Favorite Vegetables.

New York, I've been to some other parts of the country.

They tend to have nothing creative, or out of the box.

They kind of just know
Burger, Brisket, Hotdog, Steak, Cornbread, Fried Chicken, Grits, Hamhocks, type of things.

All they know of Italian is Olive Garden, for the most part, or Papa Johns

Heh, where did you pick up your extensive knowledge of America's cuisines, a truck stop in Alabama? You're not even close.
A lot of the things that I ate a lot of as a kid I tend to avoid, corn is an exception, it is my fav veg.

Ditto. Here, have some!

Vegetable are wholesome, nutritious and tasty when prepared properly. My favorites are;

Green Beens
Brussel Sprouts

What are yours?

Potatoes - regular and sweet
Peppers - hot and sweet
I got concerned a while ago, months, that I was not getting enough calcium. Then I found out spinach has calcium and began eating a lot of spinach. And I like it, too.

Nice thing about spinach is you can get the fresh stuff in a sealed clean bag, and prep is easy. Perhaps a bit time consuming if you like to de-stem it, which I do, but it's a task which can be done while watching the news, so, no big deal. Or you can just get frozen and it's almost as good, and easy prep.

When I make my fruit smoothies, I always toss in a handful of spinach.

I truly love spinach with nothing more than balsamic vinegar and Salad Supreme.
I recommend changing your diet. Too much of a good thing is unhealthy...

Oh I am a Trump Groupie since 9.10.15 dont get me wrong but I need balance in my life.....this place is way the fuck heavy on Trump...JUST LIKE HE WANTS IT!.....were are the folks who can talk about other things?
Now you understand how I feel about multiple mentions of Biden, AOC, Hillary, Obama and the like.

Making everything political was so stupid, our ancestors had more sense.

And being so vicious as people are now too.....Our ancestors were usually way the fuck better humans than that....they knew better!
Listen to me friend.....I am hyper educated.....AKA I am right a high percentage of the time.....more than almost everyone else.

If you're hyper educated, you'd know that it was a joke about Trump. Just the same as if I had said Sleepy Joe.