FBI Going After Right-Wing Militias

I guess the Democrats are just stuck on stupid. The last time they sicced the feds on "Right-wing militias" was in Clinton's early days in office. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and then the Oklahoma City bombing in revenge. Janet Reno ended up a complete moron for her inept handling of it. The ATF looked like compete fools. The nation was mortified at the sight of tanks trashing the Waco compound.
And, those were just the worst of that stupidity.

At least Clinton was smart enough to recognize the utter stupidity of going after the radical Right when just leaving them alone left them irrelevant. Looks like we're in for another repeat of history and Biden will suffer heavily for not paying attention to history.

Just leaving them alone will solve everything? Are you truly this fucking stupid or what?

You right wingnut BS artists have been whining about Ruby Ridge and Waco for years.....making excuses for an ex-con who violated his parole and then wouldn't comply with the Feds when they went to bring him in and opted for a shoot out....and then making excuses for a doomsday cult leader, who came on the ATF's radar for stockpiling illegal weapons, who had 1 full month to surrender to the feds, but instead chose suicide by cop. These are the people you defend.

Then you blame law enforcement for the the Oklahoma City bombing, although the culprits were the documented violent white supremacist group Aryan nation.


But the clincher is that you had NO PROBLEM with the Patriot Act or the creation of Homeland Security so long as you thought it was anyone of islamic faith or middle eastern extraction that was the target....Now you're going to whine because the very system you condoned is now going after (yet another) outburst of anti-gov't/alt-right anarchy.

Like I told you jokers almost 20 years ago...be careful what you wish for.
Just leaving them alone will solve everything? Are you truly this fucking stupid or what?

You right wingnut BS artists have been whining about Ruby Ridge and Waco for years.....making excuses for an ex-con who violated his parole and then wouldn't comply with the Feds when they went to bring him in and opted for a shoot out....and then making excuses for a doomsday cult leader, who came on the ATF's radar for stockpiling illegal weapons, who had 1 full month to surrender to the feds, but instead chose suicide by cop. These are the people you defend.

Then you blame law enforcement for the the Oklahoma City bombing, although the culprits were the documented violent white supremacist group Aryan nation.


But the clincher is that you had NO PROBLEM with the Patriot Act or the creation of Homeland Security so long as you thought it was anyone of islamic faith or middle eastern extraction that was the target....Now you're going to whine because the very system you condoned is now going after (yet another) outburst of anti-gov't/alt-right anarchy.

Like I told you jokers almost 20 years ago...be careful what you wish for.

STFU you commie goober, you are a worthless piece of shit.
If you died right now, the world would be in a better place, seriously.
Heh. Funny. ;)

Th-wack with something you never thought of piercing your head and killing you within 1/2 of a second. True story. Eat shit, commie fucktard.
That's what all leftist goobers have to look forward to. Enjoy!
Did you really think Americans were going to take your shit lying down?
If so, you fucked up. We just happen to be badder-ass than you thought.
Th-wack with something you never thought of piercing your head and killing you within 1/2 of a second. True story. Eat shit, commie fucktard.

LOL. Ok that was funny.

Fun fact: most deaf people can hear a very loud noise near their heads.

Think F-16s or Harriers taking off. Yep.
LOL. Ok that was funny.

Fun fact: most deaf people can hear a very loud noise near their heads.

Think F-16s or Harriers taking off. Yep.

Think a 625 grain arrow piercing your head. It will go right through it. This is not a joke, this is for America.
Leftist goobers will not win this.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Just leaving them alone will solve everything? Are you truly this fucking stupid or what?

You right wingnut BS artists have been whining about Ruby Ridge and Waco for years.....making excuses for an ex-con who violated his parole and then wouldn't comply with the Feds when they went to bring him in and opted for a shoot out....and then making excuses for a doomsday cult leader, who came on the ATF's radar for stockpiling illegal weapons, who had 1 full month to surrender to the feds, but instead chose suicide by cop. These are the people you defend.

Then you blame law enforcement for the the Oklahoma City bombing, although the culprits were the documented violent white supremacist group Aryan nation.


But the clincher is that you had NO PROBLEM with the Patriot Act or the creation of Homeland Security so long as you thought it was anyone of islamic faith or middle eastern extraction that was the target....Now you're going to whine because the very system you condoned is now going after (yet another) outburst of anti-gov't/alt-right anarchy.

Like I told you jokers almost 20 years ago...be careful what you wish for.

STFU you commie goober, you are a worthless piece of shit.
If you died right now, the world would be in a better place, seriously.

Folks, I think Matty here is either a paid staffer who posts these irrational rants to keep the conversation going for the sponsors, or he is truly one of the intellectually impotent, paper tigers with the mindset witnessed at the Capitol Hill insurrection last week. I mean, the poor SOB can't even honestly answer a simple question


Nope, Matty just babbles, makes empty threats, regails us with fantastic tales of his prowess and experience, and dodges any real, rational discussion based on facts and logic, and flies a flag of a 150 year old defeated and lost cause (while denying it's racist roots).

He's done, and I'm done wasting time on the fool. He'll just follow me around railing and wailing as I ignore him.
Folks, I think Matty here is either a paid staffer who posts these irrational rants to keep the conversation going for the sponsors, or he is truly one of the intellectually impotent, paper tigers with the mindset witnessed at the Capitol Hill insurrection last week. I mean, the poor SOB can't even honestly answer a simple question


Nope, Matty just babbles, makes empty threats, regails us with fantastic tales of his prowess and experience, and dodges any real, rational discussion based on facts and logic, and flies a flag of a 150 year old defeated and lost cause (while denying it's racist roots).

He's done, and I'm done wasting time on the fool. He'll just follow me around railing and wailing as I ignore him.

625 grains, your head, you piece of communist shit. Try Americans for real, and we're going to fuck you up so bad you wish you'd never been born, you putz.
That's a real Florida flag in my signature, as is obvious. It's the real one before SJWs got their way 1 time. The time of that happening is over.
What the fuck is going on with you?

Tired of traitors. Sick and tired.
The arrow offer stands.
If you want to be an American, that's OK. If you want to be an anti-American traitor commie, I can oblige your trip into the next world.
Do you live in America?
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