APP - Follow the money - this is what Copenhagen is really about

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As William Felt aka Deep Throat said about Nixon and Watergate, you should always follow the money. So applying this principle to Copenhagen it can be seen why so many big businesses and banks were represented there. They needed to renew parts of the Kyoto Treaty which dealt with carbon trading as these are due to expire in 2012. This looks set to take over from derivatives and securisation as yet another way to make money out of nothing.

RICHARD D. NORTH: Saved - the trillion-pound trade in carbon

By Richard D. North, Political Analyst
Last updated at 1:48 AM on 20th December 2009


The city of Copenhagen 'is a crime scene tonight, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport'. So said John Sauven of Greenpeace UK after the climate summit broke up. And he is right.

This is the biggest heist in history. As they poured carbon over snow-covered Denmark from their gas-guzzling jets, world leaders were congratulating themselves on securing a deal which will make their backers and financiers a trillion pounds a year. These riches will come from buying and selling permits, the so-called 'carbon credits' which allow industry and electricity generators in developed countries to emit carbon dioxide.


Hot air: Demonstrators protest against climate deal in Copenhagen

Forget 'Big Oil' - this is 'Big Carbon' making the most of a 'business opportunity' that was created by the first climate treaty at Kyoto in 1997.

The frenzied negotiations we have just seen were never about 'saving the planet'. They were always about money. At stake was this new 'climate change industry' which last year ripped off £129billion from the global economy and is heading for that trillion-pound bonanza by 2020 - but only if the key parts of the Kyoto treaty could be renewed.

With the treaty due to expire by 2012, unless it was replaced, the money tree would fail. Hence, all the power and vested interests of big business were brought into play, stoking up the panic over climate change to create an atmosphere where the parties could keep the money flowing.

Carbon Trading is barely 13 years old yet the scale of the industry is astonishing. Overall control lies with an obscure committee created by Kyoto, The Clean Development Mechanism Executive. It issues firms with the 'golden tickets' known as Certified Emission Reductions (CERs).

At Kyoto, Western governments set targets to cut emissions. In order to achieve this, they set 'caps' on the amount of CO2 a company can produce.

However, if they go over these limits, they may buy permits from firms who have not used up their quotas.

The developing world is not subject to the same caps as the West so they can generate CERs which are then traded by banks.

The actual emissions don't change, it's merely a matter of how much you have to pay for them. For example, in 2006, the NHS spent £6million on carbon permits to keep patients warm.


Cheers: Energy Minister Ed Miliband, right, applauds with other delegates as the Copenhagen accord is adopted

This was the real business in Copenhagen last week. The game was given away by the head of carbon markets for Merrill Lynch, Abyd Karmali - who is also president of the Carbon Markets and Investors Association.

As campaigners worried about the prospect of the talks failing, Karmali was happily explaining that the envoys would probably decide to extend the 'Kyoto Protocol' even if they could not reach an agreement on emission cuts. And it is those words which revealed what was really going on.

The carbon permits come mainly from rich industrialists in the Third World and state enterprises in China, created out of mythical savings in carbon emissions.

This is precisely what is happening in the west-India state of Gujarat, where the giant Tata conglomerate - which is closing down the Corus steel works in Redcar - is building a giant new coal-fired power plant.

It is four times the size of the proposed Kingsnorth power station in Kent, to which the Greens so violently objected.

Tata's new plant, which is the same design as Kingsnorth, will increase India's carbon emissions by 643million tons over its lifetime, and produce in a year CO2 equivalent to an eighth of the entire UK electricity industry.

Yet because it is more efficient than conventional plants, it is deemed to reduce the average carbon emissions of India's electricity generation system per unit of electricity supplied.

By this convoluted reasoning, not only does it qualify for cheap, green development loans from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, it will be given over £500million in free carbon credits by the UN to be sold, via brokers and financiers who all take their cuts. They will be bought by the likes of British electricity generators.

That is but one example of the insane system created by the Kyoto treaty, which was renewed in Copenhagen last week.
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So SCIENCE is now the NEW AGE GOD for lefties..and Al Gore is the global warming Messiah..

we've been saying all along FOLLOW THE MONEY..

Follow the money indeed , this is written by some con who gets money to attack science

You might have noticed that he used to be the environmental correspondent for the Independent, a UK left of centre newspaper. If you disagree then tell me how the carbon credit scheme is anyone other than another scam by big business, as a left of centre poster I would have thought you'd be against this global ripoff in the making.
Science has now become a TOOL to EXTORT monies and to be used as a bludgeon against people to CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLES..the commies used it just the same they used eco fascism..

all you need to look at now is the Progressive-Democrat party is adopting the same practices..
Science has now become a TOOL to EXTORT monies and to be used as a bludgeon against people to CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLES..the commies used it just the same they used eco fascism..

all you need to look at now is the Progressive-Democrat party is adopting the same practices..

So Goldman Sachs are a bunch of commies?
I very much doubt that there are many Democrats at Goldman Sachs.

Believe it or not there are actually quite a few. Remember Wall St gave more money this election cycle to Obama than they did McCain. Dave Corzine the former Senator and Governor of New Jersey was a recent Goldman CEO. Robert Rubin the Clinton Treasury Secretary ran Goldman. And Goldman's current CEO Loyd Blankfein is a Democrat.
Believe it or not there are actually quite a few. Remember Wall St gave more money this election cycle to Obama than they did McCain. Dave Corzine the former Senator and Governor of New Jersey was a recent Goldman CEO. Robert Rubin the Clinton Treasury Secretary ran Goldman. And Goldman's current CEO Loyd Blankfein is a Democrat.

I suspect they hitch their wagon to whoever can help them the most, I doubt that the majority in GS are dyed in the wool democrats or indeed Democrats.
I suspect they hitch their wagon to whoever can help them the most, I doubt that the majority in GS are dyed in the wool democrats or indeed Democrats.

why? it would burst the bubble you have of what a Democrat is..
they have some of you all snookered so well..
I suspect they hitch their wagon to whoever can help them the most, I doubt that the majority in GS are dyed in the wool democrats or indeed Democrats.

Well considering they worked in Demcratic administrations seems to indicate them being true Democrats. A lot of Democrats are rich so the idea that they are rich capitalists precludes them from being true Democrats doesn't really fly.