FBI Going After Right-Wing Militias


Please attempt to measure up for a change!

Your low quality is embarrassing!
Why is the Hitler radar beeping so loudly?

STFU! Yes, you are being annoying AF.
I hate/hated Hitler, he was a piece of shit just like Che Geuvara.
I don't revere either of them in any way.

You're not going to turn some shit around on me, faggot. I ain't the one.
I can punch your ticket too, steel case round boi.
I got things you've never seen. Stealth and things that weigh a lot more than bullets.
Picture 625 grains piercing your body.
That thing is coming through you like a Mack truck. With a razor point on it.
You'll never see it, and that's the point.
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STFU! Yes, you are being annoying AF.
I hate/hated Hitler, he was a piece of shit just like Che Geuvara.
I don't revere either of them in any way.

Calm down. It was meant as a joke. I asked the question because Hitler is kept mentioned every day. Displays of Nazi symbols and faces are being shown in the public all the time.
Calm down. It was meant as a joke. I asked the question because Hitler is kept mentioned every day. Displays of Nazi symbols and faces are being shown in the public all the time.

Read the rest now.
I kill ya, Straight up.
Not over the internet..or some internet bullshit, but I can do that. If need be.
I can send a thing right through your head if I so incline.
It sounds like "Th-Wack!" and is not very loud.
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Hmm sounds like a threat.

Is not, just saying I can, not that I intend to.
The "Th-wack" is a real possibility for traitors across the USA, though.
It is something that could possibly happen. They could all die like that.
I would not be sad if they did. Expecting me to be would be unreasonable.