Fauci warns US could see more than 100,000 deaths

I think that he must be one of tRumps illegitimate kids. Who else would defend a p.o.s. like tRump so relentlessly.

It's obvious that you are mentally retarded and should be kept under constant watch in a padded cell. Or, my preference, you could just kill yourself. ;)
When YOU lie constantly it’s so difficult to remember your own bullshit.

It would appear that "Lie Promotor" could use some grammar remediation. He gets so involved in his profanity laced tirades that he doesn't remember how to differentiate between the proper use of the words "Too" and "To".
That said, I would caution you in upsetting him though. His type likely beats wives and kids when they get upset.
It would appear that "Lie Promotor" could use some grammar remediation. He gets so involved in his profanity laced tirades that he doesn't remember how to differentiate between the proper use of the words "Too" and "To".
That said, I would caution you in upsetting him though. His type likely beats wives and kids when they get upset.

Yet, the only one's lying are you and your BUTT buddy Florida Fool. It's apparent that you are not only mentally retarded, but lack any self awareness.

As for profanity; how come you never concern yourself with Nomad's, AProudLefty's, Domer76 or Evince's profanity laced tirades? Because you are not only a mental retard, but a dishonest, lying partisan hack on steroids.

I almost forgot; you are a coward as well. ;)
Have a nice day "sheepboy"....bahhhh.....lol

I still say that you are a "spitter".......)

Still stuck on moron I see. I am okay with your cowardly, mental retardation. I am hoping that with Trump's re-election, it will finally push idiots like you over the edge and you kill yourselves. ;)
Yet, the only one's lying are you and your BUTT buddy Florida Fool. It's apparent that you are not only mentally retarded, but lack any self awareness.

As for profanity; how come you never concern yourself with Nomad's, AProudLefty's, Domer76 or Evince's profanity laced tirades? Because you are not only a mental retard, but a dishonest, lying partisan hack on steroids.

I almost forgot; you are a coward as well. ;)

I am not versed in your true language but let me try: "Baaah", "Bbaah", "BAAhh".

That means that you are a tRump "spitter".....)
Still stuck on moron I see. I am okay with your cowardly, mental retardation. I am hoping that with Trump's re-election, it will finally push idiots like you over the edge and you kill yourselves. ;)

In between your daily tRUMP blowjobs, look up the word "promotOR......)
I was going to ask just how stupid are you?, but I already know. Later, tRump-suckie.....)