FEMA is doing nothing....

My lawyer knows quite a bit about business and humor, Walter.

Quite a bit more than a shade-tree Internet genius like you, Walter.

Do you consider having a few million in wealth, accumulated wealth, to be “rich” Walt?

Well, maybe your lawyer should go to law school. Seems he doesn't know jack shit. Like about 'prosecuting' people. LOL at you, Earl. You now officially look like a buffoon.
Well, maybe your lawyer should go to law school. Seems he doesn't know jack shit. Like about 'prosecuting' people. LOL at you, Earl. You now officially look like a buffoon.
He can file a lawsuit against an individual and provide the evidence of a crime to a DA or prosecutor, Concarty.

He has done that many times.

He did go to law school, the same one that his son is attending now (International Law).

Do you understand now, Concarty?
I agree that the thread has wandered.

But there are young men who are willing to attend a university, start a business, work 16 hour days and sleep in their warehouse for years and succeed and the government has no business interfering with that success or tax them excessively for their success.

They provide jobs for others and should not be penalized for their successes.
Nope. Interest is spelled out in the partnership agreement.

Thanks for posting the result of your google search.
Aaaahh, resorting to pulling a Cypress. It really makes you appear to be a genius.

An LLC is ALWAYS considered a passthrough by the IRS. IN EVERY SINGLE CASE.
Unless it files as a corporation.

So, you actually do want to do this all day. Awesome.
Prosecution can be followed by a lawsuit, Concarty.

Though Uber Eats drivers probably don’t have much to go after.

My lawyer is much smarter than you, Concarty.

I’ll see my lawyer this afternoon…I’ll tell him that he doesn’t exist.

ROTFLMFAO!!! It is not 'followed by alawsuit you fucking goddamn ,moron. . They are two separate and unique actions. One is not in any way, shape or form related to the other. Seriously dude, you gbot caught telling an absolute whopper, apparenrtly in the mistaken belief you could scare me. Instead it made you look like a fucking jackass. Why do you continue to go with it? There is not one person who believes you. And it casts doubt on absolutely everything you say. I cannot be prosecuted or sued for practicing law without a license when I have not claimed to be a lawyer. Any dimestore barrister would laugh at the notion, much less an attorney with 40 years of experience. The conversation never took place. Because the lawyer is a fictional character in your ficitoinal life story. How fucking sad and pathetic do you have to. be to make such an assine claim and then double down on it.

If you see your lawyer, tell him to fuck off and die, and then dare himi to prosecute me. I'll be waiting. Fucking loser.
ROTFLMFAO!!! It is not 'followed by alawsuit you fucking goddamn ,moron. . They are two separate and unique actions. One is not in any way, shape or form related to the other. Seriously dude, you gbot caught telling an absolute whopper, apparenrtly in the mistaken belief you could scare me. Instead it made you look like a fucking jackass. Why do you continue to go with it? There is not one person who believes you. And it casts doubt on absolutely everything you say. I cannot be prosecuted or sued for practicing law without a license when I have not claimed to be a lawyer. Any dimestore barrister would laugh at the notion, much less an attorney with 40 years of experience. The conversation never took place. Because the lawyer is a fictional character in your ficitoinal life story. How fucking sad and pathetic do you have to. be to make such an assine claim and then double down on it.

If you see your lawyer, tell him to fuck off and die, and then dare himi to prosecute me. I'll be waiting. Fucking loser.
Oh, no, another boo boo, Concarty…”you gbot caught…”

Success is relative, Concarty but I consider these two young men to be successful…very successful.

Perhaps even more than someone who works for Uber Eats…even though all work is inspirational, just not aspirational.
Nope. Interest is spelled out in the partnership agreement.

Aaaahh, resorting to pulling a Cypress. It really makes you appear to be a genius.

Unless it files as a corporation.

So, you actually do want to do this all day. Awesome.

It cannot file as a corporation. Only an S or C Corp can file as a corporation. Stop pretending you know anything. You don't.
Oh, no, another boo boo, Concarty…”you gbot caught…”

Success is relative, Concarty but I consider these two young men to be successful…very successful.

Perhaps even more than someone who works for Uber Eats…even though all work is inspirational, just not aspirational.

