For Dixie: Bush States 'Iraq Compares To Vietnam'

And by the way... how many fucking threads do pinheads need to start on this? Is there some sort of contest to see who can post propaganda stories the most in a given day or something? Seems like, everytime one of these trumped up liberal bogus "news stories" comes out, there are at least a half dozen pinheads rushing to post a new thread on it. Maybe you figure it will carry more weight, plastered all over the front pages of the message boards? Maybe it makes you feel better to see it repeated over and over, like it's the only thing anyone is talking about? Whatever the reason, it's getting to be annoying, having to sift through thread after thread of the same story. Can we confine your blather to one thread?
I would agree, if that is what we had done, unfortunately it's not. I understand it is your false perception and the lie you want to perpetrate onto the American public, and I even understand why you want to do this. Nevertheless, the strategy in Iraq has been dynamic and changing constantly, and will continue to do so, as we strive to achieve total victory there. Whenever you come up with a better plan to achieve total victory in Iraq, let us know what that is! Me and Bush would both love to hear it, and we welcome any suggestions on how to win and secure total victory in Iraq.

Dixie: "Whenever you come up with a better plan to achieve total victory in Iraq, let us know what that is!"

Democratic Plans for Iraq:
Unfortunately, none of them involve total victory.

The panel appointed by President Bush himself, is ruling out the possibility of "total victory". The best we can do, after your disasterous war, is settle on the least bad option:

Baker's Panel Rules Out Iraq Victory

By ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun
October 12, 2006

WASHINGTON — A commission formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course has ruled out the prospect of victory for America, according to draft policy options shared with The New York Sun by commission officials.

Currently, the 10-member commission — headed by a secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, James Baker — is considering two option papers, "Stability First" and "Redeploy and Contain," both of which rule out any prospect of making Iraq a stable democracy in the near term.
Total victory???

What the Hell does that mean?

There is NO perfect outcome and for you to deludedly insist there is makes it clear to all just what an utter Putz you are.

Do us a favor and dream of Bush's jeans instead of a Perfect outcome.
You have a better chance of getting into Bush's pants than having your dreams come true in Iraq.
do you? do you really think that we will be able to babysit Iraq until the insurgency runs out of steam?

It seems as if that goal is as reasonable as building a skyscraper from jello
remember Dixie.... here is what you predicted back in the spring:

"Dayum... this news hit pinheads so hard, even the fringe moderate pinheads were devistated! Zarqawi’s death spells the end for al Qaeda in Iraq! There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads!"

you must admit, your track record on prognostication regarding Iraq has been absolutely abysmal.
I guess total victory means grinding the Iraqi's under our jackbooted heels. How dare they disagree with us or resist us.
Nope, just thought of it in response to your total victory thing.
It was how I thought you would view total victory.
But back on topic Dixie, do you deny that bush accepted the comparison between Iraq and vietnam ?
Nope, just thought of it in response to your total victory thing.
It was how I thought you would view total victory.
But back on topic Dixie, do you deny that bush accepted the comparison between Iraq and vietnam ?

Hell man, ANYONE can make a comparison between Iraq and Vietnam! John Kerry besmirched our troops in Vietnam, just like Iraq! See! Even I can make a comparison! It's the CONTEXT that is important, and you pinheads have proven you have no concept of CONTEXT. Things just fucking mean whatever the hell you feel like at the moment, and they can literally change with your moods! I've never seen anything like it in all my life! It's a miracle most of you manage to get through the day without getting killed or killing yourself.

There are FAR more differences than similarities, between Iraq and Vietnam, and any sort of objective analysis concludes this. Why you want to turn Iraq into another Great American Military Defeat, is totally beyond me! Why Democrats seem to want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, completely baffles me! How the hell does it benefit America to have Iraq be another Vietnam? Are you just too inept to realize, the entire middle east is at stake in Iraq? If we don't prevail with clear and concise victory in Iraq, if the terrorists have ANY sense of victory in the end, the entire middle east is gone! Forget peace! Forget oil! Invest in a fallout shelter!
Bush turned this into a defeat by starting it. Don't try to spin this off on me and those like me, we were against the invasion of Iraq from day one.
snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

how is the victory going so far, Dixie? The insurgency is overwhelming the country.... hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are running away from their homes to escape the burgeoning sectarian violence. The death toll is skyrocketing.

Wouldn't it be safe to say that your team has pretty much fucked this entire Iraq deal up from day one?
snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

how is the victory going so far, Dixie? The insurgency is overwhelming the country.... hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are running away from their homes to escape the burgeoning sectarian violence. The death toll is skyrocketing.

Wouldn't it be safe to say that your team has pretty much fucked this entire Iraq deal up from day one?

Of course not! it was those dadgummed cut and running liberal demoncrats.
yeah...except we've been the minority party sitting at the back of this bus while the republicans have been driving it over the cliff.
Bush turned this into a defeat by starting it. Don't try to spin this off on me and those like me, we were against the invasion of Iraq from day one.

According to the Congressional record, quite a few of you supported military action from day one. Sorry.

But you bring up another wonderful comparison to Vietnam, the left-wing anti-war scum who spat on our soldiers, are still alive an well in this war.

Tell me something? Why would America want to vote for people who have opposed our involvment in Iraq from day one, if the logical and rational objective is to win the war in Iraq? The reason Democrats don't have a viable plan to win the war, is because they don't support the war and plan to bail on the Iraqi people at the first opportunity. Let's just be honest about that.
According to the Congressional record, quite a few of you supported military action from day one. Sorry.

But you bring up another wonderful comparison to Vietnam, the left-wing anti-war scum who spat on our soldiers, are still alive an well in this war.

Tell me something? Why would America want to vote for people who have opposed our involvment in Iraq from day one, if the logical and rational objective is to win the war in Iraq? The reason Democrats don't have a viable plan to win the war, is because they don't support the war and plan to bail on the Iraqi people at the first opportunity. Let's just be honest about that.

You make no sense at all there. None lLike ME supported the war. some wussy demoncrats folded to the unpatriotic chant and such.

Why would we want to vote for someone who never supported the war ? Quite simple oh skully one, becase he would obvioously be smarter than bush and would not be likely got get us into a smiiliar mess. and might be smart enough to salvage what we can from Bush's blundering around.

"if the logical and rational objective is to win the war in Iraq? "

Here is your hang up, you just don't have a clue.

and fyi Dix, I am a registered Repbutliken :)
So you are sooooo wrong :)
And what do you mean we have no secret weapons Dix ? If you knew they wouldn't be secret now would they ?

We just have some problems using them on those we claim to be trying to win the hearts and minds of.....