For Dixie: Bush States 'Iraq Compares To Vietnam'

Bush has finally admitted that there are similarities between the war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam. The big difference between the two struggles for Bush is that he had a plan to get out of the war in Vietnam.
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To undermine the extremists means to eradicate the causes that feeds them

Let's be clear on this. The "cause" that feeds them, is the existence of Israel and Infidels in their world. Unless you want to eliminate Israel and convert to Sharia law, there isn't anything you can do to eradicate the cause that feeds them. You can chase your tail, you can try to appease them by giving them the things they claim they want, and they will most certainly accept them, then they will continue to pursue the cause that feeds them, your total and complete destruction.

Winston Churchill described this as feeding the alligator, and hoping he will eat you last.
Here's a newsflash for you... They don't get much more "enflamed" than to fly fucking airplanes full of innocent people into your buildings!

News flash for you.

The actions of extremists aren't the actions of the whole.

Radical Islam has always been opposed to the US, probably due to US support for Israeli terrorism, but radical Islam isn't the Muslim street.

You probably aren't aware, because of your distrust of history, but the extremists attempted to rise up the Muslim street before in the 90's and the Muslim street ignored them.

Iraq and the actions of the west since 9/11 have radicalised the Muslim street like never before. We are in danger of handing the extremists exactly what they want... a radicalised Muslim street willing to unite and rise up against western supported ME leaders in the face of a percieved common enemy.

Bush is likely to hand OBL et al the victory they desire.
To undermine the extremists means to eradicate the causes that feeds them

Let's be clear on this. The "cause" that feeds them, is the existence of Israel and Infidels in their world. Unless you want to eliminate Israel and convert to Sharia law, there isn't anything you can do to eradicate the cause that feeds them. You can chase your tail, you can try to appease them by giving them the things they claim they want, and they will most certainly accept them, then they will continue to pursue the cause that feeds them, your total and complete destruction.

Winston Churchill described this as feeding the alligator, and hoping he will eat you last.

I have an idea, let's go back to the Cold War and the great struggle against the spectre of World Communism and lets polish up those arguments about how the ___________________________(insert enemy here) is intent on taking over the world and the only obstacle that stands in their way is the US so we must take any risk, make any sacrifice, do whatever it takes to stop the spread of this _________________________(insert ideology here) to save the world from this scourge...
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Any, to Dixie and the bush cheerleaders that is a common problem in their mind.
they have to take the simple answer that all are like one.
If one hummingbird poked someones eye out by accident, all hummingbirds would become deadly and therefore need to be exterminated.
Anything resembling a complex answer eludes their mental capacity.
Ie all democrats and liberals are alike, etc..
The "cause" that feeds them, is the existence of Israel and Infidels in their world.

You have been rattling this bullshit for years, and for years we have been explaining to you that that isn't the case.

A very small group of extreme Islamists subscribe to this view. That isn't the Muslim street.

What radicalises the Muslim street are the actions of Israel in Palestine, Russia in Chechnya, the upholding of regimes such as the House of Saud.

You are a fool, you cannot differentiate between the mission statements of extremist groups and the perspectives of the ME's Muslim people (or maybe slightly anti-semitic)