Earl, did you actually show my posts to your lawyer (I already know the answer)? Are you that big a loser. Am I that much in your head?
Did your lawyer say he could prosecute me? (I already know the answer). That would make him the stupidest fucking lawyer in the country.
Did you think anyone would actually believe that? Your feeble attempts to change the subject to grammar nazi or Uber Eats is an utter fail. you are a fucking loser Earl. And everyone knows it. How embarrassing for you, Early.
He can file a lawsuit against an individual and provide the evidence of a crime to a DA or prosecutor, Concarty.

He has done that many times.

He did go to law school, the same one that his son is attending now (International Law).

Do you understand now, Concarty?

Ahhh, so he cannot prosaecute me as you claimed. As an officer of the court, he is OBLIGATED to report any evidence of a crime that he obtains. Soi when is the prosecution coming, Early? Today? Tommorow? Why do you think I would buy one second of this bullshit? He went to imaginary law school. He does not exist. Ever played Hawkridge? Just curious.
and Walt, a self-hating Jew is still a Jew. stop trying to de-jew people.
Your hatred of Jews and African-Americans belies your claims of being a Christian, Fredo
That was funny when all those libs started berating poor old dixie for making a joke that can be seen during family time on shows Like The Hughleys, THe Jamie Foxx show, Family Matters, A different world... etc, any of those self denigrating nigger shows.
yes, nigger.
WHY Noahide Laws GUILLOTINES on UN Prisoner Boxcars?
Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:59
OR, HOW Did A Distinctly Jewish Belief System Become DISCRIMINATORY FUTURE AMERICAN NATIONAL POLICY, To Have Deadly Impact on Millions of American Citizens?

By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical perspective-

June 24, 2009

When I first began to investigate the shocking reports of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES being sighted by local people in various locations nationwide in 1995, I began to have many questions as I traveled repeatedly across this nation to such locations to interview eye-witnesses.

WHY did these boxcars with shackles, obviously made for HUMAN cargo, exist? WHY were many with UN symbols on them, or FEMA? WHY would there be MODERN GUILLOTINES actually installed inside many (not all) of them?

prisoner boxcars shackles nwo martial law schuffert - Google Search
I have personally met with credible eye-witnesses of the guillotines in some of the prisoner boxcars, in fact, and traveled to such locations as well, including Montana and Asheville, NC. Former CIA, Pentagon sources, US Army sources, truck drivers delivering the guillotines nationwide, metal workers, etc., have all confirmed completely the reality of the modern guillotines in America today.

guillotines boysel fort lewis noahide laws - Google Search

WHO was building these prisoner boxcars with shackles and guillotines, and WHY, and WHO were they for? And WHEN would they be used?

Through years of painstaking research, travel, and countless interviews with people in a position to know, I finally uncovered the grim truth.

These boxcars, positioned across the nation in various locations (and often in CANADA and MEXICO in remote areas to avoid detection, and also UNDERGROUND as well), usually in areas out of public access or sighting, have been built to accommodate human cargo to transport them to modern FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camps under a future state of MARTIAL LAW.

America is about to collapse BY PLAN, and for MANY reasons. Due to many coming national calamities, disasters and circumstances (most engineered by the NWO planners themselves in the form of "black ops", we will find ourselves in a state of MARTIAL LAW in which our Constitution will be suspended, our previous rights and freedoms revoked, and we will become a POLICE STATE at last.

Many Americans are anticipated by this government to RISE UP, fight back, resist their NWO tyranny plans and stand for their lives and their freedoms.

Revelations of CIA insiders, formerly working for this agenda, revealed that the camps would be for future resisters of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" agenda that would rise up in protest under martial law, demanding their former freedoms and rights back and the Constitution restored.

And for this very reason, the FEMA/Homeland Security detention camps and the prisoner boxcars designed to transport the resisters there, were all created.


I discovered that the MODERN GUILLOTINES are in many military bases today, and are for the FUTURE purpose of executing offenders of the Jewish NOAHIDE LAWS, written up by Lubavitch Chabad and signed into legislation by "Mr. NWO," George Bush SR.

