FEMA is doing nothing....

I don't think ANYONE on here was advocating for or against RTG's being SAFE. The debate was whether it was a REACTOR or not. It is not.

Do try to keep up.
You should at least know a little on how nuclear power works before making your ridiculous claims.
You may want to see if you can get the money back you spent on education. RTG's are not safe so do a little research before talking out your ass.
RTG's are perfectly safe IF handled properly. They can be unsafe if not handled properly. That's no different from any other material.
I think Earl is lying about EVERYTHING.
Speaking of lying, Concarty...you posted that I received 27 million dollars. I have already told you that it was 27.5 million and I did not receive it. You said that there were 55 employees, there were 85, plus or minus a few from time to time.

I don't wish to be rude but I will trust my Harvard trained lawyer in estate planning and corporate law and friend and neighbor of several decades more than a shade tree expert who had to deliver food after retirement. His son and my son went to the same private school but different universities.

You never responded when I asked you if you have a maid (except to say that you didn't say that you didn't) or if you consider a few million as being wealthy, or "rich."

No need to answer, I don't believe the truth is in you and this thread has drifted far enough. There are now posts about nuclear physics and helicopters on Mars.

Fortunately, Damocles is very tolerant about thread drift.

Hasta luego. ...I know how you enjoy Spanish posts.
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As loath as I am to defend Jordan Peterson, it doesn't sound like Trudeau has been willing to support the accusation and the accusation comes from a recently unsealed American investigation. I believe it relates to RT funding a media company that had a bunch of YouTubers as clients, so the YouTubers probably had ZERO knowledge that Russia Television was funding anything they do.

Peterson is now threatening a lawsuit.

One thing Peterson DOES specialize in, apart from being the mealy-mouthed avatar for right wing talking points, he IS actually a very detailed speaker. Take any point you may have against Peterson and read some of the stuff he actually says. He is often VERY explicit on his points but they are often subtle to the hearer. He is clearly a very smart debator and people tend to oversimplify his points and take offense. The more I hear from him lately, I'm worried he's slipping into more and more of a hard RightWinger corner. But I was always impressed at how technically detailed his points often were and why they were so easy to misinterpret as something worse than they actually were.
Let him sue…the discovery will be interesting!
Speaking of lying, Concarty...you posted that I received 27 million dollars. I have already told you that it was 27.5 million and I did not receive it. You said that there were 55 employees, there were 85, plus or minus a few from time to time.

I don't wish to be rude but I will trust my Harvard trained lawyer in estate planning and corporate law and friend and neighbor of several decades more than a shade tree expert who had to deliver food after retirement. His son and my son went to the same private school but different universities.

You never responded when I asked you if you have a maid (except to say that you didn't say that you didn't) or if you consider a few million as being wealthy, or "rich."

No need to answer, I don't believe the truth is in you and this thread has drifted far enough. There are now posts about nuclear physics and helicopters on Mars.

Fortunately, Damocles is very tolerant about thread drift.

Hasta luego. ...I know how you enjoy Spanish posts.
You and Walt believe what you want but I know a little about nuclear power and it needs constant monitoring.
A nuclear reactor may need to be constantly monitored, but a nuclear battery can be ignored for decades. A nuclear reactor starts a nuclear chain reaction, and then controls it. A nuclear battery is just a bit of decaying material. It will decay at its rate for years, or even thousands of years.

The Soviets used them to power navigational beacons throughout Siberia. They could guide planes with these beacons that they placed in the middle of nowhere, and did not need to maintain for decades.

That's why we don't have nuclear batteries in cars.
If there was a car accident, it would scatter radiation everywhere. There would need to be good shielding to protect the humans around it. The radioactive material could be stolen to make a smart bomb. Because it can not be increased or decreased, it would be difficult to increase or decrease the speed. What would we do with the old batteries?

Spend 15 minutes reading about the atmosphere on mars. It's way too corrosive for anything mechanical.
Are you thinking of Venus? Mars has one of the less corrosive atmospheres in the Solar System. It has much less corrosive oxygen than Earth.

The major problem with Mars is its low magnetic field, and light atmosphere does little to protect it from solar radiation, but that is an electronic problem, not a mechanical problem.

Walt is correct. These are not reactors per se. A reactor would leverage the use of a critical mass of a fissionable radioisotope and the neutron flux that causes the reaction to "go". But a nuclear battery, as I understand it, simply generates heat from radioactive decay which is then converted into electrical power by a thermoelectric effect.

Apparently the Russians abandoned a truck ton of these things all over the Siberian arctic. Just a big ol' chunk of highly radioactive materials in a container rusting away in the wilds of Siberia.
Kafka is completely right.