised Adam Lanza.

Yet it didn't do that. Not in the least. You injected your bullshit into the article. Nothing short of typical far left liberal gun fearing nonsense.

Reporters who were THERE, who witnessed the whole event, people who heard and saw the tone and tenor of the crowd came to the conclusion Mr. Heslin was heckled.

LMAO... you are so full of shit. Tell us, who still claims he was heckled? your author of the article from the CT post didn't say any such thing. The previous people who have stated it have recanted.

We all have the ability to watch the video of the entire 15 minutes that Heslin spoke, uninterrupted. It wasn't until he asked a question, got silence as a reply, then challenged the audience a second time that he was answered.

No matter how much you rant and rave about the so-called 'tone' of the people there and pretend you saw something ominous that even the reporter you quoted didn't see. No matter how much you twist and turn... it won't change the fact that he was not heckled.

The Chairman of the hearing threatened to clear the room if it continued. Those are the facts. You have the right to your opinion, but the fact you were not at the hearing discounts that opinion.

You are the only one injecting opinion. The chair was following procedure. Heslin was not to address the crowd and the crowd was to remain silent. The crowd violated the rule based on Heslin doing so. That is the fact of what occurred. Saying 'you weren't there' is a dis-qualifier of opinion is one of the most retarded things I have heard. If that were the case, then your opinion would also be negated. Everyone here was able to listen to the entire 17 minutes of testimony Heslin gave. Everyone. We can all formulate opinions on that.
Yet it didn't do that. Not in the least. You injected your bullshit into the article. Nothing short of typical far left liberal gun fearing nonsense.

LMAO... you are so full of shit. Tell us, who still claims he was heckled? your author of the article from the CT post didn't say any such thing. The previous people who have stated it have recanted.

We all have the ability to watch the video of the entire 15 minutes that Heslin spoke, uninterrupted. It wasn't until he asked a question, got silence as a reply, then challenged the audience a second time that he was answered.

No matter how much you rant and rave about the so-called 'tone' of the people there and pretend you saw something ominous that even the reporter you quoted didn't see. No matter how much you twist and turn... it won't change the fact that he was not heckled.

You are the only one injecting opinion. The chair was following procedure. Heslin was not to address the crowd and the crowd was to remain silent. The crowd violated the rule based on Heslin doing so. That is the fact of what occurred. Saying 'you weren't there' is a dis-qualifier of opinion is one of the most retarded things I have heard. If that were the case, then your opinion would also be negated. Everyone here was able to listen to the entire 17 minutes of testimony Heslin gave. Everyone. We can all formulate opinions on that.

And the OP is from someone who didn't watch a video, he was there in person and came to the conclusion Heslin was heckled. He was able to hear and see what went on all day long. He was able to hear and see things the video may not reveal. I didn't interject anything into the article, I quoted it verbatim.

No one answered his question, the chanted absolutist dogma and ignorance. The second amendment is not an absolute right.
Yet it didn't do that. Not in the least. You injected your bullshit into the article. Nothing short of typical far left liberal gun fearing nonsense.

LMAO... you are so full of shit. Tell us, who still claims he was heckled? your author of the article from the CT post didn't say any such thing. The previous people who have stated it have recanted.

We all have the ability to watch the video of the entire 15 minutes that Heslin spoke, uninterrupted. It wasn't until he asked a question, got silence as a reply, then challenged the audience a second time that he was answered.

No matter how much you rant and rave about the so-called 'tone' of the people there and pretend you saw something ominous that even the reporter you quoted didn't see. No matter how much you twist and turn... it won't change the fact that he was not heckled.

You are the only one injecting opinion. The chair was following procedure. Heslin was not to address the crowd and the crowd was to remain silent. The crowd violated the rule based on Heslin doing so. That is the fact of what occurred. Saying 'you weren't there' is a dis-qualifier of opinion is one of the most retarded things I have heard. If that were the case, then your opinion would also be negated. Everyone here was able to listen to the entire 17 minutes of testimony Heslin gave. Everyone. We can all formulate opinions on that.

And the OP is from someone who didn't watch a video, he was there in person and came to the conclusion Heslin was heckled. He was able to hear and see what went on all day long. He was able to hear and see things the video may not reveal. I didn't interject anything into the article, I quoted it verbatim.

No one answered his question, the chanted absolutist dogma and ignorance. The second amendment is not an absolute right.
And the OP is from someone who didn't watch a video, he was there in person and came to the conclusion Heslin was heckled. He was able to hear and see what went on all day long. He was able to hear and see things the video may not reveal. I didn't interject anything into the article, I quoted it verbatim.

No one answered his question, the chanted absolutist dogma and ignorance. The second amendment is not an absolute right.

So you are going to continue touting the original bullshit, despite the fact that everyone has watched the entire video and in general (save a few left wing nuts) come to the conclusion that no heckling occurred?

No one 'chanted' anything. Several people answered his question the second time around. How many lies are you going to tell?

The only ignorance being displayed is coming from you.
Let's just agree to this. Heslin may or may not have been heckled, but the NRA supporters disrespected his testimony and his dead son.