FEMA is doing nothing....

From Wikipedia
NASA's Perseverance rover uses a nuclear power source to explore Mars:

The rover's nuclear power source is a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG), which is essentially a nuclear battery. The MMRTG contains 10.6 pounds of plutonium dioxide, which decays to produce heat that powers the rover's instruments. The MMRTG generates 110 watts of power, which is about the same as a light bulb.

Who is lying, you or government?

Walt is correct. These are not reactors per se. A reactor would leverage the use of a critical mass of a fissionable radioisotope and the neutron flux that causes the reaction to "go". But a nuclear battery, as I understand it, simply generates heat from radioactive decay which is then converted into electrical power by a thermoelectric effect.

Apparently the Russians abandoned a truck ton of these things all over the Siberian arctic. Just a big ol' chunk of highly radioactive materials in a container rusting away in the wilds of Siberia.
Hey, your buddy Jordan Peterson has been exposed as a Russian asset, but sane people recognized this about him many years ago.

As loath as I am to defend Jordan Peterson, it doesn't sound like Trudeau has been willing to support the accusation and the accusation comes from a recently unsealed American investigation. I believe it relates to RT funding a media company that had a bunch of YouTubers as clients, so the YouTubers probably had ZERO knowledge that Russia Television was funding anything they do.

Peterson is now threatening a lawsuit.

One thing Peterson DOES specialize in, apart from being the mealy-mouthed avatar for right wing talking points, he IS actually a very detailed speaker. Take any point you may have against Peterson and read some of the stuff he actually says. He is often VERY explicit on his points but they are often subtle to the hearer. He is clearly a very smart debator and people tend to oversimplify his points and take offense. The more I hear from him lately, I'm worried he's slipping into more and more of a hard RightWinger corner. But I was always impressed at how technically detailed his points often were and why they were so easy to misinterpret as something worse than they actually were.
It is no different. It is a nuclear reactor, Sybil.

Nope. Reactors utilize FISSION reaction which is spontaneous in a critical mass of specific isotopes which have the proper neutron capture capability.

RTG's are NOT using Fission and just rely on the heat from normal radioactive decay of the isotopes.
I just today got told that in an official document brainwashing program has been called "Information program", and that it is a high priority.

Yes. Yes it is. It's called CODEX9987-A. It is a plan that Kamala Harris started work on when she became Vice President. Instead of running the country as NORMAL VP's do she was busy putting together a super secret think tank to develop the brainwashing program.

I'm not supposed to tell anyone. The wife of my best friend from college knew a guy whose girlfriend was once dating a guy that worked on this program and she said he would never answer any questions about it so she inferred all the information necessary to blow the cover off this plan.

But it's too late now. I believe CODEX9987-A has already been activated. All this joke stuff about "Jewish Space Lasers" was just a diversion so no one would notice that they were putting in fiber optic cables into everyone's home. The really sneaky thing is they took into people's homes via the TOASTER.

So if you are in the kitchen, make sure your toaster doesn't have any new cables plugged into it. Just to be safe though the best way to keep them from beaming in the brain wash technology into your home is to PUT THE TOASTER IN THE FREEZER.

This is the only way to stay safe.

Stay safe my friend. You are not alone! Fight the power!
Walt is correct. These are not reactors per se. A reactor would leverage the use of a critical mass of a fissionable radioisotope and the neutron flux that causes the reaction to "go". But a nuclear battery, as I understand it, simply generates heat from radioactive decay which is then converted into electrical power by a thermoelectric effect.

Apparently the Russians abandoned a truck ton of these things all over the Siberian arctic. Just a big ol' chunk of highly radioactive materials in a container rusting away in the wilds of Siberia.
There's no nuclear battery on mars. There's no rovers or helicopter on mars either. You and Walt believe what you want but I know a little about nuclear power and it needs constant monitoring. That's why we don't have nuclear batteries in cars.

Spend 15 minutes reading about the atmosphere on mars. It's way too corrosive for anything mechanical. The dust storms make solar impossible. Walt makes up excuses for government lies, even when it comes to the lives of humans who lost everything in the Southeast US.
Nope. Reactors utilize FISSION reaction which is spontaneous in a critical mass of specific isotopes which have the proper neutron capture capability.

RTG's are NOT using Fission and just rely on the heat from normal radioactive decay of the isotopes.
BOTH are nuclear reactions, Sybil. BOTH devices are nuclear reactors.
There's no nuclear battery on mars. There's no rovers or helicopter on mars either.

Ahhh, got it. Sorry I mistook you for a rational adult. My apologies.

You and Walt believe what you want but I know a little about nuclear power and it needs constant monitoring.

RTG's are quite commonly used. The Russians put bunches and bunches of them out in Siberia and many are now abandoned. An RTG is NOT a nuclear reactor.

Spend 15 minutes reading about the atmosphere on mars. It's way too corrosive for anything mechanical. The dust storms make solar impossible. Walt makes up excuses for government lies, even when it comes to the lives of humans who lost everything in the Southeast US.

