For Dixie: Bush States 'Iraq Compares To Vietnam'


Atheist Missionary
President George W Bush has accepted that the surge in violence in Iraq may be equivalent to America's traumatic experience in the Vietnam War.
Mr Bush told ABC News that it could be right to compare Iraq's situation to the 1968 Tet offensive, widely seen as a key turning point in the conflict.

But he denied that the rising number of Iraqi and US military deaths meant the Iraq campaign was failing.
Dixie doesn't talk about Iraq anymore. He knows that whenever he enters into any discussion about the situation in Iraq, that his words...his many many words ...can be quickly quoted and thrown in his face. Dixie - and this stupid pissant president that he worships so fawningly - have not been right about one single fucking thing regarding Iraq from day one. Every single prediction Dixie has made has been wrong. Every single rationale for war has been debunked. This ill-conceived and incompetently executed Iraq war has indeed made us less safe and made the world less safe. Much like the Iranian hostage crisis defined and doomed Jimmy Carter, the terrible terrible mistake of invading Iraq will be what history remembers about George W. Bush and his doting sycophants like Dixie will be tarred with the same ignominious brush.

Dixie, in his increasingly marginalized position, only serves to remind us of how great America still can be by so starkly and convincingly demonstrating the difference between what we have become and what we can still become.
I come here, day in and day out, patiently expressing my thoughts and ideas, only to have pinheads completely misconstrue what I said, and in some cases, completely reverse what I said. Endless arguments ensue, over what I actually said, versus what some pinhead thinks I said. The most commonly uttered phrase by Conservatives here, is "No, that's not what I am saying...."

So, it really doesn't come as a shock, that pinheads think President Bush said Iraq is like Vietnam. I figure, if Bush used the word "Vietnam" in the same paragraph as he used the word "Iraq," that is all you needed to assume he said Iraq was like Vietnam. As for reality, that is a different story.
So, it really doesn't come as a shock, that pinheads think President Bush said Iraq is like Vietnam. I figure, if Bush used the word "Vietnam" in the same paragraph as he used the word "Iraq," that is all you needed to assume he said Iraq was like Vietnam. As for reality, that is a different story.

In an interview with ABC News, Mr Bush was asked if he agreed with a newspaper columnist who had written that the current fighting in Iraq may be compared to the Tet offensive in Vietnam.

"He could be right," Mr Bush said. "There's certainly a stepped up level of violence and we're heading into an election."

Dixie, there is no need to sulk......
"Mr Bush appeared to suggest that steadiness of nerve could avoid a repeat of history, says the BBC's Justin Webb in Washington, although any comparison with Vietnam raises eyebrows in the US. "

So Bush's answer is 'stay the course', two days after James Baker stated that is exactly what isn't working...

Dixie, I know you are fond of the guy, but he is a complete fuck-wit.....
I don't see it. I think the Bush strategy in Iraq is much better than the strategy in Vietnam of leaving before the job is done. The fact that we didn't finish the job in Vietnam, is precisely why we have you pinheads yammering now. Had America always kicked ass and refused to bend to liberal will, you idiots would be accustomed to that by now, and there wouldn't be any calls to withdraw in disgrace, because you'd realize we weren't going to do that.
You misst the point entirely Dixie of the job should have never been started in the first place. Either in Nam or Iraq.
I think the Bush strategy in Iraq is much better than the strategy in Vietnam of leaving before the job is done.

Do you disagree with James Baker's assessment, and that of the senior general in the British Army that the current strategy of mindlessly 'staying the course', as the country collapses about our ears, has failed?
go look at Dixie's pronouncements about the insurgency, about his prediction of lessening violence...he has been WRONG - DEAD WRONG - about everything having to do with Iraq since the day we invaded.
go look at Dixie's pronouncements about the insurgency, about his prediction of lessening violence...he has been WRONG - DEAD WRONG - about everything having to do with Iraq since the day we invaded.

Now Maine, you forget how Dixie has explained how in each of those cases he was actually right by being wrong.
no...he was terribly wrong by being wrong... and the blood of nearly 3000 Americans is on his hands. he is a coward.... and a slanderous liar.
he is just incapable of ever admitting he made a mistake. That is really one of the most significant weaknesses any adult can have. Change and improvement in life is impossible if any and all self criticism is non-existent.

As much as I find him repugnant, I pity him for that as well.
I don't see it. I think the Bush strategy in Iraq is much better than the strategy in Vietnam of leaving before the job is done. The fact that we didn't finish the job in Vietnam, is precisely why we have you pinheads yammering now. Had America always kicked ass and refused to bend to liberal will, you idiots would be accustomed to that by now, and there wouldn't be any calls to withdraw in disgrace, because you'd realize we weren't going to do that.

"Finishing before the job was done"....what the hell does that mean?

Here we are, 40 years after the vietnam war ended, and while the vietnamese government certainly has its flaws, they are an emerging psuedo-capitalist society with good diplomatic relations with us. They never became a strategic threat to the united states after we withdrew.

So what would the point have been, to slaughter tens of thousands of more ameriancs in vietnam, as you suggest? Would you have been willing to die to continue "the good fight" in vietnam, even though history shows us that they never became a threat to us?
I think the Bush strategy in Iraq is much better than the strategy in Vietnam of leaving before the job is done.

Do you disagree with James Baker's assessment, and that of the senior general in the British Army that the current strategy of mindlessly 'staying the course', as the country collapses about our ears, has failed?

I would agree, if that is what we had done, unfortunately it's not. I understand it is your false perception and the lie you want to perpetrate onto the American public, and I even understand why you want to do this. Nevertheless, the strategy in Iraq has been dynamic and changing constantly, and will continue to do so, as we strive to achieve total victory there. Whenever you come up with a better plan to achieve total victory in Iraq, let us know what that is! Me and Bush would both love to hear it, and we welcome any suggestions on how to win and secure total victory in Iraq.