For All You Climate Nutters Out There


Everyone does.

Everyone has the power to stop littering (regardless of any external pressures/laws/etc). Everyone has the ability to choose to throw a snicker's wrapper into a proper trash receptacle instead of throwing it along the sidewalk.

Yours. But really anyone's.

By you opening your mouth and socializing with other people instead of simply staring down at your phone as you walk around (like a zombie).

Either of those would work, but neither of those are required in order to socialize with people.

I'm talking about all of the litter that I see on the ground around me everywhere I walk in a leftist city that claims to be sooooooo concerned about "climate crisis". What about the litter crisis within your own city?
"Everyone has the power to stop littering (regardless of any external pressures/laws/etc). Everyone has the ability to choose to throw a snicker's wrapper into a proper trash receptacle instead of throwing it along the sidewalk."

Strawman. I never said anyone HAD to litter, but we're in the real world now, grandpa. People litter. The more people, the more there will be litter and it gets cleaned up.

I might need to change my signature to "Jesus Fucking Christ". It's like a fucking special ed class in here.
I have Grok too. Do you have any thoughts of your own?
No, AProudLefty doesn't have any thoughts of his own. On his own, all he has is his dumb word games.
Also, I'm not sure if you're aware how AI works.
He is not aware.
I get the feeling you think whatever Grok says must be true.
He thinks that whatever Grok says in accordance with his mind masters must be true. If Grok were to ever say something that opposes his mind masters, then he would reject Grok's answer.

AProudLefty operates just like an NPC (non-player character) does. He can only say/do whatever his programmers program him to say/do. He can only change what he says/does whenever he happens to receive updates in his programming.
LOL not exactly. I could demonstrate if I thought you could understand, but that's not likely so I won't bother.
Right. Grok isn't always correct. If it draws from incorrect info, then it will spit out incorrect info.

That's why humans were gifted with the ability to discern right from wrong. Some of us embrace it via practice and regular use of it; others of us never use it and let it go to waste.
It is.

It is.

No one is talking about 400 years of trash, Void. You are hallucinating again.

Yes it does.

So they can build their map of shit on the sidewalk.

They don't pick it up. It just washes away into the ocean as raw sewage.
"No one is talking about 400 years of trash, Void. You are hallucinating again."

That is exactly what you are saying. If you believe trash is piling up now, for the last x number of years, then you believe it's never been cleaned up.
Do you think the cities decided to stop cleaning up trash and human shit in the last couple of years?
Nope. Not even remotely close. In fact, I was in NYC about 2 years ago. We walked from basically Central Park all the way across the Brookly Bridge and never once did I, or my family, mention trash.
Apparently you're so used to living in such filth that you've grown accustomed to it being around you.

Instead, you'd be shocked if you ever stepped foot outside of a large leftist city and saw just how clean the environment was.
"Everyone has the power to stop littering (regardless of any external pressures/laws/etc). Everyone has the ability to choose to throw a snicker's wrapper into a proper trash receptacle instead of throwing it along the sidewalk."

Strawman. I never said anyone HAD to litter, but we're in the real world now, grandpa. People litter. The more people, the more there will be litter and it gets cleaned up.

I might need to change my signature to "Jesus Fucking Christ". It's like a fucking special ed class in here.
So now all of a sudden you deny your own post.
It's your opinion because you choose to play stupid word games rather than engage in real conversation because you are a troll and choose to play stupid continually.
The English language is not an opinion, Void. It's a fact.
You can't blame your word games on me or anybody else, Void.

Climate cannot change.
"No one is talking about 400 years of trash, Void. You are hallucinating again."

That is exactly what you are saying. If you believe trash is piling up now, for the last x number of years, then you believe it's never been cleaned up.
Do you think the cities decided to stop cleaning up trash and human shit in the last couple of years?
Never did, Void. You are hallucinating again.
Democrat run cities are filthy, crime ridden places.
What you believe is irrelevant to what is true. We were in NYC during COVID. We saw Lion King on Broadway and did exactly the walk I described.

Are you just committed to being wrong as often as possible.
I don't believe you. New York City is filthy and crime ridden, and was largely locked down during the Covid Hoax.
Someone forgot to change their socks.
You're right. You were supposed to post that as AProudLefty and then have your Dutch Uncle account like your post.
You've said repeatedly that trash is piling up. It's not. If the city allowed trash to pile up, there would be 400 years of trash.

SF also doesn't allow shit to pile up. Why the fuck to you think they have an app to notify THE CITY that a homeless person took a crap on the sidewalk? Do you think they're playing Shit Battleship ooooooor do you think it's so they can go pick it up?

There doesn't have to be 400 years worth of trash in order for trash to pile up.
Yah think? Do you think there's are city workers trailing every person to pick up every piece of trash as it hits the fucking ground?
Do you think that nothing is ever your own responsibility? Is it always someone else's responsibility (e.g. "city workers")?

For the intelligent people out there: Yes, I already know the answer to my own question.
Do you think that nothing is ever your own responsibility? Is it always someone else's responsibility (e.g. "city workers")?

For the intelligent people out there: Yes, I already know the answer to my own question.
Stop being stupid.