Ummm, yeah, just gonna leave this here and walk away slowly. I assume you are equally animaated about the moon landing?

How about a round earth? Is that a problem for you as well?
Walt is correct.
No, Sybil. You are wrong, no matter what sock you declare to be 'correct'.

These are not reactors per se.
They are nuclear reactors per se and by definition.
A reactor would leverage the use of a critical mass of a fissionable radioisotope and the neutron flux that causes the reaction to "go". But a nuclear battery, as I understand it, simply generates heat from radioactive decay which is then converted into electrical power by a thermoelectric effect.
Both are nuclear reactions, Sybil. Both devices are nuclear reactors.
Apparently the Russians abandoned a truck ton of these things all over the Siberian arctic. Just a big ol' chunk of highly radioactive materials in a container rusting away in the wilds of Siberia.
So? What has that got to do with the phase of the Moon, Sybil?
Nope. Reactors utilize FISSION reaction which is spontaneous in a critical mass of specific isotopes which have the proper neutron capture capability.

RTG's are NOT using Fission and just rely on the heat from normal radioactive decay of the isotopes.
Both are nuclear reactions, Sybil. Both devices are nuclear reactions. Go learn English.
Ahhh, got it. Sorry I mistook you for a rational adult. My apologies.

RTG's are quite commonly used. The Russians put bunches and bunches of them out in Siberia and many are now abandoned. An RTG is NOT a nuclear reactor.

Ummm, yeah, just gonna leave this here and walk away slowly. I assume you are equally animaated about the moon landing?

How about a round earth? Is that a problem for you as well?
Another reality denier. Are RTG's safe? It's a simple yes or no.
There's no nuclear battery on mars.
Yes there is. Indeed, there are several.
There's no rovers or helicopter on mars either.
Yes there is.
You and Walt believe what you want but I know a little about nuclear power and it needs constant monitoring.
Nope. Nuclear reactions will occur whether you monitor them or not.
That's why we don't have nuclear batteries in cars.
Nope. It's because lead-acid or lithium-oxide batteries are cheaper, and they can both be recharged.
Spend 15 minutes reading about the atmosphere on mars. It's way too corrosive for anything mechanical.
The Martian atmosphere is primarily CO2, N2, and Ar, with trace amounts of H2O, O2, and Ne. There is nothing corrosive about CO2, N2, or Ar. O2 and H2O are in trace amounts and won't cause corrosion. Ne is a noble gas and won't cause corrosion.

I think you had better go study Oxy-reduct chemistry. The spacecraft and rover are made of aluminum for the frame, with titanium wheels on the rover to better withstand the rugged terrain.

None of these materials react significantly with the gasses found in the Martian atmosphere.

The dust storms make solar impossible.
The dust storms aren't continuous at the landing sites.
Walt makes up excuses for government lies, even when it comes to the lives of humans who lost everything in the Southeast US.
There is no excuse for government lies.

Another reality denier. Are RTG's safe? It's a simple yes or no.

I am not a nuclear scientist so I would be unable to answer that. But that wasn't the point. The point is you don't think we have any rovers on Mars.

You are as worthy of a discussion as a moon landing hoaxer or a flat earther.
Nope. I know you are just going to gainsay what other people say but like your gambit with the EV oil change, you are simply wrong.
I already know you don't maintain your car, Sybil. You should change the engine oil in an EV after the first 1000 miles and every 50k to 100k miles thereafter (unless repairing damage). You should change your coolant whenever you open the coolant system as well, such as when replacing the ECU. The Cybertruck also should also have the coolant replaced if the vehicle ever gets shoved sideways, since that tends to destroy the steering system and it must be replaced.
I am not a nuclear scientist so I would be unable to answer that. But that wasn't the point. The point is you don't think we have any rovers on Mars.

You are as worthy of a discussion as a moon landing hoaxer or a flat earther.
You keep believing we have a rocket large enough to carry a payload to mars. By any chance are you American?
I already know you don't maintain your car, Sybil. You should change the engine oil in an EV after the first 1000 miles and every 50k to 100k miles thereafter (unless repairing damage). You should change your coolant whenever you open the coolant system as well, such as when replacing the ECU. The Cybertruck also should also have the coolant replaced if the vehicle ever gets shoved sideways, since that tends to destroy the steering system and it must be replaced.

Do I need to do anything with the onboard nuclear reactor I have?
-Sigh- Yes I'm an American. I'm also college educated and didn't eat lead paint as a child.
You may want to see if you can get the money back you spent on education. RTG's are not safe so do a little research before talking out your ass.
You may want to see if you can get the money back you spent on education. RTG's are not safe so do a little research before talking out your ass.

I don't think ANYONE on here was advocating for or against RTG's being SAFE. The debate was whether it was a REACTOR or not. It is not.

Do try to keep up.