Finally someone dumber than meme


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Police say 'money cleanser' vanished with $140,000
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Aug 12, 9:10 PM (ET)

LAKEWOOD, Wash. (AP) - Police said a mysterious woman known as Senora Monica offered to spiritually "cleanse" money for at least seven Hispanic families, but it was the families who got cleaned out. The woman vanished with $140,000.

The victims told police they met Senora Monica at a swap meet or heard her advertisements on Spanish-language radio. She advertised that she could help with anything from palm reading to infertility.

The families turned over their money for "cleansing" and were supposed to get it back Sunday night at the woman's storefront. She never showed, and police say much of the information on the business license for the store is false.

They're trying to figure out who she is. She's described as Hispanic, 30 to 40 years old, 5 feet tall and 130 pounds, with long black hair.
Oh I don't know, you rank up there pretty high on the dumb scale as far as I can least I don't have a multiple personality disorder..
Obviously there is no accounting for your mythical reading comprehension.

Obviously there is a reason for you to start a thread about other people just to put them down...have you figured out what that is? a lack of self love for yourself, a loathing for others, a need to show you superiority?

maybe you can explain that..
Obviously there is a reason for you to start a thread about other people just to put them down...have you figured out what that is? a lack of self love for yourself, a loathing for others, a need to show you superiority?

maybe you can explain that..

Looks like you've got an "admirerer"; but then that could just be another way to spell STALKER.
Admirer, stalker, I don't know what to call it... I do know it's some damn mean spirited shit...but that seems to be a norm for a lot of the more liberal posters here...I don't get it, and yet they call us the "hateful ones"..go figure..
Obviously there is a reason for you to start a thread about other people just to put them down...have you figured out what that is? a lack of self love for yourself, a loathing for others, a need to show you superiority?

maybe you can explain that..

For someone that is always whamming others down, perhapes you can answer that?

I did it because of your blind following of right wing pundits and total refusal to consider any other "facts" outside of what they spew.
For someone that is always whamming others down, perhapes you can answer that?

I did it because of your blind following of right wing pundits and total refusal to consider any other "facts" outside of what they spew.

Yeah.. And you created two alternate personalities so you can "debate yourselves" and pass it off as some strange faux intellectual exchange.

Yes, in your alternate universe I imagine you tell "yourselves" that's okey-dokey. :rolleyes:

You are a doofus. A relatively harmless doofus since basically we just laugh when we see you playing with "yourselves", but a doofus nonetheless.
For someone that is always whamming others down, perhapes you can answer that?

I did it because of your blind following of right wing pundits and total refusal to consider any other "facts" outside of what they spew.

well aren't you it's a hatred for people who doesn't think like you is your reason..
and you perceive I go around "whamming" others, so you just had to come to their defense because they are just so helpless to defend themselves...I see now..
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well aren't you it's a hatred for people who doesn't think like you is your reason..
and you perceive I go around "whamming" others, so you just had to come to their defense because they are just so helpless to defend themselves...I see now..

You still do not see.

I do not hate anyone on this board.

I am not defending anyone else.

still waiting on 2 or 3 more to chime in.
You still do not see.

I do not hate anyone on this board.

I am not defending anyone else.

still waiting on 2 or 3 more to chime in.

Hummm, you just go on and keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll be able to convince all three of you eventually..
Oh I don't know, you rank up there pretty high on the dumb scale as far as I can least I don't have a multiple personality disorder..
Us Hooples do but hey, what the hell, it makes life interesting and when all else fails, we can have a good time with a party of one! :)