First Transgender Athlete to Win D-1 Championship

Not being a woman I can only give the opinions of the women in my life. To a woman, they all think that it is wrong. Cawacko, that’s 6 votes if you’re keeping a count. ;)

Haha. Having a five year old daughter who I have playing a number of sports it wouldn't shock me if at some point in her future she will compete against someone who is transgender. I know there multiple levels at play here, and the argument that if you don't support Lia you are transphobic, but that aside I buy the (lack of) fairness argument. There's a reason in sports those who take steroids or PED's are frowned upon (or suspended). Or why we get pissed at Little League baseball teams that change birth certificates to try and get older kids to play etc.

I personally don't really understand this whole changing of genders but regardless, to each his own and people can live how they see fit. There may not be enough numbers to allow transgender leagues, because I'm not against them playing sports, but what's happening with this Penn swimmer doesn't seem right to me.
Ranked #469 in men's competition. #1 in women's.

I had a friend who did this decades ago. He was already 50 when he went through the process. I never asked if he cut off his genitals. He was the ugliest woman I ever saw, with huge hands/feet. He was a really kind guy who nobody knew was suffering with gender identity issues. This was WAY before it was fashionable. I only saw him a few times a year, and I had heard that he was going to do this.

The first time I saw him as a woman, I had to leave the area to compose myself. Once I did, we spoke and I was fine. Save for the pink dress/shoes and gigantic feet.

Who cares if a man wants to transition? It's a personal thing, but competing in sports isn't fair until years of muscle mass reduction has been completed.

My buddy, who (ironically) died of prostate cancer, used to get into fights in bars with women. It really got weird.

Yes. This is a specific issue of 'competitive sports'. There's a reason that women have a different category than men in specific sports.
This is an interesting issue. Otherwise Left leaning people can disagree about this. I draw the line at unfair competition. I refuse to accept that 'there is nothing wrong with this' when it comes to fairness.

Gender reassignment already proves psych issues. Demanding to compete at a different sex without recognizing that you have an unfair advantage shows deeper issues.

Like the Seinfeld episode where we find that Kramer is dominating in karate class, because he's competing against children.

Haha. Having a five year old daughter who I have playing a number of sports it wouldn't shock me if at some point in her future she will compete against someone who is transgender. I know there multiple levels at play here, and the argument that if you don't support Lia you are transphobic, but that aside I buy the (lack of) fairness argument. There's a reason in sports those who take steroids or PED's are frowned upon (or suspended). Or why we get pissed at Little League baseball teams that change birth certificates to try and get older kids to play etc.

I personally don't really understand this whole changing of genders but regardless, to each his own and people can live how they see fit. There may not be enough numbers to allow transgender leagues, because I'm not against them playing sports, but what's happening with this Penn swimmer doesn't seem right to me.

I think the non-Wokesters agree with this assessment.
Haha. Having a five year old daughter who I have playing a number of sports it wouldn't shock me if at some point in her future she will compete against someone who is transgender. I know there multiple levels at play here, and the argument that if you don't support Lia you are transphobic, but that aside I buy the (lack of) fairness argument. There's a reason in sports those who take steroids or PED's are frowned upon (or suspended). Or why we get pissed at Little League baseball teams that change birth certificates to try and get older kids to play etc.

I personally don't really understand this whole changing of genders but regardless, to each his own and people can live how they see fit. There may not be enough numbers to allow transgender leagues, because I'm not against them playing sports, but what's happening with this Penn swimmer doesn't seem right to me.

Changing birth certificates is another form of "cheating." Also, some (many?) schools hold males back in the 8th grade so they are older and larger in high school. They do it by 8th grade because students are limited to the years they are eligible once they get to high school.
I now know that he has male genitalia, and is still attracted to women. I'm at a loss as to what his identity is?

A lesbian?

Poliwhore... That is, a self-serving, piece-of-shit that will do anything to get ahead. This clown is the ultimate Capitalist.
Curious what the women of the board think about this (and if it simply falls along partisan political lines). Lia Thomas is a transgender swimmer for Penn who just won the woman's championship. Do you have any issue with this? And is it possible to say 'I don't have issue with someone living their life as they choose but I don't think former men should compete against women in sports' or does it not work that way?

Do you have examples of transgender athletes who didn't win first place?
Wrong and unfair on every level. A genetic male is not the same as as woman in strength or otherwise.


In the meantime, there are high school girls who would otherwise excel and qualify for college scholarships, losing to men. If men want to compete with women, then they should start by removing their genitals, and then go through a series of hormone treatments aimed at reducing muscle mass and strength.

After that, the playing field would be more level. It takes a special kind of inferiority complex for a man to want to wrestle against women, compete in swimming/track, etc..

They do go through a series of hormone treatments. The rule requires at least one year of treatment before they can compete.
Yes, really. Doctors can tell if a collection of bones was a male or female years, decades, centuries or millennia after they've died. Hormones are not the only measure.

Sure if it's either XX or XY. If it's other kinds, might be a bit difficult to determine.
Sure if it's either XX or XY. If it's other kinds, might be a bit difficult to determine.

Doctors could do this before they knew of X and Y chromosomes. The skeletons are not the same in a number of ways and its very easy to tell when you are looking at bones.
Question: If say 500 years from now, some future archeologist were to dig up his / her grave and study the skeleton, would that archeologist determine that it was the skeleton of a man or a woman?
Doctors could do this before they knew of X and Y chromosomes. The skeletons are not the same in a number of ways and its very easy to tell when you are looking at bones.

Well yeah. I am pretty sure they can figure out the chromosomes that person had.

BTW, it's always this silly argument. It's silly because nobody claimed that just because a person identifies as a male or a female doesn't mean they think they are biologically male or female. Gender and sex are two different things, though related.