Favorite Vegetables.

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Vegetable are wholesome, nutritious and tasty when prepared properly. My favorites are;

Green Beens
Brussel Sprouts

What are yours?
To me Zucchini is the best, really good with tomato sauce, fried, or with pasta, or rice.

I suspect, most here never had fried Zucchini, it's more of an Italian thing, I believe.

But, it's really awesome, better than Mozarella sticks.

Oh wait, I forgot in most of the country, you probably don't have those, either.
Hello Mott,

Vegetable are wholesome, nutritious and tasty when prepared properly. My favorites are;

Green Beens
Brussel Sprouts

What are yours?

Oh, used to be broccoli, but lately have grown really fond of spinach.

Green beans are really good, too, but ever since I began growing them, store-bought is a let-down. So I actually eat fewer when I am not growing them.

Peppers, sweet potato, rice, carrots and edamame are regulars, too.
Avocado is a fruit.................because it has a seed...

You're lesson for the day.

Thank You.
Your lesson for the day..... TY;)
I Love fresh corn, tomatoes, kale, onions, mushrooms, and collards.
I got concerned a while ago, months, that I was not getting enough calcium. Then I found out spinach has calcium and began eating a lot of spinach. And I like it, too.

Nice thing about spinach is you can get the fresh stuff in a sealed clean bag, and prep is easy. Perhaps a bit time consuming if you like to de-stem it, which I do, but it's a task which can be done while watching the news, so, no big deal. Or you can just get frozen and it's almost as good, and easy prep.
Since I quit eating out, or even getting take-out, I am getting a lot more vegetables in my diet. I like the results.

Now, we all know one of the most important food groups is pizza.

So I bought a frozen one at the grocer store. I was looking them over for something healthy looking. I found a spinach and mushroom. No meat. Now, I really like meat, but I know I should not eat so much meat. I checked the label on the pizza. PLENTY of protein! I guess it was in the cheese. I dunno. Anyway, the pizza was good. Easy beginner no-meat meal. I would do it again.

I like my easy no-meat breakfasts of fruit and nuts, and now here is another easy no-meat meal. Cool.

Eating a wide variety of things is truly awesome. Makes you feel good, provides nutrition for a sharp mind and lots of energy.
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I am eating a lot of these

Golden beets
Red beets
Butternut squash
Petite carrots
Sweet peas
Cucumbers and pickles
To me Zucchini is the best, really good with tomato sauce, fried, or with pasta, or rice.

I suspect, most here never had fried Zucchini, it's more of an Italian thing, I believe.

But, it's really awesome, better than Mozarella sticks.

Oh wait, I forgot in most of the country, you probably don't have those, either.


We have been eating it here for forty years......... Where do you live??
I would prob say Brussels Sprouts & I am shocked how many picked them........ No wonder they are more expensive...lol That & they are hard to grow..

I prob eat more Broc than anything now but certainly very fresh corn on the cob & cauliflower cooked & raw..