Fauci warns US could see more than 100,000 deaths

Tell us again how the common flu is much more dangerous, that it was a Democratic plot to ruin Trumps reelection. Tell us why weeks ago, Trump told the world that if you needed a test you could get a test. Possibly you need a list of every trump lie on this subject since January???? Its your fucking kind who are the danger to humanity. I also noted that you didn't post the comments of Dr Blix. That is what you call cherry picking.

What is greater, 15,111 deaths or 2,405 shit stain?
Still flailing and lying I see. Poor dumbass; you have your head shoved so far up your ass you can't see.
You are spinning like a never ending top my dear. We are looking at over 40 million unemployed and the number will be increasing.
You must be so proud, that Trump wasted weeks before he ever began to get serious about this virus.
You are spinning like a never ending top my dear. We are looking at over 40 million unemployed and the number will be increasing.
You must be so proud, that Trump wasted weeks before he ever began to get serious about this virus.

Apparently you're too mentally retarded to comprehend how stupid you look. Yeah shit stain, 40 million. ;) Moron.
"Shit Stain"? Isnt that what you have on your tongue when you remove it from trumps rectum?.....)

What part of COULD are you struggling with? Let's put it another way; if those numbers became reality, we would be in a worse depression than the 1920's. Morons like you better hope they are DEAD wrong.

I find these kind of predictions to be a disservice and only intended to fear monger Americans. Idiots like you find them amusing.

This is what the experts tell us honey bunch. Its a fucking disaster.

It get even worse:

There are nearly 67 million Americans working in jobs that are at a high risk of layoffs, according to the analysis.
This is what the experts tell us honey bunch. Its a fucking disaster.

It get even worse:

There are nearly 67 million Americans working in jobs that are at a high risk of layoffs, according to the analysis.

Again, lying losers like you better hope that these quacks are getting it all wrong. Of course, you're an idiot who thinks this is funny and amusing.
Your statement: CNBC has predicted 45 million unemployed when the next numbers come out.

Article: job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates

You're too stupid to comprehend the difference between when the next numbers come out, and COULD. Moron.

Gotcha, we are looking a few weeks away, but 3, 5 , or 10 million unemployed look like chump change . A rounding error. The numbers will be massive,