The source is directly from Obama in one of his weekly radio programs in June.

How can you say that Medicare is operating efficiently when billions and billions of dollars are being bilked from them a year.

One defrauder said it's easy to steal from the government because they don't pay attention.

Remember Judge Davis saying "This thing (Medicare) is going broke and part of the reason is because money is going to criminals doing the $5 million whleelchairs and prosthesis, etc., etc., that don't come to anyone.

This is how our government works. It's out of control and we are the losers.

...and it is the criminals in the private sector defrauding it. Thank you for your concurrence. Now lets's supply the funds for investigating the fraud and supplying the detention space for those defrauding it as well as taking their licenses to practice forever. Knowing your concern, I'm sure you must agree.
...and it is the criminals in the private sector defrauding it. Thank you for your concurrence. Now lets's supply the funds for investigating the fraud and supplying the detention space for those defrauding it as well as taking their licenses to practice forever. Knowing your concern, I'm sure you must agree.
Well that and they pay 94 cents per 1.00 spent on health care, and the private sector picks up the slack in price increases.
I believe that it is far more realistic when coupled with an actual study on the costs. If we find that is where the extra costs lie then we would have reason for it. Hence my suggestion to help those in the doughnut hole while we find out where this problem lies in order to adjust to "fix" the problems.

We also need to decouple insurance from the job. IMO, this is the worst thing that the unions "gave" us, rather than simply an account to pay for insurance that is not attached to the job we have issues that we may not otherwise have because it was attached to employment. There are better solutions than government control, most especially in a land where privacy rights are strongly valued.

Do I hear you saying you, as am I, are opposed to an employer based healthcare system? Where to after decoupling? When?
Do I hear you saying you, as am I, are opposed to an employer based healthcare system? Where to after decoupling? When?
What do you mean "where to"? What is your car insurance coupled with?

I've been opposed to it for years and have said for at least a decade that it was the absolute worst thing the unions foisted upon us as improvements.

Just as I say that I believe that Social Security was one of the largest factors in almost eliminating the nuclear family.
...and it is the criminals in the private sector defrauding it. Thank you for your concurrence. Now lets's supply the funds for investigating the fraud and supplying the detention space for those defrauding it as well as taking their licenses to practice forever. Knowing your concern, I'm sure you must agree.

We already do that, but for every one caught, 3 more take their place.

The GAO lists Medicare as a "high-risk" government program in need of reform, in part because of its vunerability to fraud and partly because of its long-term financial problems. Fewer than 5% of Medicare claims are audited.
We already do that, but for every one caught, 3 more take their place.

The GAO lists Medicare as a "high-risk" government program in need of reform, in part because of its vunerability to fraud and partly because of its long-term financial problems. Fewer than 5% of Medicare claims are audited.

We agree once again, give them the resources for enough personel to audit and investigate EVERY suspected case of fraud, and to present those who defraud Medicare to authorities for prosecution. That, or establish a new branch in the FBI for that purpose. A few well publicised stiff sentences accompanied by losses of license may change things rapidly.
The problem would be no problem at all without a criminal segment of the private sector attempting to defraud a system many people are dependent upon.
We agree once again, give them the resources for enough personel to audit and investigate EVERY suspected case of fraud, and to present those who defraud Medicare to authorities for prosecution. That, or establish a new branch in the FBI for that purpose. A few well publicised stiff sentences accompanied by losses of license may change things rapidly.
The problem would be no problem at all without a criminal segment of the private sector attempting to defraud a system many people are dependent upon.
How much do you think this will add to the already high cost of the bill?
How much do you think this will add to the already high cost of the bill?

If the cost of fraud is as high as is being represented here, how much is too much if it accomplishes the purpose? What is another alternative?
I think this would be on another bill.
If the cost of fraud is as high as is being represented here, how much is too much if it accomplishes the purpose? What is another alternative?
I think this would be on another bill.
Either way we pay.

I'm not saying we shouldn't look for fraud, I just think we should trade. Get rid of drug laws and make the DEA enforce medical fraud instead. (And regulations on the sale of what are currently illegal substances).
Either way we pay.

I'm not saying we shouldn't look for fraud, I just think we should trade. Get rid of drug laws and make the DEA enforce medical fraud instead. (And regulations on the sale of what are currently illegal substances).

Now, that's an alternative!
Although I'm not a user, I totally agree. What are the chances? Very slight in the South I'm afraid.
Now, that's an alternative!
Although I'm not a user, I totally agree. What are the chances? Very slight in the South I'm afraid.
Until people realize that stricter punishment is not an alternative to rehabilitation it is unlikely. The land of the free has become the land of the imprisoned. However there is some hope, Tom Tancredo has come out in support of decriminalization. If Tom can see the light, anybody can with enough education.
We agree once again, give them the resources for enough personel to audit and investigate EVERY suspected case of fraud, and to present those who defraud Medicare to authorities for prosecution. That, or establish a new branch in the FBI for that purpose. A few well publicised stiff sentences accompanied by losses of license may change things rapidly.
The problem would be no problem at all without a criminal segment of the private sector attempting to defraud a system many people are dependent upon.

Yes, I agree with you on parts, but Medicare has not been run well to let this happen., probably for many years.
Yes, I agree with you on parts, but Medicare has not been run well to let this happen., probably for many years.

For starters, and barely scratching the surface, I would suggest you look up McAllen/Hidalgo County, Texas for multiple examples of Medicare fraud by doctors and the private sector. Then, proceed to Miami/ Dade County Fla., and after that, please tell me where the problems are coming from and what you feel should be done about it.
For many years members of a certain party have wished Medicare didn't exist, so now it's convenient to blame the victim. Who from the right is pushing hard to eliminate the fraud, now or in the past administration?
For starters, and barely scratching the surface, I would suggest you look up McAllen/Hidalgo County, Texas for multiple examples of Medicare fraud by doctors and the private sector. Then, proceed to Miami/ Dade County Fla., and after that, please tell me where the problems are coming from and what you feel should be done about it.
For many years members of a certain party have wished Medicare didn't exist, so now it's convenient to blame the victim. Who from the right is pushing hard to eliminate the fraud, now or in the past administration?

Medicare hasn't been run well, but how many of those Townhall protesters would give theirs up?
With all the problems of medicare fraud and other problem it has still been ran much more efficiently than the private sector health insurance. Lots less administrative and overhead costs.
Medicare hasn't been run well, but how many of those Townhall protesters would give theirs up?

We have experienced both systems in the past 3 years for comparison. I would have to say that Medicare has been a more pleasamt experience with the problems we did have. Wading through BCBS in my wife's case, was more difficult which was only solved with obstinence. The best part of the BCBS experience was the PUBLICLY operated state hospital(better than Mayo) and our choice of good doctors who were on our side vs BCBS. My guess is you found much the same thing. The Femara, as you know, is an ongoig thing and as a result, thanks to our GOP friends, I am a criminal. In this case they're right, it IS the government that's screwing things up, but it was their guys "running" it we have to thank.
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With all the problems of medicare fraud and other problem it has still been ran much more efficiently than the private sector health insurance. Lots less administrative and overhead costs.

you know, that gets repeated a lot in defense of the health plan.....I'm curious, do you know how they calculate that?....what gets included in the costs of administering Medicare? they include what the IRS spends in handling their accounts receivable? in Michigan, Medicare claims are processed by BC/ your numbers include what Medicare pays them to handle that?......for that matter, if Medicare is so much cheaper, why do we even hire BC/BS in the first place?.....because we want to go with the more expensive option of administration?........