FEMA is doing nothing....

He's wrong again but he is "rich" an "economist" and an "Uber Eats driver."
He will soon work himself into a state where he has stress related health issues.
Well, I guess if you can't afford a modern water heater, you're good to go!!!
Well, let's see DUMB FUCK.
1. Have an expensive brand new one that doesn't work in an emergency
2. Have a cheap Home Depot model that fires up when grandma strikes a match and re-lights the pilot light.

By any chance do you have an EV?
He will soon work himself into a state where he has stress related health issues.

Well, let's see DUMB FUCK.
1. Have an expensive brand new one that doesn't work in an emergency
2. Have a cheap Home Depot model that fires up when grandma strikes a match and re-lights the pilot light.

By any chance do you have an EV?

No EV. I'm waiting to see what direction they go. Musk may have singlehandedly ruined straight EV vehicles. I have two BMWs. I have a tankless water heater. And a Generac. Because, you know, I can afford it.
Our favorite little chest feeder is good for something after all. Pressure from someone more intelligent than him pushes him to make a decision.

Couldn't get through this without lying, could you? 'As soon as he was aware of the problem he fixed it'

You tried pulling the same thing as Carlson. To Musks credit, he didn't take the bait. But of course, you did.
Interesting fact around this particular subject. When the CR was passed a few weeks back, it did NOT contain money for FEMA. That was pulled from the CR. So FEMA is now having to borrow against their expected 2025 budget. There is concern that money may run out, so Congress would need to pass emergency funding. But........ MIKE JOHNSON SAYS HE WILL NOT CALL CONGRESS BACK INTO SESSION. Yes, you read that right. Johnson will not call Congress back into session to make sure that Americans have the help they need from this storm. Why? I think we all know the answer to that one. May that little pissant fake Christian burn in hell. If there is one, he is heading there with an express ticket. What a disgusting human being.
IMO he will hold off as long as possible to make it look like Biden and Harris don't care and wouldn't do anything for the people of Fla.
Make it look like they didn't give a shit about the people and what happened down there.
I hope Biden and Harris handle this and make SURE the people of FLA Know it was the Republican House that were the ones holding up the funding for emergency help they NEED NOW and are going to need.
Yes Biden and Harris should turn this BS on them and use it for their benefit and make it look like their great Republican members of Congress are just like Trump and don't give a shit about them all they want is their Vote.
Have a nice day
IMO he will hold off as long as possible to make it look like Biden and Harris don't care and wouldn't do anything for the people of Fla.
Make it look like they didn't give a shit about the people and what happened down there.
I hope Biden and Harris handle this and make SURE the people of FLA Know it was the Republican House that were the ones holding up the funding for emergency help they NEED NOW and are going to need.
Yes Biden and Harris should turn this BS on them and use it for their benefit and make it look like their great Republican members of Congress are just like Trump and don't give a shit about them all they want is their Vote.
Have a nice day
Agreed. And it should be mentioned that FEMA disaster funds have indeed been used at the Southern Border. It happened in 2019 during the Trump Administration.

IMO he will hold off as long as possible to make it look like Biden and Harris don't care and wouldn't do anything for the people of Fla.
Make it look like they didn't give a shit about the people and what happened down there.
I hope Biden and Harris handle this and make SURE the people of FLA Know it was the Republican House that were the ones holding up the funding for emergency help they NEED NOW and are going to need.
Yes Biden and Harris should turn this BS on them and use it for their benefit and make it look like their great Republican members of Congress are just like Trump and don't give a shit about them all they want is their Vote.
Have a nice day
The right has their own gnus sources that will say exactly what Trump wants it to say. They will not hear a syllable from the other side .
Agreed. And it should be mentioned that FEMA disaster funds have indeed been used at the Southern Border. It happened in 2019 during the Trump Administration.

If it gets as bad as they say it could be then Biden shouldn't play their games , He has the authority to Call Congress into session and that would fuck up the Republicans plan to make the Dems look bad.
We will have to see what happens , but if FEMA has money and can keep operating and give aid to everybody that needs it then them not calling Congress back into session will back fire on the Republicans.
It is a shame the Republicans have to use a disaster like this as a political thing ,to try and make Biden and Harris look bad.
Peoples lives and pretty much most of everything they have is at stake and they will need aid by tomorrow morning.
They HAVE to stop playing politics and start taking care of people, and if they don't then as I said the DEMS HAVE to turn it on them and make sure the people know it was the Republicans in the House that waited to go back in session to fund FEMA and get them the help they needed.
And I can guarantee there will be MAGA on here that will be saying it is all the Dems fault , they did this , they did that and on and on and on.
Have a nice day
Poor Concarty has not been right on any subject this century.

Of course he is “rich” and an “economist.”

Ho ho.
In his defense he lives in his car and bathes in a gas station bathroom sink so he doesn't know much about hot water heaters.
If it gets as bad as they say it could be then Biden shouldn't play their games , He has the authority to Call Congress into session and that would fuck up the Republicans plan to make the Dems look bad.
We will have to see what happens , but if FEMA has money and can keep operating and give aid to everybody that needs it then them not calling Congress back into session will back fire on the Republicans.
It is a shame the Republicans have to use a disaster like this as a political thing ,to try and make Biden and Harris look bad.
Peoples lives and pretty much most of everything they have is at stake and they will need aid by tomorrow morning.
They HAVE to stop playing politics and start taking care of people, and if they don't then as I said the DEMS HAVE to turn it on them and make sure the people know it was the Republicans in the House that waited to go back in session to fund FEMA and get them the help they needed.
And I can guarantee there will be MAGA on here that will be saying it is all the Dems fault , they did this , they did that and on and on and on.
Have a nice day
The Biden/HARRIS administration looked bad all by themselves after Helene. Harris in California partying with celebrities and Biden on the beach while Americans are struggling for their lives is a VERY BAD look.
He will soon work himself into a state where he has stress related health issues.

Well, let's see DUMB FUCK.
1. Have an expensive brand new one that doesn't work in an emergency
2. Have a cheap Home Depot model that fires up when grandma strikes a match and re-lights the pilot light.

By any chance do you have an EV?
That depends if you think a Power Wheels is an EV or not.

The Biden/HARRIS administration looked bad all by themselves after Helene. Harris in California partying with celebrities and Biden on the beach while Americans are struggling for their lives is a VERY BAD look.
Well as people have told you there is this new thing that is called a telephone some people have them and you punch in what is called a telephone number and the person who that number is assigned to can answer it and actually talk to the person on the other end and tell them to do things .
So people like the President can just call his people and get things started right away and they do not need to go to places that are having emergencies and get in the way.
You may not know but it takes time and money to set up for a President to go to these places and it is better for them to go after a lot of the mess is already cleaned up and not in the middle of the clean up.
And as I said I guaranteed a stupid MAGA like your self would be on here ASAP putting all the blame on Biden and Harris and I was right
This thread is priceless.

Here's the bottom line. The Administration response to these two back to back destructive Hurricanes is exactly what the American people expect from their leaders. The wailing, gnashing of teeth, and outright lying from Trump and his cult members is horrific. Despicable, disgusting, dangerous. And it continues in this thread. A bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other trying to see who can come up with the best seventh grade insult. A shining example of exactly how revolting the Trump cult has become.