Yup. And this tells me that there is some hidden "cost" that is being passed on and will continue to be passed on with the government program. Covering the cost rather than dealing with it will bankrupt us.

Tort reform seems foolish to me if you do it by capping "rewards". It would be best to have losses covered by the side who loses, it would give incentives to fight false lawsuits rather than settle and incentive not to file frivolous lawsuits. One thing that I know, exempting the only available coverage from lawsuits certainly isn't beneficial to the consumer.

Could it possibly be that the "hidden cost" is greed and hefty bank balances?
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Could it possibly be that the "hidden cost" is greed and hefty bank balances?

... or a combination of profit margins, advertising budgets, lack of competition, CEO compensation, and inefficiency (20-40 percent overhead vs 2 percent for medicare)? In other words: everything that comes along with market monopolies.
Seriously... why not just expand medicare to everybody? Only giving it to seniors really doesn't make any sense, and it obviously has huge cost savings over even your best private plans.
Seriously... why not just expand medicare to everybody? Only giving it to seniors really doesn't make any sense, and it obviously has huge cost savings over even your best private plans.

No clue. It would also be harder for people to get seniors angry about it since they'd be attacking medicare, which would be retarded.
... or a combination of profit margins, advertising budgets, lack of competition, CEO compensation, and inefficiency (20-40 percent overhead vs 2 percent for medicare)? In other words: everything that comes along with market monopolies.

The unanswered question. One of several.
If it is, it is easily resolved through regulation rather than government takeover.

Do you believe that the threat of regulation of those issues would tame the crescendo from GOP naysayers and the for-profit industry? I have my doubts, demagogging any new healthcare plan is too good an issue for them to want to solve it.
Do you believe that the threat of regulation of those issues would tame the crescendo from GOP naysayers and the for-profit industry? I have my doubts, demagogging any new healthcare plan is too good an issue for them to want to solve it.
I believe that it is far more realistic when coupled with an actual study on the costs. If we find that is where the extra costs lie then we would have reason for it. Hence my suggestion to help those in the doughnut hole while we find out where this problem lies in order to adjust to "fix" the problems.

We also need to decouple insurance from the job. IMO, this is the worst thing that the unions "gave" us, rather than simply an account to pay for insurance that is not attached to the job we have issues that we may not otherwise have because it was attached to employment. There are better solutions than government control, most especially in a land where privacy rights are strongly valued.
[posted by Belme

Statistics have shown time and again that Medicare is operated more efficiently than the private sector and its participents are more likely to be pleased with it. Of course the GOP would like to revamp or destroy Medicare, it is an example of how wrong they've been for years.
The GOP added an additional 1/2 trillion dollar tab when they didn't fund Part D in the same manner that they didn't fund the Iraq War, thus tapping into the suplus. They then forbade it from negotiating for lower drug prices as do the VA and the private sector, driving up Medicare costs even more. Your friends throw up the road blocks and then complain about the results of those roadblocks! I should add they also made me a law breaker by saying I can't buy prescriptions from the cheapest sources available to me.(There go the GOP "free enterprise, free trade" arguments.)
I asked how you would handle the FRAUD which is overwhelmingly from the private sector.(Those great GOP bastians of Texas and South Florida being the areas of the greatest fraud. Coincidence?) Please direct me to the source for the "$313 billion in Medicare cuts." Are there expansions in other areas or are they new efficiencies?

The source is directly from Obama in one of his weekly radio programs in June.

How can you say that Medicare is operating efficiently when billions and billions of dollars are being bilked from them a year.

One defrauder said it's easy to steal from the government because they don't pay attention.

Remember Judge Davis saying "This thing (Medicare) is going broke and part of the reason is because money is going to criminals doing the $5 million whleelchairs and prosthesis, etc., etc., that don't come to anyone.

This is how our government works. It's out of control and we are the losers.
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Pardon me, I don't know who Fleckman is, why should I accept his interpretation as fact particularly when posted by one with a biased viewpoint? Why post interpretation without posting the content in context to support the conclusions unless there is something to hide? The lies are coming fast and furious, how can one trust interpretation from someone no-one knows?
Your language is very unbecoming, particularly on APP, Jamie Lee.

Einstein, you are moving up in the world of Harlequin!