Fixing the cruise control !

After the Regime declares its candidates the winners we will got told constantly how awesome the campaign was, that this is why they beat Trump.
I got one of the last new cheap stick shifts in America. It is not bad that we have moved past it, but it is a little sad.
I used to have a Ford Ranger stick up until a few years ago. I ended up teaching two of my grandsons how to drive it when they came of age. Their parents had the theory that if they bought them a car with a stick, they'd be less likely to text and drive.
I used to have a Ford Ranger stick up until a few years ago. I ended up teaching two of my grandsons how to drive it when they came of age. Their parents had the theory that if they bought them a car with a stick, they'd be less likely to text and drive.
Driving a stick gives me a better understanding of how fast I am going. And makes it tougher to steal the car, because many drivers cannot drive a stick shift anymore.

At the dealership, the guy who normally drive the new car around to you could not drive stick. The manager of the dealership was the only person who felt comfortable driving a stick shift.

Nobody else in my family is willing to drive stick, so it is 100% mine.
Who gives a shit? WTF does this have to do with him being, potentially, President?
Don't be such a stick-n-the-MUD!

It shows he has a lot of common and typical manliness, Yankee ingenuity, and tries to be helpful to others.

You should try a little of that yourself. And so should J.D. I think. It would do a lot to change people's opinions of J.D. in a positive way. He just seems all too sissy-like to me.

If a man hasn't ever rebuilt an engine, or changed out the brakes on a vehicle, I don't have much respect for them.
After the Regime declares its candidates the winners we will got told constantly how awesome the campaign was, that this is why they beat Trump.
As soon as the Superbowl is over, the winning team is suddenly going to have all this positive press about how good their plays were.