Into the Night
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The FBI has known about Trump's ties to organized crime and his racketeering for decades but yet here we are.
What ties to organized crime? What racketeering?
The FBI has known about Trump's ties to organized crime and his racketeering for decades but yet here we are.
The FBI will arrest people in militias.
I spotted a lot of propaganda. If you can't, you suck.
Also you got jipped on your education.
It's half facts and half propaganda.
That amounts to garbage.
That one's a classic! I'm putting that ridiculous comment in my signature!Propaganda can also be factual.
Did those FBI arrests of militia members occur? If it did, that was the main point.
The purges have arrived. I hope they are only going after the criminal ones. Not the non criminal ones, otherwise it's very Stalinist.
Elucidate, my child, elucidate. What SPECIFICALLY in the article can you logically and factually prove is propaganda. None of your generalized supposition and conjecture clap trap. PUOSU.
If Biden wants to unify the country he wouldn't ONLY arrest right wing militias but also left wing militias.
Where are the armed left-wing militias? Never heard of any.
There were groups among the Capitol Rioters who obviously knew where they were going and what they were looking for. That takes organization and planning.
The big question is how far up the Trump administration was there contact with these assholes?
Capitol riot arrests: See who's been charged across the U.S.
Rachel Axon, Dinah Pulver, Rachel Stassen-Berger, Jayme Fraser, Josh Salman, Nicholas Penzenstadler, Katie Wedell, Morgan Hines, David Baratz
Capitol riots: Who has the FBI arrested so far?
More than 200 case files have been opened. According to the FBI, more than 100 arrests have been made in connection with the Capitol siege.
Michael Sherwin, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, said officials are looking at "significant felony cases" tied to sedition and conspiracy.
Does that make you happy? That Biden might be killed by traitors?
Ruby Ridge:
"After Randy Weaver, an outspoken white separatist living on a mountaintop in northern Idaho, was entrapped by an undercover federal agent, U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife, Vicki, as she was standing in the cabin doorway. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin. The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents. Weaver survived."
The Marshals fired first, killing Weaver's family pet.
"The question of who fired first is in dispute. ATF agents who participated in the raid have testified in court and at a congressional hearing that the Branch Davidians fired the first shots. Right after the raid, however, one ATF agent told an investigator that a fellow agent may have shot first, when he killed a dog outside the compound.. The agent later retracted the statement, saying that the Branch Davidians had initiated the gunfire."
Why did the agent retract his original statement? Pressure from fellow agents? The ATF? The FBI?
"These two photos, one from a video tape, the other from a film camera, show the first moments of the BATF raid at the Mt. Carmel church. Note the bullet holes in the walls of the church. None of the glass in any of the vehicles the BATF are hiding behind show any signs of being cracked or broken."
"“The tank came into the front doors, the two double doors… and they just blew everything back,” said Thibodeau, who was inside the compound when the agents stormed in. “It was amazing to see a tank come through your living room.”
"The FBI then became embroiled in a 51-day standoff with Koresh at the compound. During this time, negotiators arranged for the release of 35 Branch Davidians, including 21 children. But on April 19, 1993, in an attempt to lure Koresh and his followers out, agents took decisive action that critics later called extreme or unwarranted: They rammed the building with tanks and launched a tear-gas assault. The structure caught fire (the cause of the fire is still debated), and 76 Branch Davidians—which included 28 children—died in the flames."
Get your facts straight before spewing your psychobabble. You want a civil war? Bring it. We'll wait for you...
He toned it down but it's still a threat.Hmm sounds like a threat.Read the rest now.
I kill ya, Straight up.
Not over the internet..or some internet bullshit, but I can do that. If need be.
I can send a thing right through your head if I so incline.
It sounds like "Th-Wack!" and is not very loud.
Awesome. When will I get the memo?Bingo.
Civil war has already begun.....
Heh. Since I am deaf, how can I hear the "th-wack"?![]()
I have decided about you.
Disagreed. I always thought APL was more like a Sandworm on Dune. If unleashed, he'd eat all short-order cooks alive...but the fat and grease is bad for him.APL is a worm in true Tolkien you know what I mean?
Just leaving them alone will solve everything? Are you truly this fucking stupid or what?
You right wingnut BS artists have been whining about Ruby Ridge and Waco for years.....making excuses for an ex-con who violated his parole and then wouldn't comply with the Feds when they went to bring him in and opted for a shoot out....and then making excuses for a doomsday cult leader, who came on the ATF's radar for stockpiling illegal weapons, who had 1 full month to surrender to the feds, but instead chose suicide by cop. These are the people you defend.
Then you blame law enforcement for the the Oklahoma City bombing, although the culprits were the documented violent white supremacist group Aryan nation.
But the clincher is that you had NO PROBLEM with the Patriot Act or the creation of Homeland Security so long as you thought it was anyone of islamic faith or middle eastern extraction that was the target....Now you're going to whine because the very system you condoned is now going after (yet another) outburst of anti-gov't/alt-right anarchy.
Like I told you jokers almost 20 years careful what you wish for.
That one's a classic! I'm putting that ridiculous comment in my signature!
Big hairy deal. The SS and the KGB arrested anti-government group members also.
The FBI will arrest people in militias.
even if they committed no crime?