FBI Going After Right-Wing Militias

LOL. Ok that was funny.

Fun fact: most deaf people can hear a very loud noise near their heads.

Think F-16s or Harriers taking off. Yep.

Most people that can hear would not hear a 625 grain arrow screaming for their head.
Facts of life..and hunting.
Maybe a little "Twhip" right before it's too late.
So... yes? Why are you afraid to reply to me as Legion?

Hawkeye is not Legion and much more Chinese somehow.
I don't bullshit.
Same goes for him and the CHICOMS as you..arrow..head. I do not miss.
Fuck with us if you want, but be prepared to suffer the consequences.
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The only other name I have operated under in the near 25 years I have been online is ICGSteve...after the Illinois Central Gulf back in my railroad forum days.

China Gold?
Dude, you always act like the Chinese are going to win or some shit.
That's just not so.
You may not know as much as I do about Americans.
I am right a high percentage of the time.

You best pay attention to what I have to say.

Yeah, I'll probably just die, but my ass is fighting for America, k?
I do has mah tricks..80% of other crackers like me have the same tricks, so keep that in mind, lest ye catch an arrow shaft through the cranium.
Do you understand the concept of arrows? They are quite popular in the US.
Oh wow, then there's the Indians here. I can't even imagine what they'd do. Crackers will fight the Chinese.
With only arrows, that's certain to be serious stuff.
Like crackers never heard of .223 or something
or 30-.06 or .270 or .240
or .308
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Just leaving them alone will solve everything? Are you truly this fucking stupid or what?

You right wingnut BS artists have been whining about Ruby Ridge and Waco for years.....making excuses for an ex-con who violated his parole and then wouldn't comply with the Feds when they went to bring him in and opted for a shoot out....and then making excuses for a doomsday cult leader, who came on the ATF's radar for stockpiling illegal weapons, who had 1 full month to surrender to the feds, but instead chose suicide by cop. These are the people you defend.

Then you blame law enforcement for the the Oklahoma City bombing, although the culprits were the documented violent white supremacist group Aryan nation.


But the clincher is that you had NO PROBLEM with the Patriot Act or the creation of Homeland Security so long as you thought it was anyone of islamic faith or middle eastern extraction that was the target....Now you're going to whine because the very system you condoned is now going after (yet another) outburst of anti-gov't/alt-right anarchy.

Like I told you jokers almost 20 years ago...be careful what you wish for.
Ruby Ridge:

"After Randy Weaver, an outspoken white separatist living on a mountaintop in northern Idaho, was entrapped by an undercover federal agent, U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife, Vicki, as she was standing in the cabin doorway. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin. The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents. Weaver survived."
The Marshals fired first, killing Weaver's family pet.


"The question of who fired first is in dispute. ATF agents who participated in the raid have testified in court and at a congressional hearing that the Branch Davidians fired the first shots. Right after the raid, however, one ATF agent told an investigator that a fellow agent may have shot first, when he killed a dog outside the compound.. The agent later retracted the statement, saying that the Branch Davidians had initiated the gunfire."


Why did the agent retract his original statement? Pressure from fellow agents? The ATF? The FBI?

"These two photos, one from a video tape, the other from a film camera, show the first moments of the BATF raid at the Mt. Carmel church. Note the bullet holes in the walls of the church. None of the glass in any of the vehicles the BATF are hiding behind show any signs of being cracked or broken."


"“The tank came into the front doors, the two double doors… and they just blew everything back,” said Thibodeau, who was inside the compound when the agents stormed in. “It was amazing to see a tank come through your living room.”


"The FBI then became embroiled in a 51-day standoff with Koresh at the compound. During this time, negotiators arranged for the release of 35 Branch Davidians, including 21 children. But on April 19, 1993, in an attempt to lure Koresh and his followers out, agents took decisive action that critics later called extreme or unwarranted: They rammed the building with tanks and launched a tear-gas assault. The structure caught fire (the cause of the fire is still debated), and 76 Branch Davidians—which included 28 children—died in the flames."


Get your facts straight before spewing your psychobabble. You want a civil war? Bring it. We'll wait for you...
Militia groups have a long history of taking part in anti-government events and right-wing political protests.

The Oath Keepers are an anti-government, pro-gun militia composed largely of former law enforcement and military veterans “who believe that the federal government has been co-opted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights,” according to the F.B.I. The name of the Three Percenters, an anti-government group, is a reference to the purported 3 percent of the American colonial population that rose up to fight the British Army in the Revolution.


So? The SS went after anti-government groups also. So did the KGB.