Frankly, the Noahide Laws legislation is outrageous and needs to be rescinded, abolished and banned from America altogether. They have no place in a Constitutional nation and American society and in a country that believes in the right of everyone to exercise religious freedoms, a God-given right.

The Noahide Laws are highly discriminatory in favoring Jewish beliefs over all others. In fact, they are going to be used to accomplish the shocking practice of FORCED CONVERSION UNDER PAIN OF DEATH IF YOU DO NOT RENOUNCE YOUR CHRISTIAN FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST.

For example, Christians who refuse to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ as both the Son of God and Divine, are found guilty of "blasphemy against God" and "idolatry" by strictly Jewish definition, and are subject to execution by BEHEADING, according to the Noahide Laws they have written for Gentiles. Moslems can also be executed by Jews under the Noahide Laws by BEHEADING as well, and many other groups besides.

Such outrageous, anti-Constitutional and blatantly discriminatory legislation should never have been signed into American legislation by any President to begin with! However, under Bush Sr's Presidential administration, they were. This is not surprising, since the BUSH FAMILY is a major supporter of the NWO agenda and it's PLAN to eliminate Christians and Christianity from the world scene anyhow.

The GOOD news is, that the Noahide Laws cannot be activated while the Constitution is in effect, however, due to provisions of SEPARATION OF CHURCH (or SYNAGOGUE) AND STATE. The supporters of the NWO agenda and the Noahide Laws legislation are eager , therefore, for the planned disasters to take place, designed to result in the Constitution being suspended, and their dream of A NEW WORLD ORDER to finally come to pass in America.
And with it their dream of the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER in America, the elimination of ALL NWO RESISTERS.

BUT EXACTLY HOW did distinctly Jewish traditional religious beliefs get somehow translated into America's FUTURE national policy, to affect every citizen, wherein THEIR particular and discriminatory beliefs are signed into legislation (NOAHIDE LAWS) becoming a part of our national policy in the future?

And wherein the guillotines and our military training how to operate them are now present REALITY, to someday be used to execute American Christian offenders of a distinctly JEWISH belief system???

WHY are our tax dollars paying for these guillotines to be manufactured and imported to this nation? WHY are our tax dollars paying for our own military to be trained in operating these guillotines against their fellow Americans in Us Army and other bases? HOW could Americans be forced to fund this utterly ANTI-AMERICAN agenda that will be used to kill off good Americans for their religious beliefs alone in the future?

And WHY are Jewish beliefs favored over Christian rights and freedoms and beliefs in this unethical and anti-American forced conversion agenda involving the NOADHIDE LAWS and millions of modern guillotines now nationwide?

WHERE did the JEWISH CONNECTION come into all this??? United Nations prisoner boxcars for Americans...modern guillotines sighted in many of them...guillotines whose only purpose is to behead Christian offenders of the JEWISH NOAHIDE LAWS...how did this happen and WHO IS RESPONSIBLE???

Interestingly, I discovered while investigating in Israel and living in Jerusalem a while, that one of the major companies paid millions of dollars by the US government to produce these deadly prisoner boxcars with shackles, GUNDERSON STEEL FARBICATION or Portland, OR, is Jewish-owned, by Ken and Sally Gunderson. This was revealed to me by a Jewish man I spoke to as we sat on the rooftop of Petra Hostel in the Old City one night. He was a Naval officer from Portland, OR.

He informed me that the Gundersons are Jewish, and that Sally attended his synagogue in fact. Unfortunately this is quite evidently one more Jewish family and operation working for the NWO agenda and for the destruction of many loyal and Patriotic Americans citizens in the future. How tragic.

WHO is working for OUR DESTRUCTION and the destruction of Christianity in America?

And more importantly, WHAT CAN WE NOW AS AMERICAN CITIZENS DO ABOUT ALL THIS to protect ourselves in the future?

This article by Dr. Henry Makow may shed some light into all of this.

-Pamela Schuffert

complete with lying jews, and a mod thread shut down.
Just for giggles...how much food would you lose if the power went out right now, and there was no generator? Who's got $50 worth?
Poor Kam....When TayTay, Oprah, and Obama can't save you....it's pretty much over...
TayTay does get a thumbs up for a donation she probably didn't even know of...That was her publicity team ponying up...