Finally someone dumber than meme

Yes finally away from my conjured up title to the meat of the story. :clink:

Sure, if you really wanted the story talked about, it seems you wouldn't of conjured up a title that doesn't even relate to what the story is about, wouldn't you think? I know, it musta been one of your other personalities who did it..:rolleyes:
LOL, I only have one personality, it is hard enough being me. I always failed in my attempts at troll personalities.
For someone that is always whamming others down, perhapes you can answer that?

I did it because of your blind following of right wing pundits and total refusal to consider any other "facts" outside of what they spew.

Now you're just spewing BS, in what appears to be an attempt to force her to disagree with you; where you can then go and "request" that she disprove your accusation.

You fail
You still do not see.

I do not hate anyone on this board.

I am not defending anyone else.

still waiting on 2 or 3 more to chime in.

Only 2 or 3 more!!

Hell, you've already got that covered with your other personallities.
Just sign them in and you'll meet your goal.
Obama's plan has some pills for you...

I pay about 1k a month for a good health plan and get literally all the pills I want. I could go on a morphine pump if I wanted.

I do not NEED Obamas health care reform plan. But support it becuase of all the people that do need improved health care finiancial coverage.
Just a compassionate republican I suppose...
I pay about 1k a month for a good health plan and get literally all the pills I want. I could go on a morphine pump if I wanted.

I do not NEED Obamas health care reform plan. But support it becuase of all the people that do need improved health care finiancial coverage.
Just a compassionate republican I suppose...
If you knew what you're talking about you'd fight the Obama plan. All the pills must be clouding your judgment. *shrug*
If you knew what you're talking about you'd fight the Obama plan. All the pills must be clouding your judgment. *shrug*

I will support the Obama plan just because the right wing pundits hate it so much. To me that means it must help the little people in the end.

But to me the best soloution is to expand Medicaid and above a certain income level start charging graduated premiums based on income/family size.

Also exmept one reasonable sized home and car from the income/wealth calculations.
I will support the Obama plan just because the right wing pundits hate it so much. To me that means it must help the little people in the end.

But to me the best soloution is to expand Medicaid and above a certain income level start charging graduated premiums based on income/family size.

Also exmept one reasonable sized home and car from the income/wealth calculations.
There you go, a self-admitted reactionary with few ideas of his own. *shrug*
Sure. That's why you blame Bush for nearly everything. LOL

I blame the Bush minded people. Bush is just a figurehead.
I figure that the world would be better of without all those who voted for Bush in the 2004 presidential primary.
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