FEMA is doing nothing....

For a business to take in money and put out money, it must be some form of legal entity. Basically, it can be a corporation, or a natural person(not a corporation). We are not allowed to buy and sell people(that is slavery), so to sell a business it must be a corporation of some form.

Even an illegal business would have its money connected to a legal entity, one or more people.
A business does not have to be a corporation to be sold, Sybil.
They really do not.

The whole concept of a corporation is to create a corporate person(not a real person) who can make contracts, and conduct business. It is a separate entity from the natural people(real people) involved with it, and can be sold. The only other entity that can conduct business is a natural person, and we are not allowed to sell them.
Any business may be sold, regardless of the business structure, Sybil.
You do not seem to understand what a red flag is.
The word 'flag' first appeared in the English lexicon around 1400 or so, stemming from the German 'vlag'; meaning a cloth with a design, typically rectangular. It is often used as a banner, with the design symbolizing the goals of an individual or a group.

'Red' is a color. A 'red flag' is simply a flag that is red. Such flags with red backgrounds are fairly common. Examples are:

The flag of the USSR, with a red background and a sickle and hammer design in yellow.
The flag of Nazi Germany, with a red background, white circle centered, and a black right-handled swastika set diagonally.
The flag of Canada, with a red background, a center vertical white stripe, and a red maple leaf.
The flag of China, with four stars partially surrounding a large star in yellow in the upper left corner.
The flag of Denmark, with a St Andrews cross in white.
The flag of Albania, with a black two-headed bird in the center.
Yes, individuals can do business without it being slavery. Those individuals can not be sold, because that would be slavery.

We are talking about a business that was sold, so it was either a corporation, or Earl sold his son into slavery.
A sole proprietor does not come with the business when he sells it, Sybil.
This is becoming stupid. Well not becoming, it is well past stupid. You make up bizarre things I never said, and then make up quotes I never said claiming you fixed the quote to say something completely different.
You are describing yourself again, Sybil. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ANYBODY ELSE!
I have never raped children, or advocated the rape of children. I have never raped anyone, or advocated for the rape of anyone. I do not think Hasidic Jews are not Jews, or are as bad as Hitler. I do not want to buy everything everyone owns, much less pay them nothing for it. Actually, I would prefer to own less actual items, not more.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
Whatever lies Stone put in my mouth I disagree with also. I will say at least Ktrump included a "FTFY" thereby attempting to make some attempt at admitting he altered the quote. Stone did not even do that.

This is getting sad.
Don't like 'magic words' to get out of quote abuse and rule 16? Go talk to Damo.
There is no such thing as "Keynesian banking." Keynes wrote on macroeconomics, and banking is microeconomics. There is Keynesian Economics, and there is fractional banking. The two are not related.
You cannot have Keynesian economics without fiat currency. Fiat currency is the problem.
Keynesian Economics is not completely correct, but is fundamentally correct. The basic ideas work.
It is NOT correct. It is inflation. It is the only direct cause of inflation. Indeed, it is due to Keynesian economics that the dollar is worth so little now and that faith in the dollar is waning.
There really is no denying that.
I just did, Sybil.
Both Friedman and Nixon said variations on the statement that we are all Keynesians now. And they are basically right. Almost no one denies the basics of Keynesian Economics.
My name is not Keynes. It never was. Keynesian economics is destructive. It cannot produce any wealth and it causes inflation.
Fractional banking also works. Even Muslims, some of who think Allah bans it, try to figure out ways to make it work in their religion.
Only to a point. This has nothing to do with fiat currency or Keynesian economics. Fractional banking fails if the loans a bank makes go bad and the bank can no longer pay it's depositors. This is typically when a bank run occurs.

I will go a step further and say the rule of thumb target of 2% inflation seems to work well.
This is fascism and communism, Sybil.
I can think of no reason 2% rather than 1% or 3%, but 2% does seem to be the number. Definitely deflation should be avoided at all costs, and double digit inflation is a real problem.
The fiat dollar has been devalued to only 6.6 mils of it's original value. Just since when Joe Biden was installed, the dollar has lost 36% of it's value (source: Federal Reserve).

Deflation is a good thing. The price of computers, for example has deflated significantly due to cheaper manufacturing techniques and improved design. The computer is no longer found just in some big corporation or government, they are in every home and every modern car, and multiples of them. What once cost tens of thousands is now $1.85, and THAT's despite the overall inflation.

Prices drop in deflation. That's a good thing for the consumer.
Who have I tried to "de-jew"? How does one "de-jew" another?

It is not my job to decide who is a Jew, but I do have a favorite quote on the subject, "it is not the blood the runs in my veins that makes me a Jew, but rather the blood the runs from my veins."
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sybil.
You cannot have Keynesian economics without fiat currency. Fiat currency is the problem.

It is NOT correct. It is inflation. It is the only direct cause of inflation. Indeed, it is due to Keynesian economics that the dollar is worth so little now and that faith in the dollar is waning.

I just did, Sybil.

My name is not Keynes. It never was. Keynesian economics is destructive. It cannot produce any wealth and it causes inflation.

Only to a point. This has nothing to do with fiat currency or Keynesian economics. Fractional banking fails if the loans a bank makes go bad and the bank can no longer pay it's depositors. This is typically when a bank run occurs.

This is fascism and communism, Sybil.

The fiat dollar has been devalued to only 6.6 mils of it's original value. Just since when Joe Biden was installed, the dollar has lost 36% of it's value (source: Federal Reserve).

Deflation is a good thing. The price of computers, for example has deflated significantly due to cheaper manufacturing techniques and improved design. The computer is no longer found just in some big corporation or government, they are in every home and every modern car, and multiples of them. What once cost tens of thousands is now $1.85, and THAT's despite the overall inflation.

Prices drop in deflation. That's a good thing for the consumer.

Deflation is economic disaster. You don't know a fiuclking thing. Take a look at when deflation has occurred. ONLY in a massive recession. Why don't you read a book instead of spamming the fucking forum, dipshit. Or should I say dipshits.

You truly are a fucking moron.
That’s what you thought??? ROTFLMFAO!!! It is a sole proprietorship ONLY if one person owns it and files Schedule C. There is no other form of sole proprietorship. Another entity cannot form a sole proprietorship.
A Schedule C is not necessarily required for a sole proprietorship. He never said another entity is part of a sole proprietorship, Sybil. You are hallucinating again.
If there is no distinction between the owner and the business,
There is, Sybil.
how would one sell the business?
Same way one sells anything...by agreeing upon a price and conducting the transaction.
You would have to either make a distinction(incorporate), or sell the individual as a slave.
The proprietor does not come with the sold company, Sybil.
But it really does not matter. Earl claims this company had 75 employees, and multiple owners. It was not anything near a sole proprietorship.
Sole proprietorships can have 75 employees, Sybil.
A business structure with multiple owners can be a partnership, LLC, or corporation.
Deflation is economic disaster.
So you consider cheaper computers and cheaper cars an 'economic disaster', Sybil?
You don't know a fiuclking thing.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Bulverism fallacy.
Take a look at when deflation has occurred.
I have already given you two examples, Sybil.
ONLY in a massive recession.
A recession is not deflation, Sybil. Redefinition fallacy.
Why don't you read a book instead of spamming the fucking forum, dipshit. Or should I say dipshits.
You are describing yourself again, Sybil. Forbes does not define 'deflation' or any other word.
You truly are a fucking moron.
Mantra 1a. Lame.