Then it will be a short trial... But almost everyone knows you are wrong.
Most lawyers and former prosecuters expect the chages to be thrown out
Then it will be a short trial... But almost everyone knows you are wrong.
They are all felony charges. Misdemeanors only have a 2-year statute of limitations.
I show truth and facts and you know it
No they are not.In order to be felony charges there must be another charge causing that and it can't be a federal charge.bragg refuses to say what it is
Yes, he was very much confused, as I indicated, as are you. Please don't pretend to correct me; you might very well be the stupidest and most dishonest poster on JPP.
No, that would be guno, or ThatOwlCoward.
A grand jury could approve exactly the same trial for you, based on the same complete lack of any direct evidence. The grand jury's indictment of you would NOT stand as any sort of rebuttal to your claims that there is no evidence or to your assurances that the case will eventually be dismissed on those grounds.
You are generally wrong and deeply slanted. You need correction regularly. I try to help you. You are so wrong, so often.
Again, you claim a lack of evidence. Based on what? The grand jury sat and watched the evidence that was presented to them. Perhaps it wasn't a grand jury Like maybe the election did not happen. There was no grand jury, no election, and no insurrection. You are a low-level joke.
If there is no evidence, it will be a short trial... But we both know there is evidence.
It includes audio tapes.
Too funny. Let's let you finish your thought.I try to help you. You are so wrong, so often.
Nope. That's not my argument.Again, you claim a lack of evidence.
OMG you're listening to Jarod too? Are you sure there are tapes? You'd better be.
Most lawyers and former prosecuters expect the chages to be thrown out
I'm not sure, but Bragg included that information in his "Statement of Facts."
"In a conversation captured in an audio recording in approximately September2016 concerning Woman 1’s account, the Defendant and Lawyer A discussed how to obtain therights to Woman 1’s account from AMI and how to reimburse AMI for its payment."
Audio recording probably does not actually mean "tapes." They also have a series of $35,000 checks Trump wrote to Cohen to reimburse him for the payments described as legal expenses (retainer).
They also have testimony from the National Inquirer head about the scheme to buy the story from the woman without the intent to publish it.
this is all legal.
Trmp's ex-lawyer says Trump cannot win the case. However, he says the Document case is a slam dunk. Trump will likely lose a couple to maybe all his trials. His rape trial starts in a couple of weeks. Why do you back a living walking crime spree? What is wrong with you rightys? Trump is a black mark on the US and needs cleaning.
The one who was disbarred for lying? The one who is in prison and offering to perjure himself in order to be set free?
Oh, well we should TOTALLY listen to him....
Cohen has not been in prison for quite some time.
It's rather hard to perjure oneself by repeating what you confessed to in your guilty plea. Your argument would seem to be that Cohen is not guilty and he perjured himself to claim guilt.
Why do you type dumb shit like that? You believe every scintilla of right-wing crap you read. In the small world, you live in, that right-wing bubble, that makes sense. But in the real world, it is terrible. You have no idea how wrong and trapped in a cult you are,
Bragg does not refuse to say what they are. They are listed on his "Statement of Facts."
"The defendant DONALD J. TRUMP repeatedly and fraudulently falsified NewYork business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from thevoting public during the 2016 presidential election.2. From August 2015 to December 2017, the Defendant orchestrated a scheme withothers to influence the 2016 presidential election by identifying and purchasing negativeinformation about him to suppress its publication and benefit the Defendant’s electoral prospects.In order to execute the unlawful scheme, the participants violated election laws and made andcaused false entries in the business records of various entities in New York. The participantsalso took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made infurtherance of the scheme
Seriously? All a grand jury does is let a case go forward. It doesn't decide cases. It really doesn't do anything.
He is not sayinng what the purpose of those things were. In other words it was done for another crime. Bragg is hiding something. Bragg really has nothing. It is likely to be thrown out