My biggest complaint about math classes is that they are math classes, taught in a vacuum with no application. Dry as dust and just as ignored.
Teach math with applications. There is a reason this stuff developed. It was because of figuring out the application for it, and how that application worked.
This means, of course, that you are teaching history along with math, including the history of science and engineering. Unfortunately, history teachers do not know science or engineering, and science teachers do not know history. Some engineering teachers know a bit of history of the technology they are teaching, but are often weak on how math applies there and why.
Today's class structures teach mathematics without application. History teachers teach history without application to today. Many history teachers don't even teach history.
That's if they teach anything besides propaganda at all.
After 12 years of school, many of these kids can't even handle arithmetic. In some schools, 2+2=4 is now considered racist.