First promise unfulfilled!

Possibly. However that isn't where the test was. The test was before when he gave Putin access to a pipeline that circumvented Ukraine territory (Nord Stream). Trump had it shut due to sanctions, Braindead opened it by removing those sanctions...

Anyway, his weakness contributed to the Ukraine invasion.

If you want to hear about the ME we'll start with sanctions on Iran and work from there. Once he started caving on sanctions against Iran they used their surrogates to involve the US in more foreign entanglements.
A minor incursion, right?
In January he us going to tell Zelensky to surrender large amounts of Ukraine's sovereign territories to Putin, or else he is going to cut-off all aid to Ukraine.

conqering Russia is a stupid idea.

neocons are retarded and should fuck off.
Possibly. However that isn't where the test was. The test was before when he gave Putin access to a pipeline that circumvented Ukraine territory (Nord Stream). Trump had it shut due to sanctions, Braindead opened it by removing those sanctions...

Anyway, his weakness contributed to the Ukraine invasion.

If you want to hear about the ME we'll start with sanctions on Iran and work from there. Once he started caving on sanctions against Iran they used their surrogates to involve the US in more foreign entanglements.
I think you are myopically looking at the situation through your political lens
I think you are myopically looking at the situation through your political lens
I think I have provided a succinct, though not detailed, evaluation. I think folks who dismiss these things are "myopically looking at the situation through a political lens"...

Three foreign wars he's entangled us in, all started due to his weakness. If Trump had the same record you'd absolutely have heard from me, just as you did with Bush. Though his nonsense was bluster rather than weakness. Beat the chest and make friends rich with war... Neocons suck.
They wanted it over right after October 7 of last year. They wanted to commence their attack, then go home and sleep peacefully in their bed.
Most of their beds have been vaporized…they can sleep on the floor.

Hamas made a very bad strategic mistake on Oct. 7.

They will never again be allowed to control Gaza.
Europe nations would be the first ones to withdraw from NATO if they don't pay their fair share, as they all did
when Trump told them to if they still wanted to have the U.S. to stand up for their problems. But I think it would be a good move for the U.S. to withdraw from NATO, and to immediately withdraw from the United Nations. Enough of this globalist
Yeah, but you are short sighted and clueless like most trumpers.

And you swallow trump's bullshit.
Who said that?
If you didn’t, you should have said it.

Your mierda posts about Trump did not yield the results that you wanted.

Trump flipped the White House, the Senate and it appears the House will be retained by the Republicans.

Your efficacy rating is about zero.

I expect two conservative Supreme Court justices will retire to be replaced by younger conservative justices ensuring a conservative court for decades.

Since you live near Trump, I might ask him to invite you to Mar-a-Lago…if the quality of your posts improves and your grammar contains fewer bob boos.
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