APP - Follow the money - this is what Copenhagen is really about

Science has now become a TOOL to EXTORT monies and to be used as a bludgeon against people to CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLES..the commies used it just the same they used eco fascism..

all you need to look at now is the Progressive-Democrat party is adopting the same practices..

1) It's Democratic. You look like a moron when you purposley type it wrong trying to be cute. It's not cute. You just look pathetic.

2) If people don't want to change their lifestyles that's your personal deal. Science can and will always speak for itself. All I'm saying is you aren't living with me.

3) For anyone who has studied seriously astronomy you would know things change environmentally slowly.

4) What the fuck is eco fascism? If you're a communist you can't be a fascist too. You shouldn't listen to Glenn Beck or Jonah Goldberg cause you look like an ass.
Believe it or not there are actually quite a few. Remember Wall St gave more money this election cycle to Obama than they did McCain. Dave Corzine the former Senator and Governor of New Jersey was a recent Goldman CEO. Robert Rubin the Clinton Treasury Secretary ran Goldman. And Goldman's current CEO Loyd Blankfein is a Democrat.

And it was Bush's buddy Henry Paulson who did it in the first place.
Well considering they worked in Demcratic administrations seems to indicate them being true Democrats. A lot of Democrats are rich so the idea that they are rich capitalists precludes them from being true Democrats doesn't really fly.

News flash: Democrats aren't against capitalism hon. :palm:
Well, I guess I have it all wrong then and Goldman Sachs isn't a predatory behemoth that wishes to eventually have its tentacles into all of government be it Democrat or Republican but a benevolent organisation working only for the greater good of man. I would have also mentioned Lehman Brothers but they are sadly no longer with us and the kind chaps at Goldman came to the rescue and scooped up their business. By the way, I have every few allusions that the Democrats are that much better than Republicans when it comes to big money, they are all Americans after all.

What does that have to do with Copenhagen? And yes with the Republican party getting more right wing and crazy the more moderate republicans are going to the Democratic party making them more conservative and as that happens more progressive left wing members are leaving.
The far left is opposed to carbon markets finding the most economically efficient way to reduce carbon for much the same reason as why they can't understand the free market.

Ah so we have someone who thinks they're a mind reader and knows every person on the "far left" in the country. Wow. And as far as the "far left" is considered what the fuck is that? Do you mean Democrats? They aren't far left hon. I'm way more left than them as a communist. And honestly the commie friends I have we don't really talk too much science but other issues.
Don't be fooled. Other countries, including the U.S. and good ol' Britain are champing at the bit to get in on the carbon tax action. We have at least one cap and trade law sitting in congress already. There's lot's of money to be made from extorting carbon fees.

And I can see scams galore in the process - specifically the sale of carbon credits which were never issued. Since they are fictional creations anyway, how do we keep track of the "genuine" government issued ones?

I don't see why anyone is surprised. Whenever there is money involved in anything there's someone trying to get a scam going. It's the nature of capitalism. That's why money shouldn't be involved but that's just me.
What does that have to do with Copenhagen? And yes with the Republican party getting more right wing and crazy the more moderate republicans are going to the Democratic party making them more conservative and as that happens more progressive left wing members are leaving.

Well, if you had read the rest of thread you would know that Goldman Sachs is one of the prime movers at Copenhagen for the extending of the Kyoto Protocol on carbon trading. They stand to make obscene amounts of money from it.
Well, if you had read the rest of thread you would know that Goldman Sachs is one of the prime movers at Copenhagen for the extending of the Kyoto Protocol on carbon trading. They stand to make obscene amounts of money from it.

Ugh. Why did anyone get them involved? Didn't they fail at their business? I would have at least gotten someone not in debt.....