Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

Ok...I finally listened to the entire video. I've got a couple of questions..

2. This was a hearing. Think of the most recent hearing we listened to. John Kerry's. When that woman started yelling, was that condidered heckling?
If Kerry had challenged the audience to critique his past history, then the lady wouldn't be a heckler. You see no difference between the two?

You don't need to answer. The answer is yes. Just like this interruption was.
Actually, the answer is no. This wasn't an interruption. The audience was CHALLENGED to answer.
and had been earlier told NOT to heckle.

They got their turn to speak too.

Did the parents of the dead babies heckle them when they spoke?
Now I know why you lairs made me go look for it instead of getting it for me.

When someone tells you go get it your self it means even they know their "evidence" is bullshit.

the video was posted on this thread at least three times... you didn't have to go anywhere but this thread to find it. Pretending others should have to RE post the video simply because you are too lazy to look on THIS thread is really quite sad. Though we can understand why you wish to engage in faux outrage at this great indignity given the video shows how completely wrong you are.
I have known you for years. You are a sociopath in my book.

given that you are an idiot and a complete partisan hack, I really don't hold your opinion in very high regard.

You lie and refuse to admitt when you are wrong and you hate anyone who cares about others.

1) You are the one lying on this thread
2) You are the one refusing to admit you are wrong
3) Now you have lied AGAIN in some vain attempt to divert the topic into something else. I do not hate anyone that cares about others. That is simply another example of how hateful you are.

Now... are you done lying on this thread? Or are you going to continue?
I guess I'm going to have to post some more definitions.

It was a FUCKING HEARING, not a q&a.

Here's another example, not of a hearing..

Obama asked a lot of rhetorical questions and made a lot of rhetorical statements three years ago. And Joe Wilson, a gun nut, heckled him.
I guess I'm going to have to post some more definitions.

It was a FUCKING HEARING, not a q&a.

Here's another example, not of a hearing..

Obama asked a lot of rhetorical questions and made a lot of rhetorical statements three years ago. And Joe Wilson, a gun nut, heckled him.
I guess I'm going to have to post some more definitions.

It was a FUCKING HEARING, not a q&a.

Here's another example, not of a hearing..

Obama asked a lot of rhetorical questions and made a lot of rhetorical statements three years ago. And Joe Wilson, a gun nut, heckled him.

You aren't very bright are you? When you turn around and ask a direct question, THEN comment that no one is able to answer the question... it is not rhetorical. He wanted an answer.
I guess I'm going to have to post some more definitions.

It was a FUCKING HEARING, not a q&a.

Here's another example, not of a hearing..

Obama asked a lot of rhetorical questions and made a lot of rhetorical statements three years ago. And Joe Wilson, a gun nut, heckled him.
Wilson yelled 'you lie' after Obama made a claim about illegals and the new healthcare bill. If POTUS challenged all of Congress to answer a question during his SOTU address, they would feel compelled to answer.
he was screamed at by gun nutters while holding up a picture of his dead child your fucking "needed" guns turned into swiss cheese just a few weeks ago.

That is what the article says.

That is heckling at its worst you fucking ghoul

You're the ghoul.
You're the one feasting on the man's dead son and trying to promote your lied.
Go back to drinking; because at least then, you were unable to type.
he was screamed at by gun nutters while holding up a picture of his dead child your fucking "needed" guns turned into swiss cheese just a few weeks ago.

That is what the article says.

That is heckling at its worst you fucking ghoul

no one screamed. why don't you watch the video and see for yourself...it was not heckling, period
Also... which local paper are you referring to?


M. Peter Kuck, a member of the State Firearms Review Board who has clashed with State Police over gun-permit issues, asked legislators if they were willing to risk a police conflict with gun owners by legislating the seizure of banned magazines or firearms. His question provoked applause from gun owners.

"They don't trust us. We don't trust them," said Kuck, who is suing the State Police over a demand he prove citizenship when he renewed his pistol permit in 2007, a demand he suggested was harassment.

William Kuhns of Prospect, who says he has carried a gun for self-defense since being shot during a gas-station robbery about a decade ago, said legislators could expect to see acts of civil disobedience if the state sought to seize weapons.

His Facebook page promotes OathKeepers.org, whose motto is, "We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people."

The hearing ran past midnight.

CT Mirror
You aren't very bright are you? When you turn around and ask a direct question, THEN comment that no one is able to answer the question... it is not rhetorical. He wanted an answer.

Y'all need to find a Roberts Rules Of Order and read up on it.

I understand inbred teabaggers and gun nuts lack manners, but one does not interrupt during a hearing. They should have been locked up.